def _reduce_with_count(pairwise, iterator, accumulator=None): """Return both the result of the reduction and the number of elements. Parameters ---------- pairwise : function (a -> b -> a) The function with which to reduce the `iterator` sequence. iterator : iterable The sequence being reduced. accumulator : type "a", optional An initial value with which to perform the reduction. Returns ------- result : type "a" The result of the reduce operation. count : int The number of elements that were accumulated. Examples -------- >>> x = [5, 6, 7] >>> _reduce_with_count(np.add, x) (18, 3) """ def new_pairwise(a, b): (elem1, c1), (elem2, c2) = a, b return pairwise(elem1, elem2), c2 new_iter = zip(iterator, it.count(1)) new_acc = (0, accumulator) return tz.reduce(new_pairwise, new_iter, new_acc)
def _reduce_with_count(pairwise, iterator, accumulator=None): """Return both the result of the reduction and the number of elements. Parameters ---------- pairwise : function (a -> b -> a) The function with which to reduce the `iterator` sequence. iterator : iterable The sequence being reduced. accumulator : type "a", optional An initial value with which to perform the reduction. Returns ------- result : type "a" The result of the reduce operation. count : int The number of elements that were accumulated. Examples -------- >>> x = [5, 6, 7] >>> _reduce_with_count(np.add, x) (18, 3) """ def new_pairwise(a, b): (elem1, c1), (elem2, c2) = a, b return pairwise(elem1, elem2), c2 new_iter = it.izip(iterator, it.count(1)) new_acc = (0, accumulator) return tlz.reduce(new_pairwise, new_iter, new_acc)
def put_in(keys, coll, val): """Inverse of get_in, but does type promotion in the case of lists""" if keys: holder = reduce(operator.getitem, keys[:-1], coll) if isinstance(holder, tuple): holder = list(holder) coll = put_in(keys[:-1], coll, holder) holder[keys[-1]] = val else: coll = val return coll
def getFuncsIndex(self): for elt in ast.walk(self.node): if isinstance(elt, ast.Name): indice = self.getIndice(elt) if hasattr(elt, "func"): self.funcs = merge_with(lambda x: reduce(add, x, []), self.funcs, {elt.func: [indice]}) for key in self.funcs.keys(): self.funcsIndex[key] = itemmap(lambda kv, key=key: (kv[0], (int(kv[0] in self.funcs[key]), )), self.index)
def basic_validate(net, criterion, val_batches): print('running validation ... ', end='') net.eval() start = time() with torch.no_grad(): validate_fn = val_step(compute_loss(net, criterion)) n_data, tot_loss = reduce(lambda a, b: (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]), starmap(validate_fn, val_batches), (0, 0)) val_loss = tot_loss / n_data print('validation finished in {}'.format( timedelta(seconds=int(time() - start)))) print('validation loss: {:.4f} ... '.format(val_loss)) return {'loss': val_loss}
def write(values, filepath): """Writes a sequence of values to a filepath Args: filepath (str): Full path of raster file to write values (sequence): Values to write Returns: tuple: (filepath, bytes written) """ with open(filepath, 'w+') as handle: return (filepath, reduce(add, map(handle.write, values)))
def verify_merkle_proof(root: Hash32, item: Hashable, item_index: int, proof: MerkleProof) -> bool: """Verify a Merkle proof against a root hash.""" leaf = keccak(item) branch_indices = get_branch_indices(item_index, len(proof)) node_orderers = [ identity if branch_index % 2 == 0 else reversed for branch_index in branch_indices ] proof_root = reduce( lambda n1, n2_and_order: _calc_parent_hash(*n2_and_order[1] ([n1, n2_and_order[0]])), zip(proof, node_orderers), leaf, ) return proof_root == root
def basic_validate(net, criterion, val_batches): print('running validation ... ', end='') net.eval() start = time() with torch.no_grad(): validate_fn = val_step(compute_loss(net, criterion)) n_data, tot_loss = reduce( lambda a, b: (a[0]+b[0], a[1]+b[1]), starmap(validate_fn, val_batches), (0, 0) ) val_loss = tot_loss / n_data print( 'validation finished in {} '.format( timedelta(seconds=int(time()-start))) ) print('validation loss: {:.4f} ... '.format(val_loss)) return {'loss': val_loss}
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> iter: if key not in raise ValueError( dedent("""\ Key '{}' is invalid! Valid keys: {} """.format( key, reduce(lambda k1, k2: '{}, {}'.format(k1, k2), map(lambda k: "'{}'".format(k), ref =[key] if 'api' not in ref: ref['api'] = 'dbpy' # default api api = ref['api'] # load reader if key not in self.cache: print("Loading '{}' reader...".format(key)) if api not in ('dbpy', 'stpy'): raise ValueError("Invalid api type '{}'!".format(api)) if 'id' not in ref: ref['id'] = key # default id id = ref['id'] if api == 'dbpy': self.cache[key] = fromiter( read_syncdatalist_float(id, self.hi_tag, tuple(map(int, self.low_tags))), 'float') if api == 'stpy': self.cache[key] = StorageWrapper(*map(int, self.runs), beamline=self.beamline, id=id) if 'deco' not in ref: ref['deco'] = identity # default deco print('Loaded!') data = self.cache[key] deco = ref['deco'] if hasattr(ref['deco'], '__call__') else eval( ref['deco']) if api == 'dbpy': return map(deco, data) if api == 'stpy': return map(compose(deco, data.__getitem__), self.low_tags)
def symmetric(datemap): """Returns a sequence of dates that are common to all map values if all datemap values are represented, else Exception. Args: datemap: {key: [datestrings,]} Returns: Sequence of date strings or Exception Example: >>> common({"reds": [ds3, ds1, ds2], "blues": [ds2, ds3, ds1]}) [2, 3, 1] >>> >>> common({"reds": [ds3, ds1], "blues": [ds2, ds3, ds1]}) Exception: reds:[3, 1] does not match blues:[2, 3, 1] """ def check(a, b): """Reducer for efficiently comparing two unordered sequences. Executes in linear(On) time. Args: a: {k:[datestring1, datestring2...]} b: {k:[datestring2, datestring1...]} Returns: b if a == b, else Exception with details """ if f.seqeq(second(a), second(b)): return b else: msg = ('assymetric dates detected - {} != {}' .format(first(a), first(b))) msga = '{}{}'.format(first(a), second(a)) msgb = '{}{}'.format(first(b), second(b)) raise Exception('\n\n'.join([msg, msga, msgb])) return second(reduce(check, datemap.items()))
def chips(x, y, acquired, ubids, url, resource='/chips'): """Returns chips from a Chipmunk url given x, y, date range and ubid sequence Args: x (int): projection coordinate x y (int): projection coordinate y acquired (str): ISO8601 daterange '2012-01-01/2014-01-03' ubids (sequence): sequence of ubids url (str): protocol://host:port/path resource (str): /chips/resource/path (default: /chips) Returns: tuple: chips Example: >>> chipmunk.chips(url='http://host:port/path', x=123456, y=789456, acquired='2012-01-01/2014-01-03', ubids=['LE07_SRB1', 'LT05_SRB1']) (LE07_SRB1_DATE1, LT05_SRB1_DATE2, LE07_SRB1_DATE2, ...) """ url = '{}{}'.format(url, resource) params = [{'x': x, 'y': y, 'acquired': acquired, 'ubid': u } for u in ubids] def request(url, params): r = requests.get(url=url, params=params) body = r.json() if not r.ok: logger.error("{} at {} for {}".format(body, url, params)) return None else: return body responses = [request(url=url, params=p) for p in params] return tuple(reduce(add, filter(lambda x: type(x) in [list, tuple], responses), []))
def multi_basic_validate(net, criterion, val_batches): print('running validation ... ', end='') net.eval() start = time() with torch.no_grad(): validate_fn = multi_val_step(compute_loss(net, criterion)) n, tot_loss, tot_p, tot_r, tot_f = reduce( lambda a, b: (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2], a[3] + b[3], a[4] + b[4]), starmap(validate_fn, val_batches), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) val_loss = tot_loss / n val_p = tot_p / n val_r = tot_r / n val_f = tot_f / n print( 'validation finished in {} '.format( timedelta(seconds=int(time() - start)))) print('validation precision: {:.4f} ... '.format(val_loss)) print('validation p: {:.4f} ... '.format(val_p)) print('validation r: {:.4f} ... '.format(val_r)) print('validation f: {:.4f} ... '.format(val_f)) return {'loss': val_loss}
def flip_keys(dods): """Accepts a dictionary of dictionaries and flips the outer and inner keys. All inner dictionaries must have a consistent set of keys or key Exception is raised. Args: dods: dict of dicts Returns: dict of dicts with inner and outer keys flipped Example: >>> dods = {"reds": {(0, 0): [110, 110, 234, 664], (0, 1): [23, 887, 110, 111]}, "greens": {(0, 0): [120, 112, 224, 624], (0, 1): [33, 387, 310, 511]}, "blues": {(0, 0): [128, 412, 244, 654], (0, 1): [73, 987, 119, 191]}, >>> flip_keys(dods) {(0, 0): {"reds": [110, 110, 234, 664], "greens": [120, 112, 224, 624], "blues": [128, 412, 244, 654], ... }, (0, 1), {"reds": [23, 887, 110, 111], "greens": [33, 387, 310, 511], "blues": [73, 987, 119, 191], ... }} """ def flip(innerkeys, outerkeys, inputs): for ik in innerkeys: yield({ik: {ok: inputs[ok][ik] for ok in outerkeys}}) outerkeys = set(dods.keys()) innerkeys = set(reduce(lambda accum, v: accum + v, [list(dods[ok].keys()) for ok in outerkeys])) return merge(flip(innerkeys, outerkeys, dods))
def flow(*args): return lambda k, v, p: reduce( lambda tup, f: f(tup[0], tup[1], tup[2]) + (tup[2], ), args, (k, v, p))[0:2]
def logging_once(self, step): """Log information at one step""" do = self.valid # Print console info '[step=%04d]' '[dslt=%6.3f]' '[btpt=%6.3f],' '[cs1t=%6.3f]' '[cs2t=%6.3f]' '[ebpt=%6.3f],' '[ss1t=%6.3f]' '[ss2t=%6.3f]' '[expt=%6.3f]', # step,,,,,,,, '[step=%04d]' '[step-1-attn-loss=%8.1fb]' '[step-2-attn-loss=%8.1fb]' '[step-3-attn-loss=%8.1fb]' '[step-1-area=%5.3f/%5.3f]' '[step-2-area=%5.3f/%5.3f]' '[step-3-area=%5.3f/%5.3f]', # step,,,,,,,,, avg_embd_bytes = np.mean([msg.size for msg in do.embedded_messages]) avg_extt_bytes = np.mean([msg.size for msg in do.extracted_messages]) total_pixels = tz.reduce(operator.mul, do.cover_images.shape[2:]) '[embd-payload=%6db/%6dP(%5.2f)]' '[extt-payload=%6db/%8dP(%5.2f)],' '[msg-diff=%10.3fb/%10db(%05.2f%%)]' '[msg-EDis=%10.3fb/%10db(%05.2f%%)]', # avg_embd_bytes * 8, total_pixels, avg_embd_bytes * 8 / total_pixels, avg_extt_bytes * 8, total_pixels, avg_extt_bytes * 8 / total_pixels,, avg_embd_bytes * 8, / (avg_embd_bytes * 8) * 100,, avg_embd_bytes * 8, / (avg_embd_bytes * 8) * 100)
def mask(v): return reduce(logical_or, (__mask(*reg, v=v) for reg in regs))