def get_report(self, ser): with mysql() as cursor: sql = 'SELECT * FROM report where ser = %s' cursor.execute(sql, (ser, )) result = cursor.fetchone() # 获取查询结果 return result
def list_attachs(self, sers): with mysql() as cursor: sql = 'SELECT filename FROM attach where ser in (%s)' % ','.join( ['%s'] * len(sers)) cursor.execute(sql, sers) result = cursor.fetchall() # 获取查询结果 return result
def add_report(self, imgs, reportInfo): try: if imgs: # 如果有上传图片 img_ids = [] for i in imgs: with mysql() as cursor: sql = "INSERT INTO attach(filename) VALUES (%s)" cursor.executemany(sql, (i, )) img_ids.append(str(cursor.lastrowid)) reportInfo.append(','.join(img_ids)) else: reportInfo.append('') with mysql() as cursor: sql = "INSERT INTO report(title,content,informer,informerPhone,informerAddress,Attach) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" cursor.execute(sql, reportInfo) return 200, '举报已提交' except Exception as ex: return 500, '举报提交失败'
def list_report(self, index, rows): with mysql() as cursor: sql = 'SELECT * FROM report order by ser desc limit %s,%s' cursor.execute(sql, (index, rows)) result = cursor.fetchall() sql = 'SELECT count(1) as count FROM report' cursor.execute(sql) count = cursor.fetchone() # 获取查询结果 return count, result
def reply_report(self, ser): with mysql() as cursor: sql = 'update report set IsReply = True,ReplyTime = %s where ser = %s' curtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) return cursor.execute(sql, (curtime, ser))