Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRHRDataset, self).__init__()
        # self.args = args
        self.opt = opt

        self.train = (opt['phase'] == 'train')
        self.split = 'train' if self.train else 'test'

        self.repeat = 1

        # TODO
        # self.benchmark = benchmark

        self.scale = self.opt['scale']
        self.idx_scale = 0

        # read image list from lmdb or image files
        self.HR_env, self.paths_HR = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_HR'])
        self.LR_env, self.paths_LR = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_LR'])

        assert self.paths_HR, 'Error: HR paths are empty.'
        if self.paths_LR and self.paths_HR:
            assert len(self.paths_LR) == len(self.paths_HR), \
                'HR and LR datasets have different number of images - {}, {}.'.format(\
                len(self.paths_LR), len(self.paths_HR))

        # TODO: random_scale
        # self.random_scale_list = [1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5]
        self.random_scale_list = None
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRHRlmdbDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.paths_LR = None
        self.paths_HR = None
        self.LR_env = None  # environment for lmdb
        self.HR_env = None

        # read image list from subset list txt
        if opt['subset_file'] is not None and opt['phase'] == 'train':
            with open(opt['subset_file']) as f:
                self.paths_HR = sorted([os.path.join(opt['dataroot_HR'], line.rstrip('\n')) \
                                        for line in f])
            if opt['dataroot_LR'] is not None:
                raise NotImplementedError('Now subset only supports generating LR on-the-fly.')
        # read image list from lmdb or image files
        self.HR_env, self.paths_HR = common.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_HR'])
        self.LR_env, self.paths_LR = common.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_LR'])

        assert self.paths_HR, 'Error: HR paths are empty.'
        if self.paths_LR and self.paths_HR:
            assert len(self.paths_LR) == len(self.paths_HR), \
                'HR and LR datasets have different number of images - {}, {}.'.format( \
                    len(self.paths_LR), len(self.paths_HR))

        self.random_scale_list = None
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(MLRMHRDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.train = (opt['phase'] == 'train')
        self.split = 'train' if self.train else 'test'
        self.scale = self.opt['scale']
        self.paths_HR, self.paths_LR = [], []

        # change the length of train dataset (influence the number of iterations in each epoch)
        self.repeat = 2

        # read image list from image/binary files

        for scale in self.scale:
            paths_LR = common.get_image_paths(
                os.path.join(self.opt['dataroot_LR'], 'x' + str(scale)))
            paths_HR = common.get_image_paths(
                os.path.join(self.opt['dataroot_HR'], 'x' + str(scale)))
            assert paths_LR, '[Error] x%s LR paths are empty.' % scale
            assert paths_HR, '[Error] x%s LR paths are empty.' % scale
            assert len(paths_HR) == len(paths_LR), \
                '[Error] x%s HR: [%d] and LR: [%d] have different number of images.' % (
                    scale, len(paths_HR), len(paths_LR))
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRHRDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.train = (opt['phase'] == 'train')
        self.split = 'train' if self.train else 'test'
        self.scale = self.opt['scale']
        self.paths_HR, self.paths_LR1, self.paths_LR2 = None, None, None

        # change the length of train dataset (influence the number of iterations in each epoch)
        self.repeat = 2

        # read image list from image/binary files
        self.paths_HR = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'],
        self.paths_LR1 = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'],
        self.paths_LR2 = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'],
        self.paths_LR3 = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'],

        assert self.paths_HR, '[Error] HR paths are empty.'
        if self.paths_LR1 and self.paths_LR2 and self.paths_LR3 and self.paths_HR:
            assert len(self.paths_LR1) == len(self.paths_HR) and len(self.paths_LR2) == len(self.paths_HR) and len(self.paths_LR3) == len(self.paths_HR), \
                '[Error] HR: [%d], LR1: [%d], LR2: [%d], and LR3: [%d] have different number of images.'%(
                len(self.paths_HR), len(self.paths_LR1), len(self.paths_LR2), len(self.paths_LR3))
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(HRDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.train = (opt['phase'] == 'train')
        self.split = 'train' if self.train else 'test'
        self.scale = self.opt['scale']
        self.paths_HR, self.paths_LR = None, None
        if self.train:
            self.lr_size = self.opt['LR_size']
            self.hr_size = self.lr_size * self.scale
            # change the length of train dataset (influence the number of iterations in each epoch)
            self.repeat = 1
        # read image list from image/binary files
        self.paths_HR = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'],
        assert self.paths_HR, '[Error] HR paths are empty.'
        self.filters_path = opt['blur_kernel_path']
        self.filter_bank = common.get_filters(self.filters_path)
        assert (len(self.filter_bank) > 0)
        self.n_filters = len(self.filter_bank)

        if opt['noise_patch_path']:
            self.paths_noise_patches = common.get_image_paths(
                self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['noise_patch_path'])
            self.n_noise_patches = len(self.paths_noise_patches)
            assert (self.n_noise_patches > 0)
            print("Number of noise patches = {}".format(self.n_noise_patches))
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRPANDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.scale = self.opt['scale']
        self.paths_LR = None

        # read image list from image/binary files
        self.paths_LR = common.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_LR'])
        self.paths_PAN = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_PAN'])
        assert self.paths_LR and len(self.paths_PAN)==len(self.paths_LR), '[Error] LR paths are empty.'
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(IRVISCoGAN_dataset, self).__init__()
        # self.args = args
        self.opt = opt

        self.train = (opt['phase'] == 'train')
        self.split = 'train' if self.train else 'test'

        self.repeat = 1
        # read image list from lmdb or image files
        self.VIS_env, self.paths_VIS = common.get_image_paths(
            self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_VI'])
        self.IR_env, self.paths_IR = common.get_image_paths(
            self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_IR'])
        self.FUS_env, self.paths_PF = common.get_image_paths(
            self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_PF'])
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.paths_LR = None
        self.LR_env = None  # environment for lmdb

        # read image list from lmdb or image files
        self.LR_env, self.paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(
            opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_LR'])
        assert self.paths_LR, 'Error: LR paths are empty.'
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRHRSegDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.paths_LR = None
        self.paths_HR = None
        self.LR_env = None  # environment for lmdb
        self.HR_env = None

        # read image list from lmdb or image files
        self.HR_env, self.paths_HR = util.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_HR'])
        self.LR_env, self.paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_LR'])

        assert self.paths_HR, 'Error: HR paths are empty.'
        if self.paths_LR and self.paths_HR:
            assert len(self.paths_LR) == len(self.paths_HR), \
                'HR and LR datasets have different number of images - {}, {}.'.format(\
                len(self.paths_LR), len(self.paths_HR))

        # randomly scale list
        self.random_scale_list = [1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5]
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRHRDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.msx2 = True if 'MSX2' in opt['dataroot_LRPAN'] else False
        self.train = ('train' in opt['phase'])
        self.split = 'train' if self.train else 'test'
        self.scale = self.opt['scale']
        self.paths_HR, self.paths_LR = None, None

        # change the length of train dataset (influence the number of iterations in each epoch)
        self.repeat = 2

        # read image list from image/binary files
        self.paths_HR = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_HR'], opt['subset'])
        self.paths_LR = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_LR'], opt['subset'])
        self.paths_PAN = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_PAN'], opt['subset'])
        self.paths_LRPAN = common.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], self.opt['dataroot_LRPAN'], opt['subset'])

        assert self.paths_HR, '[Error] HR paths are empty.'
        if self.paths_LR and self.paths_HR:
            assert len(self.paths_LR) == len(self.paths_HR), \
                '[Error] HR: [%d] and LR: [%d] have different number of images.'%(
                len(self.paths_LR), len(self.paths_HR))