Esempio n. 1
def overlap_slice(curr_buff, buff, blocks_shape):
    """ Utility function for buffering 

    curr_buff: current buffer containing 1+ entire rows
    buff: buffer containing a entire row
    end_of_buffer = curr_buff[-1]
    start_of_row = buff[0]
    i_1 = numeric_to_3d_pos(end_of_buffer, blocks_shape, order='F')[0]
    i_2 = numeric_to_3d_pos(start_of_row, blocks_shape, order='F')[0]
    if i_1 != i_2:
        return True
    return False
Esempio n. 2
def get_buff_to_vols(R, B, O, buffers_volumes, buffers_partition):
    """ Outputs a dictionary associating buffer_index to list of Volumes indexed as in paper.
    logger.debug("== Function == get_buff_to_vols")
    buff_to_vols = dict()

    for buffer_index in buffers_volumes.keys():
        _3d_index = numeric_to_3d_pos(buffer_index,

        T = list()
        for dim in range(len(buffers_volumes[buffer_index].p1)):
            C = ((_3d_index[dim] + 1) * B[dim]) % O[dim]
            if C == 0 and B[dim] != O[dim]:  # particular case
                C = O[dim]
            T.append(B[dim] - C)
        volumes_list = get_main_volumes(B, T)  # get coords in basis of buffer
        volumes_list = volumes_list + compute_hidden_volumes(
            T, O)  # still in basis of buffer
        add_offsets(volumes_list, _3d_index, B)  # convert coords in basis of R
        buff_to_vols[buffer_index] = volumes_list
        logger.debug("Associated buffer n°%s to volumes:", buffer_index)
        for v in volumes_list:
    return buff_to_vols
Esempio n. 3
def test_get_volumes():
    """ test getmain and gethidden
    R = (1, 120, 120)
    B = (1, 60, 60)
    O = (1, 40, 40)

    logger.debug("FUNCTION test_get_volumes ---")

    from dask_io.optimizer.utils.utils import numeric_to_3d_pos
    from dask_io.optimizer.cases.resplit_utils import get_blocks_shape

    buffers_partition = get_blocks_shape(R, B)

    for bufferindex in range(4):
        logger.debug("buffer %s", bufferindex)
        _3d_index = numeric_to_3d_pos(bufferindex,
        T = list()
        for dim in range(3):
            nb = _3d_index[dim] + 1
            logger.debug("nb:%s", nb)
            C = (nb * B[dim]) % O[dim]
            if C == 0 and B[dim] != O[dim]:
                C = O[dim]
            T.append(B[dim] - C)
            logger.debug("C: %s", C)
        logger.debug("T: %s", T)

        main_volumes = get_main_volumes(B, T)
        assert len(main_volumes) == 4
Esempio n. 4
def get_buffer_slices_from_original_array(load, shape, original_array_chunk):
    start = min(load)
    end = max(load)

    all_block_num_indexes = range(start, end + 1)
    all_block_3d_indexes = [
        numeric_to_3d_pos(num_pos, shape, order='F')
        for num_pos in all_block_num_indexes

    mini = [None, None, None]
    maxi = [None, None, None]
    for _3d_index in all_block_3d_indexes:
        for i in range(3):
            if (mini[i] is None) or (_3d_index[i] < mini[i]):
                mini[i] = _3d_index[i]
            if maxi[i] is None or (_3d_index[i] + 1 > maxi[i]):
                maxi[i] = _3d_index[i] + 1

    mini = [e * d for e, d in zip(mini, original_array_chunk)]
    maxi = [e * d for e, d in zip(maxi, original_array_chunk)]

    return (slice(mini[0], maxi[0],
                  None), slice(mini[1], maxi[1],
                               None), slice(mini[2], maxi[2], None))
Esempio n. 5
def origarr_to_buffer_slices(dicts, proxy, buffer_key, slices, chunk_shape):
    buffer_id, _ = buffer_key[0].split('-')
    origarr_name = 'array-original' + '-' + buffer_id
    origarr_obj = dicts['origarr_to_obj'][origarr_name]
    img_nb_blocks_per_dim = dicts['origarr_to_blocks_shape'][origarr_name]

    block_id, start_block, end_block = buffer_key
    start_pos = numeric_to_3d_pos(start_block, img_nb_blocks_per_dim, 'F')
    offset = [x * i for x, i in zip(start_pos, chunk_shape)]

    new_slices = list()
    for i, s in enumerate(slices):
        start = s.start - offset[i]
        stop = s.stop - offset[i]
        new_slices.append(slice(start, stop, s.step))
    slices = (new_slices[0], new_slices[1], new_slices[2])
    return slices
Esempio n. 6
def apply_store(B, O, R, volumestokeep, reconstructed_array):
    """ Apply store, using the keep strategy.
    # creations of data for dask store function
    d_arrays, d_regions = compute_zones(B, O, R, volumestokeep)
    out_files = list()  # to keep outfiles open during processing
    sources = list()
    targets = list()
    regions = list()
    for outfile_index in sorted(d_arrays.keys()):
        sliceslistoflist = d_arrays[outfile_index]

        # create file
        outfiles_partition = get_blocks_shape(R, O)
        _3d_pos = numeric_to_3d_pos(outfile_index,
        i, j, k = _3d_pos
        out_filename = f'{i}_{j}_{k}.hdf5'
        out_file = h5py.File(os.path.join(outdir_path, out_filename), 'w')

        # create dset
        dset = out_file.create_dataset('/data', shape=O, dtype=np.float16)

        for i, st in enumerate(sliceslistoflist):
            tmp_array = reconstructed_array[st[0], st[1], st[2]]
            # print("Volume to be stored shape: ", tmp_array.shape)
            reg = d_regions[outfile_index][i]
            tmp_array = tmp_array.rechunk(tmp_array.shape)


    return, targets, regions=regions,
                    compute=False), out_files
        _type, R, O, I, B, volumestokeep = int(case["type"]), tuple(
            case["R"]), tuple(case["O"]), tuple(case["I"]), tuple(
                case["B"]), case["volumestokeep"]
            f'Current run ------ \nType: {_type}\nR: {R},\nO: {O},\nI: {I}\nvolumestokeep: {volumestokeep}'

        buffers_partition = get_blocks_shape(R, B)
        buffers_volumes = get_named_volumes(buffers_partition, B)

        # find omega and theta max
        omega_max = [0, 0, 0]
        T_max = [0, 0, 0]
        for buffer_index in buffers_volumes.keys():
            _3d_index = numeric_to_3d_pos(buffer_index,
            T, Cs = get_theta(buffers_volumes, buffer_index, _3d_index, O, B)

            for i in range(3):
                if Cs[i] > omega_max[i]:
                    omega_max[i] = Cs[i]
                if T[i] > T_max[i]:
                    T_max[i] = T[i]

        print("Omega max: ", omega_max)

        nb_bytes_per_voxel = 2
        buffersize = B[0] * B[1] * B[2]
        n = R[2] / B[2]
        N = R[1] / B[1] * R[2] / B[2]
Esempio n. 8
def get_buff_to_vols(R, B, O, buffers_volumes, buffers_partition):
    """ Outputs a dictionary associating buffer_index to list of Volumes indexed as in paper.

    def get_theta(buffers_volumes, buffer_index, _3d_index, O, B):
        T = list()
        Cs = list()
        for dim in range(len(buffers_volumes[buffer_index].p1)):
            if B[dim] < O[dim]:
                C = 0 
                C = ((_3d_index[dim]+1) * B[dim]) % O[dim]
                print(f'{((_3d_index[dim]+1) * B[dim])}mod{O[dim]} = {C}')
                if C == 0 and B[dim] != O[dim]:  # particular case 
                    C = O[dim]

            if C < 0:
                raise ValueError("modulo should not return negative value")

            T.append(B[dim] - C)   
        print(f'C: {Cs}')
        print(f'theta: {T}')
        return T

    def first_sanity_check(buffers_volumes, buffer_index, volumes_list):
        """ see if volumes coordinates found are inside buffer
        xs, ys, zs = list(), list(), list()
        for volume in volumes_list:
            x1, y1, z1 = volume.p1
            x2, y2, z2 = volume.p2 
        err = -1
        buff_vol = buffers_volumes[buffer_index]
        if not min(xs) == buff_vol.p1[0]:
            err = 0
        if not min(ys) == buff_vol.p1[1]:
            err = 1
        if not min(zs) == buff_vol.p1[2]:
            err = 2
        if not max(xs) == buff_vol.p2[0]:
            err = 3
        if not max(ys) == buff_vol.p2[1]:
            err = 4
        if not max(zs) == buff_vol.p2[2]:
            err = 5
        if err > -1:
            print(f'buffer lower corner: {buff_vol.p1}')
            print(f'volumes lower corner: {(min(xs), min(ys), min(zs))}')
            print(f'buffer upper corner: {buff_vol.p2}')
            print(f'volumes upper corner: {(max(xs), max(ys), max(zs))}')
            raise ValueError("[get_buff_to_vols] Error " + str(err))

    def second_sanity_check(B, O, volumes_list):
        """ see if sum of all volumes equals the volume of the buffer 
        + see if each volume is <= volume of an output file as a volume cannot be bigger than an output file
        volumes_volume = 0
        buffer_volume = B[0]*B[1]*B[2]
        outfile_volume = O[0]*O[1]*O[2]
        for volume in volumes_list:
            x1, y1, z1 = volume.p1
            x2, y2, z2 = volume.p2 
            vol = (x2-x1)*(y2-y1)*(z2-z1)

            if vol > outfile_volume:
                print(f'Outfile volume: {outfile_volume}')
                print(f'Volume considered: {vol}')
                raise ValueError("A volume should not be bigger than outfile")

            volumes_volume += vol

        if buffer_volume != volumes_volume:
            print(f'Buffer volume: {buffer_volume}')
            print(f'Sum of volumes: {volumes_volume}')
            raise ValueError("sum of volumes should be equal to buffer volume")

    logger.debug("== Function == get_buff_to_vols")
    print("== Function == get_buff_to_vols")
    buff_to_vols = dict()
    rows = list()
    for buffer_index in buffers_volumes.keys():
        print(f'\nProcessing buffer {buffer_index}')
        if DEBUG:
        _3d_index = numeric_to_3d_pos(buffer_index, buffers_partition, order='F')

        T = get_theta(buffers_volumes, buffer_index, _3d_index, O, B)
        volumes_list = get_main_volumes(B, T)  # get coords in basis of buffer
        add_offsets(volumes_list, _3d_index, B)  # convert coords in basis of R - WARNING: important to be in this order, we need basis R for split_main_volumes
        if DEBUG:
            print('Main volumes found:')
            for v in volumes_list:

        volumes_list = split_main_volumes(volumes_list, O) # seek for hidden volumes in main volumes
        if DEBUG:
            print('Split volumes found:')
            for v in volumes_list:

        # hidd_vols = compute_hidden_volumes(T, O)
        # add_offsets(hidd_vols, _3d_index, B)
        # print('Hidden volumes found:')
        # for v in hidd_vols:
        #     v.print()

        # volumes_list = volumes_list + hidd_vols  # still in basis of buffer 
        if DEBUG:
            print('\nVolumes found:')
            for v in volumes_list:

        first_sanity_check(buffers_volumes, buffer_index, volumes_list)
        second_sanity_check(B, O, volumes_list)

        buff_to_vols[buffer_index] = volumes_list
        # debug csv file
        for v in volumes_list:
                (v.p1[1], v.p1[2]),
                v.p2[1] - v.p1[1],
                v.p2[2] - v.p1[2],
    # debug csv file
    columns = [
    csv_path = '/tmp/compute_zones_buffervolumes.csv'
    csv_out, writer = create_csv_file(csv_path, columns, delimiter=',', mode='w+')
    for row in set(rows): 

    return buff_to_vols