Esempio n. 1
def _dataset_variable_factory(table_proxy, table_schema, select_cols,
                              exemplar_row, orders, chunks, array_prefix):
    Returns a dictionary of dask arrays representing
    a series of getcols on the appropriate table.

    Produces variables for inclusion in a Dataset.

    table_proxy : :class:`daskms.table_proxy.TableProxy`
        Table proxy object
    table_schema : dict
        Table schema
    select_cols : list of strings
        List of columns to return
    exemplar_row : int
        row id used to possibly extract an exemplar array in
        order to determine the column shape and dtype attributes
    orders : tuple of :class:`dask.array.Array`
        A (sorted_rows, row_runs) tuple, specifying the
        appropriate rows to extract from the table.
    chunks : dict
        Chunking strategy for the dataset.
    array_prefix : str
        dask array string prefix

        A dictionary looking like :code:`{column: (arrays, dims)}`.

    sorted_rows, row_runs = orders
    dataset_vars = {"ROWID": (("row", ), sorted_rows)}

    for column in select_cols:
            meta = column_metadata(column, table_proxy, table_schema, chunks,
        except ColumnMetadataError as e:
            exc_info = logging.DEBUG >= log.getEffectiveLevel()
            log.warning("Ignoring '%s': %s", column, e, exc_info=exc_info)

        full_dims = ("row", ) + meta.dims
        args = [row_runs, ("row", )]

        # We only need to pass in dimension extent arrays if
        # there is more than one chunk in any of the non-row columns.
        # In that case, we can getcol, otherwise getcolslice is required
        if not all(len(c) == 1 for c in meta.chunks):
            for d, c in zip(meta.dims, meta.chunks):
                # Create an array describing the dimension chunk extents
                args.append(dim_extents_array(d, c))
                args.append((d, ))

            new_axes = {}
            # We need to inform blockwise about the size of our
            # new dimensions as no arrays with them are supplied
            new_axes = {d: s for d, s in zip(meta.dims, meta.shape)}

        # Add other variables
            table_proxy, None, column, None, meta.shape, None, meta.dtype, None

        # Name of the dask array representing this column
        token = dask.base.tokenize(args)
        name = "-".join((array_prefix, column, token))

        # Construct the array
        dask_array = da.blockwise(getter_wrapper,

        dask_array = inlined_array(dask_array)

        # Assign into variable and dimension dataset
        dataset_vars[column] = (full_dims, dask_array)

    return dataset_vars
Esempio n. 2
def _write_datasets(table, table_proxy, datasets, columns, descriptor,
                    table_keywords, column_keywords):
    _, table_name, subtable = table_path_split(table)
    table_name = '::'.join((table_name, subtable)) if subtable else table_name
    row_orders = []

    # Put table and column keywords
    table_proxy.submit(_put_keywords, WRITELOCK, table_keywords,

    # Sort datasets on (not has "ROWID", index) such that
    # datasets with ROWID's are handled first, while
    # those without (which imply appends to the MS)
    # are handled last
    sorted_datasets = sorted(enumerate(datasets),
                             key=lambda t:
                             ("ROWID" not in t[1].data_vars, t[0]))

    # Establish row orders for each dataset
    for di, ds in sorted_datasets:
            rowid =
        except AttributeError:
            # Add operation
            # No ROWID's, assume they're missing from the table
            # and remaining datasets. Generate addrows
            # NOTE(sjperkins)
            # This could be somewhat brittle, but exists to
            # update MS empty subtables once they've been
            # created along with the main MS by a call to default_ms.
            # Users could also it to append rows to an existing table.
            # An xds_append_to_table may be a better solution...
            last_datasets = datasets[di:]
            last_row_orders = add_row_order_factory(table_proxy, last_datasets)

            # We don't inline the row ordering if it is derived
            # from the row sizes of provided arrays.
            # The range of possible dependencies are far too large to inline
            row_orders.extend([(False, lro) for lro in last_row_orders])
            # We have established row orders for all datasets
            # at this point, quit the loop
            # Update operation
            # Generate row orderings from existing row IDs
            row_order = rowid.map_blocks(row_run_factory,

            # TODO(sjperkins)
            # There's an assumption here that rowid is an
            # operation with minimal dependencies
            # (i.e. derived from xds_from_{ms, table})
            # Caching flattens the graph into a single layer
            if len(row_order.__dask_graph__().layers) > 1:
                log.warning("Caching an update row ordering "
                            "with more than one layer")

            row_order = cached_array(row_order)
            # Inline the row ordering in the graph
            row_orders.append((True, row_order))

    assert len(row_orders) == len(datasets)

    datasets = []

    for (di, ds), (inline, row_order) in zip(sorted_datasets, row_orders):
        # Hold the variables representing array writes
        write_vars = {}

        # Generate a dask array for each column
        for column in columns:
                variable = ds.data_vars[column]
            except KeyError:
                log.warning("Ignoring '%s' not present "
                            "on dataset %d" % (column, di))
                full_dims = variable.dims
                array =

            if not isinstance(array, da.Array):
                raise TypeError("%s on dataset %d is not a dask Array "
                                "but a %s" % (column, di, type(array)))

            args = [row_order, ("row", )]

            # We only need to pass in dimension extent arrays if
            # there is more than one chunk in any of the non-row columns.
            # In that case, we can putcol, otherwise putcolslice is required
            if not all(len(c) == 1 for c in array.chunks[1:]):
                # Add extent arrays
                for d, c in zip(full_dims[1:], array.chunks[1:]):
                    args.append(dim_extents_array(d, c))
                    args.append((d, ))

            # Add other variables
            args.extend([table_proxy, None, column, None, array, full_dims])

            # Name of the dask array representing this column
            token = dask.base.tokenize(di, args)
            name = "-".join((table_name, 'write', column, token))

            write_col = da.blockwise(
                # All dims shrink to 1,
                # a single bool is returned
                adjust_chunks={d: 1
                               for d in full_dims},

            if inline:
                write_col = inlined_array(write_col, [row_order])

            write_vars[column] = (full_dims, write_col)

        # Append a dataset with the write operations

    # Return an empty dataset
    if len(datasets) == 0:
        return Dataset({})
    # Return singleton
    elif len(datasets) == 1:
        return datasets[0]

    return datasets
Esempio n. 3
def _write_datasets(table, table_proxy, datasets, columns, descriptor,
                    table_keywords, column_keywords):
    _, table_name, subtable = table_path_split(table)
    table_name = '::'.join((table_name, subtable)) if subtable else table_name
    writes = []
    row_orders = []

    # Put table and column keywords
    table_proxy.submit(_put_keywords, WRITELOCK, table_keywords,

    # Sort datasets on (not has "ROWID", index) such that
    # datasets with ROWID's are handled first, while
    # those without (which imply appends to the MS)
    # are handled last
    sorted_datasets = sorted(enumerate(datasets),
                             key=lambda t:
                             ("ROWID" not in t[1].data_vars, t[0]))

    # Establish row orders for each dataset
    for di, ds in sorted_datasets:
            rowid =
        except AttributeError:
            # No ROWID's, assume they're missing from the table
            # and remaining datasets. Generate addrows
            # NOTE(sjperkins)
            # This could be somewhat brittle, but exists to
            # update of MS subtables once they've been
            # created (empty) along with the main MS by a call to default_ms.
            # Users could also it to append rows to an existing table.
            # An xds_append_to_table is probably the correct solution...
            last_datasets = datasets[di:]
            last_row_orders = add_row_order_factory(table_proxy, last_datasets)
            # We have established row orders for all datasets
            # at this point, quit the loop
            # Generate row orderings from existing row IDs
            row_order = rowid.map_blocks(row_run_factory,

    assert len(row_orders) == len(datasets)

    for (di, ds), row_order in zip(sorted_datasets, row_orders):
        data_vars = ds.data_vars

        # Generate a dask array for each column
        for column in columns:
                variable = data_vars[column]
            except KeyError:
                log.warning("Ignoring '%s' not present "
                            "on dataset %d" % (column, di))
                full_dims = variable.dims
                array =

            args = [row_order, ("row", )]

            # We only need to pass in dimension extent arrays if
            # there is more than one chunk in any of the non-row columns.
            # In that case, we can putcol, otherwise putcolslice is required
            if not all(len(c) == 1 for c in array.chunks[1:]):
                # Add extent arrays
                for d, c in zip(full_dims[1:], array.chunks[1:]):
                    args.append(dim_extents_array(d, c))
                    args.append((d, ))

            # Add other variables
            args.extend([table_proxy, None, column, None, array, full_dims])

            # Name of the dask array representing this column
            token = dask.base.tokenize(di, args)
            name = "-".join((table_name, 'write', column, token))

            write_col = da.blockwise(
                # All dims shrink to 1,
                # a single bool is returned
                adjust_chunks={d: 1
                               for d in full_dims},


    if len(writes) == 0:
        return da.full(1, True, dtype=np.bool)

    return da.concatenate(writes)