def __init__(self,base,conf_fn): = socket.gethostname() self.base = base self.conf = {} # should emit a failure (file not found) message if os.path.exists(conf_fn): with open(conf_fn) as cf: for line in cf: name, var = line.partition("=")[::2] self.conf[name.strip()] = var.strip() else: raise Exception("configuration file not found.") # create storage self.__store = Storage()
class App(object): json, xml, html, text = range(1,5) # # setup the configuration for our service # def __init__(self,base,conf_fn): = socket.gethostname() self.base = base self.conf = {} # should emit a failure (file not found) message if os.path.exists(conf_fn): with open(conf_fn) as cf: for line in cf: name, var = line.partition("=")[::2] self.conf[name.strip()] = var.strip() else: raise Exception("configuration file not found.") # create storage self.__store = Storage() ####################### PIN ####################### # function to create pin # def createPin(self, user_id, pin, image): print '--> creating pin' try: pin_id = self.__store.createPin(user_id, pin, image) return {"success" : True, "pin_id": pin_id} except: return {"success" : False} # # function to get pin by id # def getPin(self, id): print '--> getting pin' try: pin = self.__store.getPin(id) return {"success" : True, "pin": pin} except: return {"success" : False} # # function to get all pins # def getAllPins(self): print '--> Listing pins' try: pins = self.__store.getAllPins() print pins return {"success" : True, "pins": pins} except: return {"success" : False} # # function to update pin # def updatePin(self, user_id, pin_id, comment): print '---> updating pin' try: pin = self.__store.setComment(user_id, pin_id, comment) return {"success" : True, "pin": pin} except: return {"success" : False} ####################### BOARD ####################### # # function to create board # def createBoard(self, user_id, board): print '--> creating board' try: board_id = self.__store.createBoard(user_id, board) return {"success" : True, "token": board_id} except: return {"success" : False} # # function to get board by id # def getBoard(self, id): print '--> getting board' try: board = self.__store.getBoard(id) return {"success" : True, "board": board} except: return {"success" : False} # # function to get all boards # def getAllBoards(self): print '--> Listing boards' try: boards = self.__store.getAllBoards() print boards return {"success" : True, "board": boards} except: return {"success" : False} # # function to update board # def updateBoard(self, user_id, board_id, pin): print '---> updating board' try: board = self.__store.updateBoard(user_id, board_id, pin) return {"success" : True, "board": board} except: return {"success" : False} # # function to delete board # def deleteBoard(self, user_id, board_id): print '--> deleting board' try: self.__store.deleteBoard(user_id, board_id) return {"success" : True} except: return {"success" : False} ####################### USER ####################### # # function to register user # def register(self, user): print '--> register' try: objId = self.__store.register(user) return {"success" : True, "id": objId} except: return {"success" : False} # # function to login # def login(self, username, password): print '--> login' try: objId = self.__store.login(username, password) return {"success" : True, "token": objId["_id"]} except: return {"success" : False} # # function to get user by id # def getUser(self, id): print '--> getting user' try: user = self.__store.getUser(id) #return {"success" : True, "username": user["username"], "name":user["name"]} return {"success" : True, "user":user} except: return {"success" : False}