def plotRecommend(removed, recommend, names, clusters, xFactor=10, yFactor=10, myDpi=96): """ removed: the color that we removed from the image recommend: the color that was recommended from the modified image names: the name of the image we were making a recommendation about clusterNames: the names of the images in the cluster we assigned this image to """ imagePath = data.getDataDir(config.amount, cut=True, big=False) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1024 / myDpi, 1024 / myDpi), dpi=myDpi) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.axis("off") ctr = 0 for i in xrange(len(names)): if ctr > SAMPLE_SIZE: break rr, rg, rb = image.binToRGB(removed[i]) cr, cg, cb = image.binToRGB(recommend[i]) rem = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (rr, rg, rb) rec = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (cr, cg, cb) # print rem # print rec SQ_SIZE = 50 SQ_OFFSET = 82 BASE_OFFSET = 80 ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((125, i * SQ_OFFSET), SQ_SIZE, SQ_SIZE, facecolor=rem)) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((175, i * SQ_OFFSET), SQ_SIZE, SQ_SIZE, facecolor=rec)) try: imager = mpimg.imread(imagePath + names[i]) fig.figimage(imager, 125, i * 50 + BASE_OFFSET) if len(clusters) > 0: plotCluster(clusters[i], 300, i * 50 + BASE_OFFSET, fig) except IOError: print "%s not found" % imagePath + names[i] pass ctr += 1 ax.set_ylim([0, 1024]) ax.set_xlim([0, 1024])
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import time # Hack to import ml_util from the parent directory import os, sys sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..')) from ml_util import ml from data import data # gets Screenshots directory as string BIG = True amount='top-15k' path = data.getDataDir(amount=amount, cut=True, big=BIG) # gets all files fileList = os.listdir(path) fileExt = ".png" imgs = filter(lambda File: File[-4:] == fileExt, fileList) imgs.sort() print "Found %d %s images" % (len(imgs), fileExt) def imgToArray(filepath): try: img = np.array( + imgs[i])) except IOError as e: print e return img[:, :, :3].ravel()
def plotCluster(cluster, x, y, plotter): imagePath = data.getDataDir(amount=config.amount, cut=True, big=False) for i in xrange(len(cluster)): imager = mpimg.imread(imagePath + cluster[i]) plotter.figimage(imager, i * 50 + x, y)
#from ml_util import ml from data import data from data import image import config import core from ml_util import ml from cluster_recommender import ClusterRecommender from duckling_recommender import DucklingRecommender from random_recommender import RandomRecommender import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import matplotlib.patches as patches amount = config.amount path = data.getDataDir(config.amount, config.cut, config.big) # gets all files fileList = os.listdir(path) fileExt = ".png" imgs = filter(lambda File: File[-4:] == fileExt, fileList) imgs.sort() print "Found %d %s images" % (len(imgs), fileExt) ranks, names, histograms = data.getBinnedHistograms(amount, cut=True, big=False) X = np.array([image.imgToArray(path+imgs[i]) for i in xrange(len(imgs))]) print X.shape, histograms.shape website_names = imgs