Esempio n. 1
def main():
    # python somehow needs to know about the data vector type, so we provide it
    buffer = model.FloatVector(224 * 224 * 3)
    results = model.FloatVector(1000)

    # Pick the model you want to work with
    helper = mh.ModelHelper(sys.argv, "darknetReference",
                            ["darknet.cfg", "darknet.weights"],

    # Initialize image source

    lastPrediction = ""

    while (True):
        # Grab next frame
        frame = helper.get_next_frame()

        # Prepare the image to send to the model.
        # This involves scaling to the required input dimension and re-ordering from BGR to RGB
        data = helper.prepare_image_for_predictor(frame)

        # Get the compiled model to classify the image, by returning a list of probabilities for the classes it can detect
        model.darknet_reference_predict(data, results)

        # Get the (at most) top 5 predictions that meet our threshold. This is returned as a list of tuples,
        # each with the text label and the prediction score.
        top5 = helper.get_top_n(results, 5)

        # Turn the top5 into a text string to display
        text = "".join([
            str(element[0]) + "(" + str(int(100 * element[1])) + "%)  "
            for element in top5

        if (text != lastPrediction):
            lastPrediction = text

        # Draw the text on the frame
        frameToShow = frame
        helper.draw_label(frameToShow, text)

        # Show the new frame
        cv2.imshow('frame', frameToShow)

        # Wait for Esc key
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == 27:

    # print profiling info if model is compiled with profiling on
    if hasattr(model, "darknet_reference_print_model_profiling_info"):
        print("model statistics:")
    if hasattr(model, "darknet_reference_print_node_profiling_info"):
        print("node statistics:")
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    # python somehow needs to know about the data vector type, so we provide it
    buffer = model.FloatVector(224 * 224 * 3)
    results = model.FloatVector(1000)

    camera = 0
    if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
        camera = int(sys.argv[1])

    # Start video capture device
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(camera)

    # Pick the model you want to work with
    helper = mh.ModelHelper("darknetReference",
                            ["darknet.cfg", "darknet.weights"],

    lastPrediction = ""

    while (True):
        # grab a frame
        ret, frame =

        # Prepare the image to send to the model.
        # This involves scaling to the required input dimension and re-ordering from BGR to RGB
        data = helper.prepare_image_for_predictor(frame)

        # Get the compiled model to classify the image, by returning a list of probabilities for the classes it can detect
        model.darknet_reference_darknet_reference(data, results)

        # Get the (at most) top 5 predictions that meet our threshold. This is returned as a list of tuples,
        # each with the text label and the prediction score.
        top5 = helper.get_top_n(results, 5)

        # Turn the top5 into a text string to display
        text = "".join([
            str(element[0]) + "(" + str(int(100 * element[1])) + "%)  "
            for element in top5
        if (text != lastPrediction):
            lastPrediction = text

        # Draw the text on the frame
        frameToShow = frame
        helper.draw_label(frameToShow, text)

        # Show the new frame
        cv2.imshow('frame', frameToShow)

        # Wait for Esc key
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == 27: