def basic_model():
        Initialize a classifier
        Suggested classifiers:
            * SVM
            * K-nn
            * Decision Tree
            * Random Forrest
        Train a model and evaluate it
            You should use k-fold cross validation
        Return the accuracy of each fold in the scores variable
    model = None
        labels: a list with a subject-label for each feature-vector
        targets: the class labels
        features: the features
    labels, targets, features = data.get_all("features.csv")
    features = data.normalize(features)

    scores = None

    return scores
def basic_model():
    model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
    labels, targets, features = data.get_all("features.csv")
    features = data.normalize(features)

    scores = cross_val_score(model, features, targets, cv=5)

    return scores
def personalized_model():
    model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
    labels, targets, features = data.get_all("features.csv")

    logo = LeaveOneGroupOut()
    scores = []
    for rest, user in logo.split(features, targets, groups=labels):
        normalized = data.normalize(features[user])

        user_scores = cross_val_score(model, normalized, targets[user], cv=5)

        scores = scores + user_scores.tolist()

    return np.array(scores)
def personalized_model():
        Initialize a classifier
        Train a model and evaluate it
            Here you will train one model per subject in the labels-list
            Remember to normalize the features for each subject seperately.
            Evaluate each model using k-fold cross validation
        Return the accuracy of each fold for every user in the scores variable as a numpy-array
    model = None
    labels, targets, features = data.get_all("features.csv")

    scores = None

    return np.array(scores)
def general_model():
        Initialize a classifier
        Train a model and evaluate it
            Here you will use leave-one-group-out cross validation to create a general model
            Remember to normalize the training data set and the test data set seperately.
            There is a function to do this in
        Return the accuracy of each fold in the scores variable as a numpy-array
    model = None
    labels, targets, features = data.get_all("features.csv")

    scores = None

    return np.array(scores)
def general_model():
    model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
    labels, targets, features = data.get_all("features.csv")

    logo = LeaveOneGroupOut()
    scores = []
    for train_index, test_index in logo.split(features, targets,
        features_copy = np.copy(features)
        X_train, X_test = data.normalize_train_test(features_copy[train_index],
        y_train, y_test = targets[train_index], targets[test_index], y_train)

        user_score = model.score(X_test, y_test)

    return np.array(scores)
Esempio n. 7
def ask_basic_info(library):
        info = data.get_all()
        library_id = request.intent.slots.library.resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority[
        for library_info in info:
            if library_info['unit_id'] == int(library_id):
                email = library_info['contact_email']
                answer_msg = render_template("answer-basic-info",
    # No library matching / date matching
    except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
        answer_msg = render_template("error-no-match")
    # other errors
        answer_msg = render_template("error-other")
    return question(answer_msg)
Esempio n. 8
    # Cuda
    use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available()
    if use_gpu:
        print("Using gpu")
        print('Using cpu')

    # embedding path
    emb_path = '/p300/TensorFSARNN/data/emb/glove.6B/glove.6B.100d.txt'
    #  load data
    dir = '/p300/MerryUp_RE2RNN/dataset/ATIS/'
    train_tokens, train_tags, train_seqlen = data.load_data_ATIS(dir + 'train.json')
    test_tokens, test_tags, test_seqlen = data.load_data_ATIS(dir + 'test.json')
    # get all
    all_tokens, all_tags = data.get_all(train_tokens, test_tokens, train_tags, test_tags)
    #  get max
    max = data.get_maxlen(all_tokens)
    # get dict
    word2idx, idx2word, tag2idx, idx2tag = data.create_dict(all_tokens, all_tags)
    vocab_size = len(word2idx) # vocab_size = 942
    tag_size = len(tag2idx)  # C = 27
    # add padding
    train_tokens = data.add_padding(train_tokens, max)
    test_tokens = data.add_padding(test_tokens, max)
    # convert2vec
    train_tokens, train_tags = data.convert2vec(train_tokens, train_tags, word2idx, tag2idx)
    test_tokens, test_tags = data.convert2vec(test_tokens, test_tags, word2idx=word2idx, tag2idx = tag2idx)
    # dataset
    train_dataset = myDataSet(train_tokens, train_tags, train_seqlen)
    test_dataset = myDataSet(test_tokens, test_tags, test_seqlen)