Esempio n. 1
 def deleteAccount(self, aid):
     dao = AccountDAO()
     if not dao.getAccountById(aid):
         return jsonify(Error="Account not found."), 404
         return jsonify(DeleteStatus="OK"), 200
Esempio n. 2
    def searchAccountCredentials(self, aid, args):

        daoAcc = AccountDAO()
        dao = CredentialDAO()

        if not daoAcc.getAccountById(aid):
            return jsonify(Error = 'Account Not Found'), 404

        username = args.get('username')
        password = args.get('password')

        credentials_list = []

        if (len(args) == 2) and username and password:
            credentials_list = dao.getAccountCredentialsByUsernamePassword(aid, username, password)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and username:
            credentials_list = dao.getAccountCredentialsByUsername(aid, username)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and password:
            credentials_list = dao.getAccountCredentialsByPassword(aid, password)
            return jsonify(Error = "Malformed query string"), 400
        result_list = []
        for row in credentials_list:
            result = self.build_credential_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Credentials = result_list)
Esempio n. 3
 def getAccountById(self, aid):
     dao = AccountDAO()
     row = dao.getAccountById(aid)
     if not row:
         return jsonify(Error="Account Not Found"), 404
         account = self.build_account_dict(row)
         return jsonify(Account=account)
Esempio n. 4
 def getAllAccounts(self):
     dao = AccountDAO()
     accounts_list = dao.getAllAccounts()
     result_list = []
     for account in accounts_list:
         result = self.build_account_dict(account)
     return jsonify(Accounts=result_list)
Esempio n. 5
    def getAccountCredentials(self, aid):

        daoAcc = AccountDAO()
        dao = CredentialDAO()

        if not daoAcc.getAccountById(aid):
            return jsonify(Error = 'Account Not Found'), 404

        credentials_list = dao.getAccountCredentials(aid)
        results_list = []
        for row in credentials_list:
            result = self.build_credential_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Credentials = results_list)
    def getAccountAddress(self, aid):

        daoAcc = AccountDAO()
        dao = AddressDAO()

        if not daoAcc.getAccountById(aid):
            return jsonify(Error='Account Not Found'), 404

        address_list = dao.getAccountAddress(aid)
        results_list = []
        for row in address_list:
            result = self.build_address_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Address=results_list)
    def getAccountCity(self, aid):

        daoAcc = AccountDAO()
        dao = CityDAO()

        if not daoAcc.getAccountById(aid):
            return jsonify(Error='Account Not Found'), 404

        cities_list = dao.getAccountCity(aid)
        result_list = []
        for row in cities_list:
            result = self.build_city_dict(row)
        return jsonify(City=result_list)
Esempio n. 8
    def getAccountRegion(self, aid):

        daoAcc = AccountDAO()
        dao = RegionDAO()

        if not daoAcc.getAccountById(aid):
            return jsonify(Error='Account Not Found'), 404

        regions_list = dao.getAccountRegion(aid)
        result_list = []
        for row in regions_list:
            result = self.build_region_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Region=result_list)
Esempio n. 9
    def getAccountsOnThisAddressID(self, addId):

        daoAdd = AddressDAO()
        dao = AccountDAO()

        if not daoAdd.getAddressById(addId):
            return jsonify(Error='Address Not Found'), 404

        accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisAddressID(addId)
        result_list = []
        for row in accounts_list:
            result = self.build_account_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Accounts=result_list)
Esempio n. 10
    def getAccountWithThisUsername(self, username):

        daoCred = CredentialDAO()
        dao = AccountDAO()

        if not daoCred.getCredentialsByUsername(username):
            return jsonify(Error='Credentials Not Found'), 404

        accounts_list = dao.getAccountWithThisUsername(username)

        result_list = []
        for row in accounts_list:
            result = self.build_account_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Accounts=result_list)
Esempio n. 11
    def getAccountsOnThisRegion(self, rname):

        daoReg = RegionDAO()
        dao = AccountDAO()

        if not daoReg.getRegionByName(rname):
            return jsonify(Error="Region Not Found"), 404

        accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegion(rname)

        result_list = []
        for row in accounts_list:
            result = self.build_account_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Accounts=result_list)
Esempio n. 12
    def getAccountsOnThisCity(self, cname):

        dao = AccountDAO()
        daoCities = CityDAO()

        if not daoCities.getCityByName(cname):
            return jsonify(Error="City Not Found"), 404

        accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisCity(cname)

        result_list = []
        for row in accounts_list:
            result = self.build_account_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Accounts=result_list)
Esempio n. 13
    def addNewAccount(self, form):
        if len(form) != 4:
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed post request"), 400

            afirst = form['afirst']
            alast = form['alast']
            email = form['email']
            phone = form['phone']

            if afirst and alast and email and phone:
                dao = AccountDAO()
                aid = dao.addNewAccount(afirst, alast, email, phone)
                result = self.build_account_attributes(aid, afirst, alast,
                                                       email, phone)
                return jsonify(Account=result), 201
                return jsonify(
                    Error="Unexpected attributes in post request"), 400
Esempio n. 14
    def updateAccount(self, aid, form):
        dao = AccountDAO()
        if not dao.getAccountById(aid):
            return jsonify(Error="Account not found"), 404
            if len(form) != 4:
                return jsonify(Error="Malformed update request"), 400

            afirst = form['afirst']
            alast = form['alast']
            email = form['email']
            phone = form['phone']

            if afirst and alast and email and phone:
                dao.updateAccount(aid, afirst, alast, email, phone)
                result = self.build_account_attributes(aid, afirst, alast,
                                                       email, phone)
                return jsonify(Account=result), 200
                return jsonify(
                    Error="Unexpected attributes in update request"), 400
    def searchAccountAddress(self, aid, args):

        daoAcc = AccountDAO()
        dao = AddressDAO()

        if not daoAcc.getAccountById(aid):
            return jsonify(Error='Account Not Found'), 404

        street = args.get('street')
        number = args.get('number')
        unit = args.get('unit')
        zipcode = args.get('zipcode')

        addresses_list = []

        if (len(args) == 4) and street and number and unit and zipcode:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByStreetNumberUnitZipCode(
                aid, street, number, unit, zipcode)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and street and number and unit:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByStreetNumberUnit(
                aid, street, number, unit)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and street and number and zipcode:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByStreetNumberZipCode(
                aid, street, number, zipcode)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and street and zipcode and unit:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByStreetZipCodeUnit(
                aid, street, zipcode, unit)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and number and unit and zipcode:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByNumberUnitZipCode(
                aid, number, unit, zipcode)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and street and number:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByStreetNumber(
                aid, street, number)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and street and unit:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByStreetUnit(
                aid, street, unit)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and street and zipcode:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByStreetZipCode(
                aid, street, zipcode)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and number and unit:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByNumberUnit(
                aid, number, unit)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and number and zipcode:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByNumberZipCode(
                aid, number, zipcode)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and unit and zipcode:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByUnitZipCode(
                aid, unit, zipcode)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and street:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByStreet(aid, street)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and number:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByNumber(aid, number)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and unit:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByUnit(aid, unit)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and zipcode:
            addresses_list = dao.getAccountAddressesByZipCode(aid, zipcode)
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed query string"), 400
        result_list = []
        for row in addresses_list:
            result = self.build_address_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Addresses=result_list)
Esempio n. 16
    def searchAccounts(self, args):

        dao = AccountDAO()

        afirst = args.get('afirst')
        alast = args.get('alast')
        email = args.get('email')
        phone = args.get('phone')

        accounts_list = []

        if (len(args) == 4) and afirst and alast and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByAFirstALastEmailPhone(
                afirst, alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByAFirstALastEmail(
                afirst, alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByAFirstALastPhone(
                afirst, alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and phone and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByAFirstPhoneEmail(
                afirst, phone, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and alast and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByALastEmailPhone(
                alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and alast:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByAFirstALast(afirst, alast)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByAFirstEmail(afirst, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByAFirstPhone(afirst, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByALastEmail(alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByALastPhone(alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByEmailPhone(email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and afirst:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByAFirst(afirst)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and alast:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByALast(alast)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByEmail(email)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsByPhone(phone)
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed query string"), 400
        result_list = []
        for row in accounts_list:
            result = self.build_account_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Accounts=result_list)
Esempio n. 17
    def searchAccountWithThisUsername(self, username, args):

        daoCred = CredentialDAO()
        dao = AccountDAO()

        if not daoCred.getCredentialsByUsername(username):
            return jsonify(Error='Credentials Not Found'), 404

        afirst = args.get('afirst')
        alast = args.get('alast')
        email = args.get('email')
        phone = args.get('phone')

        accounts_list = []

        if (len(args) == 4) and afirst and alast and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAfirstAlastEmailPhone(
                username, afirst, alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAfirstAlastEmail(
                username, afirst, alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAfirstAlastPhone(
                username, afirst, alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and phone and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAfirstPhoneEmail(
                username, afirst, phone, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and alast and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAlastEmailPhone(
                username, alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and alast:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAfirstAlast(
                username, afirst, alast)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAfirstEmail(
                username, afirst, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAfirstPhone(
                username, afirst, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAlastEmail(
                username, alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAlastPhone(
                username, alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByEmailPhone(
                username, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and afirst:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAfirst(
                username, afirst)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and alast:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByAlast(
                username, alast)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByEmail(
                username, email)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsWithThisUsernameByPhone(
                username, phone)
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed query string"), 400
        result_list = []
        for row in accounts_list:
            result = self.build_account_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Accounts=result_list)
Esempio n. 18
    def searchAccountsOnThisRegion(self, rname, args):

        daoReg = RegionDAO()
        dao = AccountDAO()

        if not daoReg.getRegionByName(rname):
            return jsonify(Error="Region Not Found"), 404

        afirst = args.get('afirst')
        alast = args.get('alast')
        email = args.get('email')
        phone = args.get('phone')

        accounts_list = []

        if (len(args) == 4) and afirst and alast and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionAfirstAlastEmailPhone(
                rname, afirst, alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAfirstAlastEmail(
                rname, afirst, alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAfirstAlastPhone(
                rname, afirst, alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and phone and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAfirstPhoneEmail(
                rname, afirst, phone, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and alast and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAlastEmailPhone(
                rname, alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and alast:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAfirstAlast(
                rname, afirst, alast)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAfirstEmail(
                rname, afirst, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAfirstPhone(
                rname, afirst, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAlastEmail(
                rname, alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAlastPhone(
                rname, alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByEmailPhone(
                rname, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and afirst:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAfirst(rname, afirst)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and alast:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByAlast(rname, alast)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByEmail(rname, email)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisRegionByPhone(rname, phone)
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed query string"), 400
        result_list = []
        for row in accounts_list:
            result = self.build_account_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Accounts=result_list)
Esempio n. 19
    def searchAccountsOnThisAddressID(self, addId, args):

        daoAdd = AddressDAO()
        dao = AccountDAO()

        if not daoAdd.getAddressById(addId):
            return jsonify(Error='Address Not Found'), 404

        afirst = args.get('afirst')
        alast = args.get('alast')
        email = args.get('email')
        phone = args.get('phone')

        accounts_list = []

        if (len(args) == 4) and afirst and alast and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAfirstAlastEmailPhone(
                addId, afirst, alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAfirstAlastEmail(
                addId, afirst, alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAfirstAlastPhone(
                addId, afirst, alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and phone and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAfirstPhoneEmail(
                addId, afirst, phone, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and alast and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAlastEmailPhone(
                addId, alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and alast:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAfirstAlast(
                addId, afirst, alast)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAfirstEmail(
                addId, afirst, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAfirstPhone(
                addId, afirst, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAlastEmail(
                addId, alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAlastPhone(
                addId, alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and email and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByEmailPhone(
                addId, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and afirst:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAfirst(
                addId, afirst)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and alast:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByAlast(addId, alast)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and email:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByEmail(addId, email)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and phone:
            accounts_list = dao.getAccountsOnThisAddressIDByPhone(addId, phone)
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed query string"), 400
        result_list = []
        for row in accounts_list:
            result = self.build_account_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Accounts=result_list)