Esempio n. 1
        def init_ax(ax, style_table):
            lines = {}
            for name in style_table:

                # SKIP -- if stats[name] is not in existence
                # Note: The nan check/deletion comes after the first ko.
                    stat = deep_getattr(stats, name)
                except AttributeError:
                # try: val0 = stat[key0[0]]
                # except KeyError: continue
                # PS: recall (from that even if store_u is false, stat[k] is
                # still present if liveplots=True via the k_tmp functionality.

                # Unpack style
                ln = {}
                ln['transf'] = style_table[name][0] or (lambda x: x)
                ln['shape'] = style_table[name][1]
                ln['plt'] = style_table[name][2]

                # Create series
                if isinstance(stat, FAUSt):
                    ln['plot_u'] = plot_u
                    K_plot = comp_K_plot(K_lag, a_lag, ln['plot_u'])
                    ln['plot_u'] = False
                    K_plot = a_lag
                ln['data'] = RollingArray(K_plot)
                ln['tt'] = RollingArray(K_plot)

                # Plot (init)
                ln['handle'], = ax.plot(ln['tt'], ln['data'], **ln['plt'])

                # Plotting only nans yield ugly limits. Revert to defaults.
                ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
                ax.set_ylim(0, 1)

                lines[name] = ln
            return lines
Esempio n. 2
    def init(fignum, stats, key0, plot_u, E, P, **kwargs):
        xx, yy, mu, _, tseq = \
            stats.xx, stats.yy,, stats.spread, stats.HMM.tseq

        # Set parameters (kwargs takes precedence over params_orig)
        p = DotDict(
            **{kw: kwargs.get(kw, val)
               for kw, val in params_orig.items()})

        # Lag settings:
        has_w = hasattr(stats, 'w')
        if p.Tplot == 0:
            K_plot = 1
            T_lag, K_lag, a_lag = validate_lag(p.Tplot, tseq)
            K_plot = comp_K_plot(K_lag, a_lag, plot_u)
            # Extend K_plot forther for adding blanks in resampling (PartFilt):
            if has_w:
                K_plot += a_lag

        # Dimension settings
        if not p.dims:
            p.dims = arange(M)
        if not p.labels:
            p.labels = ["$x_%d$" % d for d in p.dims]
        assert len(p.dims) == M

        # Set up figure, axes
        fig, _ = place.freshfig(fignum, figsize=(5, 5))
        ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d' if is_3d else None)
        ax.set_title("Phase space trajectories")
        # Tune plot
        for ind, (s, i, t) in enumerate(zip(p.labels, p.dims, "xyz")):
            viz.set_ilim(ax, ind,
                         *viz.stretch(*viz.xtrema(xx[:, i]), 1 / p.zoom))
            eval("ax.set_%slabel('%s')" % (t, s))

        # Allocate
        d = DotDict()  # data arrays
        h = DotDict()  # plot handles
        s = DotDict()  # scatter handles
        if E is not None:
            d.E = RollingArray((K_plot, len(E), M))
            h.E = []
        if P is not None:
   = RollingArray((K_plot, M))
        if True:
            d.x = RollingArray((K_plot, M))
        if list(p.obs_inds) == list(p.dims):
            d.y = RollingArray((K_plot, M))

        # Plot tails (invisible coz everything here is nan, for the moment).
        if 'E' in d:
            h.E += [
                ax.plot(*xn, **p.ens_props)[0]
                for xn in np.transpose(d.E, [1, 2, 0])
        if 'mu' in d:
   = ax.plot(*, 'b', lw=2)[0]
        if True:
            h.x = ax.plot(*d.x.T, 'k', lw=3)[0]
        if 'y' in d:
            h.y = ax.plot(*d.y.T, 'g*', ms=14)[0]

        # Scatter. NB: don't init with nan's coz it's buggy
        # (wrt. get_color() and _offsets3d) since mpl 3.1.
        if 'E' in d:
            s.E = ax.scatter(*E.T[p.dims],
                             c=[hn.get_color() for hn in h.E])
        if 'mu' in d:
   = ax.scatter(*ones(M), s=8**2, c=[])
        if True:
            s.x = ax.scatter(*ones(M),
                             marker=(5, 1),

        def update(key, E, P):
            k, ko, faus = key
            show_y = 'y' in d and ko is not None

            def update_tail(handle, newdata):
                handle.set_data(newdata[:, 0], newdata[:, 1])
                if is_3d:
                    handle.set_3d_properties(newdata[:, 2])

            def update_sctr(handle, newdata):
                if is_3d:
                    handle._offsets3d = juggle_axes(*newdata.T, 'z')

            EE = duplicate_with_blanks_for_resampled(E, p.dims, key, has_w)

            # Roll data array
            ind = k if plot_u else ko
            for Ens in EE:  # If E is duplicated, so must the others be.
                if 'E' in d:
                    d.E.insert(ind, Ens)
                if True:
                    d.x.insert(ind, xx[k, p.dims])
                if 'y' in d:
                    d.y.insert(ind, yy[ko, :] if show_y else nan * ones(M))
                if 'mu' in d:
          , mu[key][p.dims])

            # Update graph
            update_sctr(s.x, d.x[[-1]])
            update_tail(h.x, d.x)
            if 'y' in d:
                update_tail(h.y, d.y)
            if 'mu' in d:
                update_sctr(s.E, d.E[-1])
                for n in range(len(E)):
                    update_tail(h.E[n], d.E[:, n, :])
                update_alpha(key, stats, h.E, s.E)


        return update
Esempio n. 3
    def init(fignum, stats, key0, plot_u, E, P, **kwargs):
        xx, yy, mu, spread, tseq = \
            stats.xx, stats.yy,, stats.spread, stats.HMM.tseq

        # Set parameters (kwargs takes precedence over params_orig)
        p = DotDict(
            **{kw: kwargs.get(kw, val)
               for kw, val in params_orig.items()})

        # Lag settings:
        T_lag, K_lag, a_lag = validate_lag(p.Tplot, tseq)
        K_plot = comp_K_plot(K_lag, a_lag, plot_u)
        # Extend K_plot forther for adding blanks in resampling (PartFilt):
        has_w = hasattr(stats, 'w')
        if has_w:
            K_plot += a_lag

        # Chose marginal dims to plot
        if not p.dims:
            Nx = min(10, xx.shape[-1])
            DimsX = linspace_int(xx.shape[-1], Nx)
            Nx = len(p.dims)
            DimsX = p.dims
        # Pre-process obs dimensions
        # Rm inds of obs if not in DimsX
        iiY = [i for i, m in enumerate(p.obs_inds) if m in DimsX]
        # Rm obs_inds    if not in DimsX
        DimsY = [m for i, m in enumerate(p.obs_inds) if m in DimsX]
        # Get dim (within y) of each x
        DimsY = [DimsY.index(m) if m in DimsY else None for m in DimsX]
        Ny = len(iiY)

        # Set up figure, axes
        fig, axs = place.freshfig(fignum,
                                  figsize=(5, 7),
        if Nx == 1:
            axs = [axs]

        # Tune plots
        axs[0].set_title("Marginal time series")
        for ix, (m, ax) in enumerate(zip(DimsX, axs)):
            # ax.set_ylim(*viz.stretch(*viz.xtrema(xx[:, m]), 1/p.zoomy))
            if not p.labels:
                ax.set_ylabel("$x_{%d}$" % m)
        axs[-1].set_xlabel('Time (t)')


        # Allocate
        d = DotDict()  # data arrays
        h = DotDict()  # plot handles
        # Why "if True" ? Just to indent the rest of the line...
        if True:
            d.t = RollingArray((K_plot, ))
        if True:
            d.x = RollingArray((K_plot, Nx))
            h.x = []
        if True:
            d.y = RollingArray((K_plot, Ny))
            h.y = []
        if E is not None:
            d.E = RollingArray((K_plot, len(E), Nx))
            h.E = []
        if P is not None:
   = RollingArray((K_plot, Nx))
   = []
        if P is not None:
            d.s = RollingArray((K_plot, 2, Nx))
            h.s = []

        # Plot (invisible coz everything here is nan, for the moment).
        for ix, (_m, iy, ax) in enumerate(zip(DimsX, DimsY, axs)):
            if True:
                h.x += ax.plot(d.t, d.x[:, ix], 'k')
            if iy != None:
                h.y += ax.plot(d.t, d.y[:, iy], 'g*', ms=10)
            if 'E' in d:
                h.E += [ax.plot(d.t, d.E[:, :, ix], **p.ens_props)]
            if 'mu' in d:
       += ax.plot(d.t,[:, ix], 'b')
            if 's' in d:
                h.s += [ax.plot(d.t, d.s[:, :, ix], 'b--', lw=1)]

        def update(key, E, P):
            k, ko, faus = key

            EE = duplicate_with_blanks_for_resampled(E, DimsX, key, has_w)

            # Roll data array
            ind = k if plot_u else ko
            for Ens in EE:  # If E is duplicated, so must the others be.
                if 'E' in d:
                    d.E.insert(ind, Ens)
                if 'mu' in d:
          , mu[key][DimsX])
                if 's' in d:
                        ind, mu[key][DimsX] + [[1], [-1]] * spread[key][DimsX])
                if True:
                if True:
                        ind, yy[ko, iiY] if ko is not None else nan * ones(Ny))
                if True:
                    d.x.insert(ind, xx[k, DimsX])

            # Update graphs
            for ix, (_m, iy, ax) in enumerate(zip(DimsX, DimsY, axs)):
                sliding_xlim(ax, d.t, T_lag, True)
                if True:
                    h.x[ix].set_data(d.t, d.x[:, ix])
                if iy != None:
                    h.y[iy].set_data(d.t, d.y[:, iy])
                if 'mu' in d:
          [ix].set_data(d.t,[:, ix])
                if 's' in d:
                    [h.s[ix][b].set_data(d.t, d.s[:, b, ix]) for b in [0, 1]]
                if 'E' in d:
                        h.E[ix][n].set_data(d.t, d.E[:, n, ix])
                        for n in range(len(E))
                if 'E' in d:
                    update_alpha(key, stats, h.E[ix])

                # TODO 3: fixup. This might be slow?
                # In any case, it is very far from tested.
                # Also, relim'iting all of the time is distracting.
                # Use d_ylim?
                if 'E' in d:
                    lims = d.E
                elif 'mu' in d:
                    lims =
                lims = np.array(viz.xtrema(lims[..., ix]))
                if lims[0] == lims[1]:
                    lims += [-.5, +.5]
                ax.set_ylim(*viz.stretch(*lims, 1 / p.zoomy))


        return update