def do_test(self, sess, summary_writer, step, names=None): '''execute computation of the inference a fast version of inference ''' # during training """ self.uvd_pts = uvd_pts self.xyz_pts = xyz_pts self.val_dms = dms self.est_hms = est_hms self.gt_pose = poses self.gt_uvd_pts = gt_uvd_pts """ if names is None: f = open(self._log_path, 'a') summary_str, gt_vals, xyz_vals = [self.val_summary_op, self.gt_pose, self.xyz_pts]) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) maxJntError = [] f.write('[%s] step %d\n' % (, step)) for xyz_val, gt_val in zip(xyz_vals, gt_vals): maxJntError.append(Evaluation.maxJntError(xyz_val, gt_val)) diff = (xyz_val - gt_val).reshape(-1, 3) dist = alg.norm(diff, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) error_mat = np.concatenate((diff, dist), axis=1) print(error_mat) f.write(np.array_str(error_mat) + '\n') print('validate error:', maxJntError) f.write('validation error: {}\n'.format(maxJntError)) f.flush() f.close() return if step % 100 == 0: summary_str, xyz_vals, gt_vals, names, val_dms_v, gt_uvd_pts_v, uvd_pts_v = [ self.val_summary_op, self.xyz_pts, self.gt_pose, names, self.val_dms, self.gt_uvd_pts, self.uvd_pts ]) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) maxJntError = [] for xyz_val, gt_val in zip(xyz_vals, gt_vals): maxJntError.append(Evaluation.maxJntError(xyz_val, gt_val)) diff = (xyz_val - gt_val).reshape(-1, 3) dist = alg.norm(diff, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) print(np.concatenate((diff, dist), axis=1)) print('[step: %d]test error:' % step, maxJntError) print('---\n') return gt_vals, xyz_vals, names, val_dms_v, gt_uvd_pts_v, uvd_pts_v gt_vals, xyz_vals, names, val_dms_v, gt_uvd_pts_v, uvd_pts_v = \[self.gt_pose, self.xyz_pts, names, self.val_dms, self.gt_uvd_pts, self.uvd_pts]) return gt_vals, xyz_vals, names, val_dms_v, gt_uvd_pts_v, uvd_pts_v
import sys import numpy as np from data.evaluation import Evaluation xyz_gt_list = np.loadtxt("xyz_gt_list_all.txt") xyz_val_list1 = np.loadtxt( "/home/chen/Documents/GNN_demo/train_values_all_1.txt") xyz_val_list1 = xyz_val_list1.reshape([-1, 42]) xyz_val_list2 = np.loadtxt( "/home/chen/Documents/GNN_demo/train_values_all_2.txt") xyz_val_list2 = xyz_val_list2.reshape([-1, 42]) xyz_val_list3 = np.loadtxt( "/home/chen/Documents/GNN_demo/train_values_all_3.txt") xyz_val_list3 = xyz_val_list3.reshape([-1, 42]) xyz_val_list4 = np.loadtxt( "/home/chen/Documents/GNN_demo/train_values_all_4.txt") xyz_val_list4 = xyz_val_list4.reshape([-1, 42]) xyz_val_list = np.concatenate( (xyz_val_list1, xyz_val_list2, xyz_val_list3, xyz_val_list4), axis=0) xyz_val_list_ori = np.loadtxt( "/home/chen/Documents/denseReg-master/model/xyz_val_test_all.txt") meanJntError = [] err_path = "/home/chen/Documents/denseReg-master/exp/train_cache/saved/GNN/_error.txt" for i in range(8252): #xyz_val = xyz_val_list[i,:]#图网络优化后的输出,误差test10.060924231540694mm xyz_val = xyz_val_list_ori[i, :] #原始输出,误差10.233949127173911mm gt_val = xyz_gt_list[i, :] meanJntError.append(Evaluation.meanJntError(xyz_val, gt_val)) Evaluation.plotError(meanJntError, err_path)
'--initial-state', '-s', type=int, default=1, help= 'Defines the initial state (i.e. initial city, where teams are spawned)') parser.add_argument( '--local-search', '-l', choices=LocalSearchFactory.choices(), default=None, help='Choose an available local search method to improve output paths') args = parser.parse_args() evaluation = Evaluation.minmax() loader = TSPLIBLoader(args.problem) initializer = Initializer.fixed_state(args.initial_state) local_search = stop_criterion = StopCriterion.iteration_limit(args.max_iterations) taco = TeamAntColonyOptimization(args.num_teams, args.team_size, initializer, evaluation) track_base = 'm{}_{}minmax_track.png' solution_base = '{}2opt_m{}_{}minmax.png' solutions, score, track = taco.optimize(loader, stop_criterion, local_search) plot_evolution_track(track_base.format(args.team_size, score), track) loader.plot(solution_base.format(, args.team_size, score), solutions=solutions)
def test(model, selected_step): with tf.Graph().as_default(): total_test_num = model.val_dataset.exact_num dms, poses, cfgs, coms, names = model.batch_input_test( model.val_dataset) model.test(dms, poses, cfgs, coms, reuse_variables=None) # dms, poses, names = model.batch_input_test(model.val_dataset) # model.test(dms, poses, reuse_variables=None) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) init_op =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) if selected_step is not None: checkpoint_path = os.path.join(model.train_dir, 'model.ckpt-%d' % selected_step) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path) print('[test_model]model has been resotored from %s' % checkpoint_path) tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(model.summary_dir + '_' + model.val_dataset.subset, graph=sess.graph) res_path = os.path.join( model.train_dir, '%s-%s-result' % (model.val_dataset.subset, res_path = res_path.replace(' ', '_') res_path = res_path.replace(':', '_') res_txt_path = res_path + '.txt' if os.path.exists(res_txt_path): os.remove(res_txt_path) err_path = res_path + '_error.txt' f = open(res_txt_path, 'w') # res_vid_path = res_path+'.avi' # codec ='X','V','I','D') # the output size is defined by the visualization tool of matplotlib # vid = cv2.VideoWriter(res_vid_path, codec, 25, (640, 480)) print('[test_model]begin test') test_num = 0 step = 0 maxJntError = [] while True: start_time = time.time() try: gt_vals, xyz_vals, name_vals = model.do_test( sess, summary_writer, step, names) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('run out of range') break duration = time.time() - start_time for xyz_val, gt_val, name_val in zip(xyz_vals, gt_vals, name_vals): maxJntError.append(Evaluation.maxJntError(xyz_val, gt_val)) xyz_val = xyz_val.tolist() res_str = '%s\t%s\n' % (name_val, '\t'.join( format(pt, '.4f') for pt in xyz_val)) res_str = res_str.replace('/', '\\') f.write(res_str) # vid.write(vis_val) test_num += 1 if test_num >= total_test_num: print('finish test') f.close() Evaluation.plotError(maxJntError, err_path) return f.flush() if step % 101 == 0: print('[%s]: %d/%d computed, with %.2fs' % (, step, model.max_steps, duration)) step += 1 print('finish test') f.close() Evaluation.plotError(maxJntError, 'result.txt')
def test(self, test_stream, desc='dummy', modelIdx='-1'): cache_dir = os.path.join( globalConfig.model_dir, 'gan_render/%s_%s' % (globalConfig.dataset, desc)) if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): raise IOError('%s does not exists' % cache_dir) img_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'test_img') if os.path.exists(img_dir): shutil.rmtree(img_dir) os.mkdir(img_dir) model_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'params', modelIdx) self.loadParam(model_path) idx, total_time, recons_err = 0, 0, 0 maxJntError = [] codec ='X', 'V', 'I', 'D') vid = cv2.VideoWriter(os.path.join(img_dir, 'res.avi'), codec, 25, (128 * 4, 128)) for skel, orig, trans, com, depth in\ test_stream.iterate(batchsize=1, shuffle=False): noise = np.zeros((1, self.pose_z_dim), np.float32) reco_depth = self.render_fn(skel, orig, noise) reco_pose = self.vae_reco_fn(skel, noise) pose = self.resumePose(reco_pose[0], orig[0]) fake_img = self.visPair(reco_depth[0], pose, trans[0], com[0], 50.0) gt_pose = self.resumePose(skel[0], orig[0]) real_img = self.visPair(depth[0], gt_pose, trans[0], com[0], 50.0) # real calculation part start_time = time.time() est_z = self.z_est_fn(depth) est_z.shape = (23, ) est_z, est_orig = est_z[:20], est_z[20:] est_z.shape = (1, 20) est_orig.shape = (1, 3) est_pose = self.pose_decode_fn(est_z) end_time = time.time() est_depth = self.render_fn(est_pose, est_orig, noise) est_pose = self.resumePose(est_pose[0], est_orig[0]) est_img = self.visPair(est_depth[0], est_pose, trans[0], com[0], 50.0) com_img = self.visPair(depth[0], est_pose, trans[0], com[0], 50.0) recons_err += (abs(reco_depth - depth)).mean() recons_depth = np.hstack((real_img, fake_img, est_img, com_img)) # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(img_dir,'%d_0.jpg'%(idx)),\ # recons_depth.astype('uint8')) idx += 1 maxJntError.append(Evaluation.maxJntError(gt_pose, est_pose)) total_time += end_time - start_time vid.write(recons_depth.astype('uint8')) print 'average running time = %fs' % (total_time / idx) print 'average reconstruction error = %f' % (recons_err / idx) fig_path = os.path.join(img_dir, 'maxError.txt') Evaluation.plotError(maxJntError, fig_path) vid.release()
def test(model, selected_step): with tf.Graph().as_default(): total_test_num = model.val_dataset.exact_num #获得原始数据,唯一的处理就是把深度图crop了一下 dms, poses, cfgs, coms, names = model.batch_input_test( model.val_dataset) model.test(dms, poses, cfgs, coms, reuse_variables=None) # dms, poses, names = model.batch_input_test(model.val_dataset) # model.test(dms, poses, reuse_variables=None) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.95) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) init_op =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) if selected_step is not None: checkpoint_path = os.path.join(model.train_dir, 'model.ckpt-%d' % selected_step) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path) print('[test_model]model has been resotored from %s' % checkpoint_path) tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(model.summary_dir + '_' + model.val_dataset.subset, graph=sess.graph) res_path = os.path.join( model.train_dir, '%s-%s-result' % (model.val_dataset.subset, res_path = res_path.replace(' ', '_') res_txt_path = res_path + '.txt' if os.path.exists(res_txt_path): os.remove(res_txt_path) err_path = res_path + '_error.txt' f = open(res_txt_path, 'w') # res_vid_path = res_path+'.avi' # codec ='X','V','I','D') # the output size is defined by the visualization tool of matplotlib # vid = cv2.VideoWriter(res_vid_path, codec, 25, (640, 480)) print('[test_model]begin test') test_num = 0 step = 0 meanJntError = [] xyz_val_list = [] xyz_gt_list = [] while True: start_time = time.time() try: gt_vals, xyz_vals, name_vals, val_dms_v, gt_uvd_pts_v, uvd_pts_v = model.do_test( sess, summary_writer, step, names) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('run out of range') break duration = time.time() - start_time for xyz_val, gt_val, name_val, val_dms_v1, gt_uvd_pts_v1, uvd_pts_v1 in zip( xyz_vals, gt_vals, name_vals, val_dms_v, gt_uvd_pts_v, uvd_pts_v): #maxJntError.append(Evaluation.maxJntError(xyz_val, gt_val)) #figure_joint_skeleton2(np.squeeze(val_dms_v1),gt_uvd_pts_v1,test_num,"gt")#.savefig("/home/chen/Documents/denseReg-master/exp/train_cache/saved/pretrain/image/"+str(test_num).zfill(7)+"_gt.png") #figure_joint_skeleton2(np.squeeze(val_dms_v1), uvd_pts_v1,test_num,"pt")#.savefig("/home/chen/Documents/denseReg-master/exp/train_cache/saved/pretrain/image/"+str(test_num).zfill(7)+"_pt.png") meanJntError.append(Evaluation.meanJntError(xyz_val, gt_val)) xyz_val_list.append(xyz_val[np.newaxis, :]) xyz_gt_list.append(gt_val[np.newaxis, :]) xyz_val = xyz_val.tolist() res_str = '%s\t%s\n' % (name_val, '\t'.join( format(pt, '.4f') for pt in xyz_val)) res_str = res_str.replace('/', '\\') f.write(res_str) # vid.write(vis_val) test_num += 1 if test_num >= total_test_num: xyz_gt_list = np.concatenate(xyz_gt_list, axis=0) np.savetxt("xyz_gt_test_5.txt", xyz_gt_list, fmt="%.5f") np.savetxt("xyz_gt_test_all.txt", xyz_gt_list) # 缺省按照'%.18e'格式保存数据,以空格分隔 xyz_val_list = np.concatenate(xyz_val_list, axis=0) np.savetxt("xyz_val_test_5.txt", xyz_val_list, fmt="%.5f") np.savetxt("xyz_val_test_all.txt", xyz_val_list) # 缺省按照'%.18e'格式保存数据,以空格分隔 #xyz_val_list2 = np.loadtxt("a.txt") print('finish test') f.close() Evaluation.plotError(meanJntError, err_path) return f.flush() if step % 101 == 0: print('[%s]: %d/%d computed, with %.2fs' % (, step, model.max_steps, duration)) step += 1