Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, simId):
        # # We create a new asyncio event loop per instance
        # # This way we can utilize multithreading correctly which would else be prone to collisions on the responses
        # # note: collosion = 2 responses at the same time, making an overlap on the first by the second and crashing JSON parsing
        # self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        # asyncio.set_event_loop(self.loop)

        self.simId = simId

        self.actor_id = "%s-%s-%s" % ("roadwork", self.simId, str(uuid.uuid4().hex)[:8])
        self.proxy = ActorProxy.create(self.simId, ActorId(self.actor_id), RoadworkActorInterface)
async def main():
    # Create proxy client
    proxy = ActorProxy.create('RoadworkActor', ActorId('1'),

    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Actor invocation demo
    # -----------------------------------------------
    # non-remoting actor invocation
    print("call actor method via proxy.invoke()", flush=True)
    rtn_bytes = await proxy.invoke("GetMyData")
    print(rtn_bytes, flush=True)

    # RPC style using python duck-typing
    print("call actor method using rpc style", flush=True)
    rtn_obj = await proxy.GetMyData()
    print(rtn_obj, flush=True)

    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Actor sim environment demo
    # -----------------------------------------------
    await proxy.SimCreate({'env_id': 'CartPole-v1'})
    await proxy.SimMonitorStart()

    for episode in range(2):
        await proxy.SimReset()
        step = 0
        total_reward = 0

        while True:
            step += 1
            # await proxy.SimRender()

            # for i in range(5):
            action = await proxy.SimActionSample()
            print(f'Action taking: {action}', flush=True)

            obs, reward, done, info = await proxy.SimStep({'action': action})
            print(f'Received:', flush=True)
            print(f'- Obs: {obs}', flush=True)
            print(f'- Rewards: {reward}', flush=True)
            print(f'- Done: {done}', flush=True)
            print(f'- Info: {info}', flush=True)

            total_reward += reward

            if done:
                print("Episode: {0},\tSteps: {1},\tscore: {2}".format(
                    episode, step, total_reward))

    await proxy.SimMonitorStop()
Esempio n. 3
async def main():
    # Create proxy client
    proxy = ActorProxy.create('DemoActor', ActorId('1'), DemoActorInterface)

    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Actor invocation demo
    # -----------------------------------------------
    # non-remoting actor invocation
    print("call actor method via proxy.invoke_method()", flush=True)
    rtn_bytes = await proxy.invoke_method("GetMyData")
    print(rtn_bytes, flush=True)
    # RPC style using python duck-typing
    print("call actor method using rpc style", flush=True)
    rtn_obj = await proxy.GetMyData()
    print(rtn_obj, flush=True)

    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Actor state management demo
    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Invoke SetMyData actor method to save the state
    print("call SetMyData actor method to save the state", flush=True)
    await proxy.SetMyData({'data': 'new_data'})
    # Invoke GetMyData actor method to get the state
    print("call GetMyData actor method to get the state", flush=True)
    rtn_obj = await proxy.GetMyData()
    print(rtn_obj, flush=True)

    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Actor reminder demo
    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Invoke SetReminder actor method to set actor reminder
    print("Register reminder", flush=True)
    await proxy.SetReminder(True)

    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Actor timer demo
    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Invoke SetTimer to set actor timer
    print("Register timer", flush=True)
    await proxy.SetTimer(True)

    # Wait for 30 seconds to see reminder and timer is triggered
    print("waiting for 30 seconds", flush=True)
    await asyncio.sleep(30)

    # Stop reminder and timer
    print("stop reminder", flush=True)
    await proxy.SetReminder(False)
    print("stop timer", flush=True)
    await proxy.SetTimer(False)
Esempio n. 4
def car_to_json(actorType: str, actorId: str):
    print('/carToJSON/{0}/{1}'.format(actorType, actorId), flush=True)
    proxy = ActorProxy.create(actorType, ActorId(actorId), CarActorInterface)
    car = request.get_json()
    result =
    return result, 200
Esempio n. 5
def car_from_json(actorType: str, actorId: str):
    print('/carFromJSON/{0}/{1}'.format(actorType, actorId), flush=True)
    proxy = ActorProxy.create(actorType, ActorId(actorId), CarActorInterface)
    body = request.get_data().decode('utf-8')
    result =
    return jsonify(result), 200
Esempio n. 6
def increment_and_get(actorType: str, actorId: str):
    print('/incrementAndGet/{0}/{1}'.format(actorType, actorId), flush=True)
    proxy = ActorProxy.create(actorType, ActorId(actorId), CarActorInterface)
    result =
    return jsonify(result), 200