Esempio n. 1
    def _parse_and_set_args(self, arguments):
        # the first index of arguments MUST be either activate, deactivate, or reactivate
        if arguments is None:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError(
                "'activate', 'deactivate', or 'reactivate' command must be given"

        command = arguments[0]
        arguments = tuple(drop(self.shift_args + 1, arguments))
        help_flags = ('-h', '--help', '/?')
        non_help_args = tuple(arg for arg in arguments
                              if arg not in help_flags)
        help_requested = len(arguments) != len(non_help_args)
        remainder_args = list(arg for arg in non_help_args
                              if arg and arg != command)

        if not command:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError(
                "'activate', 'deactivate', 'hook', or 'reactivate' "
                "command must be given")
        elif help_requested:
            from .exceptions import ActivateHelp, DeactivateHelp, GenericHelp
            help_classes = {
                'activate': ActivateHelp(),
                'deactivate': DeactivateHelp(),
                'hook': GenericHelp('hook'),
                'reactivate': GenericHelp('reactivate'),
            raise help_classes[command]
        elif command not in ('activate', 'deactivate', 'reactivate', 'hook'):
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError("invalid command '%s'" % command)

        if command == 'activate':
                stack_idx = remainder_args.index('--stack')
            except ValueError:
                self.stack = False
                del remainder_args[stack_idx]
                self.stack = True
            if len(remainder_args) > 1:
                from .exceptions import ArgumentError
                raise ArgumentError(
                    command + ' does not accept more than one argument:\n' +
                    str(remainder_args) + '\n')
            self.env_name_or_prefix = remainder_args and remainder_args[
                0] or 'base'

            if remainder_args:
                from .exceptions import ArgumentError
                raise ArgumentError(
                    '%s does not accept arguments\nremainder_args: %s\n' %
                    (command, remainder_args))

        self.command = command
Esempio n. 2
    def _parse_and_set_args(self, arguments):
        # the first index of arguments MUST be either activate, deactivate, or reactivate
        if arguments is None:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError("'activate', 'deactivate', or 'reactivate' command must be given")

        command = arguments[0]
        arguments = tuple(drop(self.shift_args + 1, arguments))
        help_flags = ('-h', '--help', '/?')
        non_help_args = tuple(arg for arg in arguments if arg not in help_flags)
        help_requested = len(arguments) != len(non_help_args)
        remainder_args = list(arg for arg in non_help_args if arg and arg != command)

        if not command:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError("'activate', 'deactivate', 'hook', or 'reactivate' "
                                "command must be given")
        elif help_requested:
            from .exceptions import ActivateHelp, DeactivateHelp, GenericHelp
            help_classes = {
                'activate': ActivateHelp(),
                'deactivate': DeactivateHelp(),
                'hook': GenericHelp('hook'),
                'reactivate': GenericHelp('reactivate'),
            raise help_classes[command]
        elif command not in ('activate', 'deactivate', 'reactivate', 'hook'):
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError("invalid command '%s'" % command)

        if command == 'activate':
                stack_idx = remainder_args.index('--stack')
            except ValueError:
                self.stack = False
                del remainder_args[stack_idx]
                self.stack = True
            if len(remainder_args) > 1:
                from .exceptions import ArgumentError
                raise ArgumentError(command + ' does not accept more than one argument:\n'
                                    + str(remainder_args) + '\n')
            self.env_name_or_prefix = remainder_args and remainder_args[0] or 'base'

            if remainder_args:
                from .exceptions import ArgumentError
                raise ArgumentError('%s does not accept arguments\nremainder_args: %s\n'
                                    % (command, remainder_args))

        self.command = command
Esempio n. 3
    def _parse_and_set_args(self, arguments):
        # the first index of arguments MUST be either activate, deactivate, or reactivate
        if arguments is None:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError(
                "'activate', 'deactivate', or 'reactivate' command must be given"

        command = arguments[0]
        arguments = tuple(drop(self.shift_args + 1, arguments))
        help_flags = ('-h', '--help', '/?')
        non_help_args = tuple(arg for arg in arguments
                              if arg not in help_flags)
        help_requested = len(arguments) != len(non_help_args)
        remainder_args = tuple(arg for arg in non_help_args
                               if arg and arg != command)

        if not command:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError(
                "'activate', 'deactivate', or 'reactivate' command must be given"
        elif help_requested:
            from . import CondaError

            class Help(CondaError):  # NOQA

            raise Help("help requested for %s" % command)
        elif command not in ('activate', 'deactivate', 'reactivate'):
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError("invalid command '%s'" % command)
        elif command == 'activate' and len(remainder_args) > 1:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError(
                'activate does not accept more than one argument:\n' +
                str(remainder_args) + '\n')
        elif command != 'activate' and remainder_args:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError(
                '%s does not accept arguments\nremainder_args: %s\n' %
                (command, remainder_args))

        if command == 'activate':
            self.env_name_or_prefix = remainder_args and remainder_args[
                0] or 'root'

        self.command = command
Esempio n. 4
def head_tail(it: Iterable[E]) -> Tuple[E, Iterable[E]]:
    Split provided iterable into head element and tail iterable.

    >>> head, tail = head_tail(iter([1, 2, 3]))
    >>> head, list(tail)
    (1, [2, 3])

    >>> head, tail = head_tail(iter([42]))
    >>> head, list(tail)
    (42, [])

    Raises :class:`StopIteration` if the original iterable is empty.

    >>> head_tail(iter([]))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    head, seq = peek(it)
    tail = drop(1, seq)
    return head, tail
Esempio n. 5
    def _parse_and_set_args(self, arguments):
        # the first index of arguments MUST be either activate, deactivate, or reactivate
        if arguments is None:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError("'activate', 'deactivate', or 'reactivate' command must be given")

        command = arguments[0]
        arguments = tuple(drop(self.shift_args + 1, arguments))
        help_flags = ('-h', '--help', '/?')
        non_help_args = tuple(arg for arg in arguments if arg not in help_flags)
        help_requested = len(arguments) != len(non_help_args)
        remainder_args = tuple(arg for arg in non_help_args if arg and arg != command)

        if not command:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError("'activate', 'deactivate', or 'reactivate' command must be given")
        elif help_requested:
            from . import CondaError
            class Help(CondaError):  # NOQA
            raise Help("help requested for %s" % command)
        elif command not in ('activate', 'deactivate', 'reactivate'):
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError("invalid command '%s'" % command)
        elif command == 'activate' and len(remainder_args) > 1:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError('activate does not accept more than one argument:\n'
                                + str(remainder_args) + '\n')
        elif command != 'activate' and remainder_args:
            from .exceptions import ArgumentError
            raise ArgumentError('%s does not accept arguments\nremainder_args: %s\n'
                                % (command, remainder_args))

        if command == 'activate':
            self.env_name_or_prefix = remainder_args and remainder_args[0] or 'root'

        self.command = command
Esempio n. 6
def test_drop():
    assert list(drop(3, 'ABCDE')) == list('DE')
    assert list(drop(1, (3, 2, 1))) == list((2, 1))
Esempio n. 7
def test_drop():
    assert list(drop(3, 'ABCDE')) == list('DE')
    assert list(drop(1, (3, 2, 1))) == list((2, 1))
Esempio n. 8
def _read_channel_configuration(scheme, host, port, path):
    # return location, name, scheme, auth, token

    path = path and path.rstrip('/')
    test_url = Url(host=host, port=port, path=path).url

    # Step 1. No path given; channel name is None
    if not path:
        return Url(host=host, port=port).url.rstrip('/'), None, scheme or None, None, None

    # Step 2. migrated_custom_channels matches
    for name, location in sorted(context.migrated_custom_channels.items(), reverse=True,
                                 key=lambda x: len(x[0])):
        location, _scheme, _auth, _token = split_scheme_auth_token(location)
        if tokenized_conda_url_startswith(test_url, join_url(location, name)):
            # translate location to new location, with new credentials
            subname = test_url.replace(join_url(location, name), '', 1).strip('/')
            channel_name = join_url(name, subname)
            channel = _get_channel_for_name(channel_name)
            return channel.location, channel_name, channel.scheme, channel.auth, channel.token

    # Step 3. migrated_channel_aliases matches
    for migrated_alias in context.migrated_channel_aliases:
        if test_url.startswith(migrated_alias.location):
            name = test_url.replace(migrated_alias.location, '', 1).strip('/')
            ca = context.channel_alias
            return ca.location, name, ca.scheme, ca.auth, ca.token

    # Step 4. custom_channels matches
    for name, channel in sorted(context.custom_channels.items(), reverse=True,
                                key=lambda x: len(x[0])):
        that_test_url = join_url(channel.location,
        if tokenized_startswith(test_url.split('/'), that_test_url.split('/')):
            subname = test_url.replace(that_test_url, '', 1).strip('/')
            return (channel.location, join_url(, subname), scheme,
                    channel.auth, channel.token)

    # Step 5. channel_alias match
    ca = context.channel_alias
    if ca.location and tokenized_startswith(test_url.split('/'), ca.location.split('/')):
        name = test_url.replace(ca.location, '', 1).strip('/') or None
        return ca.location, name, scheme, ca.auth, ca.token

    # Step 6. not-otherwise-specified file://-type urls
    if host is None:
        # this should probably only happen with a file:// type url
        assert port is None
        location, name = test_url.rsplit('/', 1)
        if not location:
            location = '/'
        _scheme, _auth, _token = 'file', None, None
        return location, name, _scheme, _auth, _token

    # Step 7. fall through to host:port as channel_location and path as channel_name
    #  but bump the first token of paths starting with /conda for compatibility with
    #  Anaconda Enterprise Repository software.
    bump = None
    path_parts = path.strip('/').split('/')
    if path_parts and path_parts[0] == 'conda':
        bump, path = 'conda', '/'.join(drop(1, path_parts))
    return (Url(host=host, port=port, path=bump).url.rstrip('/'), path.strip('/') or None,
            scheme or None, None, None)
Esempio n. 9
def _read_channel_configuration(scheme, host, port, path):
    # return location, name, scheme, auth, token

    path = path and path.rstrip('/')
    test_url = Url(host=host, port=port, path=path).url

    # Step 1. No path given; channel name is None
    if not path:
        return Url(host=host, port=port).url.rstrip('/'), None, scheme or None, None, None

    # Step 2. migrated_custom_channels matches
    for name, location in sorted(context.migrated_custom_channels.items(), reverse=True,
                                 key=lambda x: len(x[0])):
        location, _scheme, _auth, _token = split_scheme_auth_token(location)
        if tokenized_conda_url_startswith(test_url, join_url(location, name)):
            # translate location to new location, with new credentials
            subname = test_url.replace(join_url(location, name), '', 1).strip('/')
            channel_name = join_url(name, subname)
            channel = _get_channel_for_name(channel_name)
            return channel.location, channel_name, channel.scheme, channel.auth, channel.token

    # Step 3. migrated_channel_aliases matches
    for migrated_alias in context.migrated_channel_aliases:
        if test_url.startswith(migrated_alias.location):
            name = test_url.replace(migrated_alias.location, '', 1).strip('/')
            ca = context.channel_alias
            return ca.location, name, ca.scheme, ca.auth, ca.token

    # Step 4. custom_channels matches
    for name, channel in sorted(context.custom_channels.items(), reverse=True,
                                key=lambda x: len(x[0])):
        that_test_url = join_url(channel.location,
        if tokenized_startswith(test_url.split('/'), that_test_url.split('/')):
            subname = test_url.replace(that_test_url, '', 1).strip('/')
            return (channel.location, join_url(, subname), scheme,
                    channel.auth, channel.token)

    # Step 5. channel_alias match
    ca = context.channel_alias
    if ca.location and tokenized_startswith(test_url.split('/'), ca.location.split('/')):
        name = test_url.replace(ca.location, '', 1).strip('/') or None
        return ca.location, name, scheme, ca.auth, ca.token

    # Step 6. not-otherwise-specified file://-type urls
    if host is None:
        # this should probably only happen with a file:// type url
        assert port is None
        location, name = test_url.rsplit('/', 1)
        if not location:
            location = '/'
        _scheme, _auth, _token = 'file', None, None
        return location, name, _scheme, _auth, _token

    # Step 7. fall through to host:port as channel_location and path as channel_name
    #  but bump the first token of paths starting with /conda for compatibility with
    #  Anaconda Enterprise Repository software.
    bump = None
    path_parts = path.strip('/').split('/')
    if path_parts and path_parts[0] == 'conda':
        bump, path = 'conda', '/'.join(drop(1, path_parts))
    return (Url(host=host, port=port, path=bump).url.rstrip('/'), path.strip('/') or None,
            scheme or None, None, None)
def test_drop():
    assert list(drop(3, "ABCDE")) == list("DE")
    assert list(drop(1, (3, 2, 1))) == list((2, 1))
Esempio n. 11
def test_drop():
    assert list(drop(3, "ABCDE")) == list("DE")
    assert list(drop(1, (3, 2, 1))) == list((2, 1))