def test_kitti(): # load net num_classes = len(KITTI_CLASSES) + 1 # +1 background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.trained_model)) net.eval() print('Finished loading model!') # load data testset = KITTIDetection(KITTI_ROOT,['val'], None, KITTIAnnotationTransform()) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() print('test') cudnn.benchmark = True # evaluation test_net(args.save_folder, net, args.cuda, testset, BaseTransform(net.size, (104, 117, 123)),thresh=args.visual_threshold)
if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') import time from ssd import build_ssd net = build_ssd('test', 300, 4) # initialize SSD #net.load_weights('../weights/ssd300_mAP_77.43_v2.pth') #net.load_weights('../weights/VOC.pth') net.load_weights('../weights/ssd300_Resz_KITTI_80000.pth') #FOR TESTING WITH ONLY ONE IMAGE, WITHOUT THE DATASET FOLDER, COMMENT THE LIGHT ABOVE AND UNCOMMENT LINE BELOW. ALSO COMMENT THE LINE BELOW image = testset.pull_image(img_id) #image = cv2.imread('/home/emeka/Downloads/pp.jpeg', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) # uncomment if dataset not downloaded from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from data import VOCDetection, VOC_ROOT, VOCAnnotationTransform, KITTIDetection, KITTI_ROOT, KITTIAnnotationTransform # here we specify year (07 or 12) and dataset ('test', 'val', 'train') #testset = VOCDetection(VOC_ROOT, [('2007', 'val')], None, VOCAnnotationTransform()) #CHANGED testset = KITTIDetection(KITTI_ROOT, ['val'], None, KITTIAnnotationTransform()) for img_id in range(0, 150): image = testset.pull_image(img_id) rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # View the sampled input image before transform #plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) #plt.imshow(rgb_image) x = cv2.resize(image, (300, 300)).astype(np.float32) #plt.imshow(x) # x -= (104.0, 117.0, 123.0) x = x.astype(np.float32) x = x[:, :, ::-1].copy()
# extract 2d bounding box in 0-based coordinates self.xmin = float(data[0]) # left self.xmax = float(data[1]) # right self.ymin = float(data[2]) # top self.ymax = float(data[3]) # bottom self.zmin = float(data[4]) # top self.zmax = float(data[5]) # bottom self.box3d = np.array([self.xmin,self.xmax,self.ymin,self.ymax,self.zmin,self.zmax]) if __name__ == "__main__": datatype = 'val' #'train' KITTI_CLASSES = ( 'Index0', 'Background','Cyclist', 'Car', 'Pedestrian') class_to_ind = dict(zip(KITTI_CLASSES, range(len(KITTI_CLASSES)))) # Load the Dataset testset = KITTIDetection(KITTI_ROOT,[datatype], None, KITTIAnnotationTransform) # Necessary Directories root_dir="/home/dllab/kitti_object/data_object_image_2" pcd_dir="/home/dllab/kitti_object/data_object_velodyne/pcl" segmented_pcd_dir="/home/emeka/Schreibtisch/AIS/ais3d/PCD_Files1" data_set = "training" images_dir = os.path.join(root_dir,data_set, "image_{0}".format(2)) detection_dir = '/home/emeka/Schreibtisch/AIS/ais3d/Detections' calib_dir = '/home/dllab/kitti_object/data_object_velodyne/data_object_calib/training/calib' box_dir = '/home/emeka/Schreibtisch/AIS/ais3d/bbox_labels_new' label_dir = os.path.join(root_dir,data_set, "label_{0}".format(2)) # Assign 1 to visualize the images and PCD show_images=0 # Iterate for every image
if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') import time from ssd import build_ssd net = build_ssd('test', 300, 4) # initialize SSD #net.load_weights('../weights/ssd300_mAP_77.43_v2.pth') #net.load_weights('../weights/VOC.pth') net.load_weights('../weights/ssd300_Resz_KITTI_80000.pth') #FOR TESTING WITH ONLY ONE IMAGE, WITHOUT THE DATASET FOLDER, COMMENT THE LIGHT ABOVE AND UNCOMMENT LINE BELOW. ALSO COMMENT THE LINE BELOW image = testset.pull_image(img_id) #image = cv2.imread('/home/emeka/Downloads/pp.jpeg', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) # uncomment if dataset not downloaded from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from data import VOCDetection, VOC_ROOT, VOCAnnotationTransform, KITTIDetection, KITTI_ROOT, KITTIAnnotationTransform # here we specify year (07 or 12) and dataset ('test', 'val', 'train') #testset = VOCDetection(VOC_ROOT, [('2007', 'val')], None, VOCAnnotationTransform()) #CHANGED testset = KITTIDetection(KITTI_ROOT,['train'], None, KITTIAnnotationTransform()) save_folder = '/home/emeka/Schreibtisch/AIS/ais3d/Detections/' for img_id in range(0,len(testset)): image = testset.pull_image(img_id) rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # View the sampled input image before transform #plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) #plt.imshow(rgb_image) x = cv2.resize(image, (300, 300)).astype(np.float32) #plt.imshow(x) # x -= (104.0, 117.0, 123.0) x = x.astype(np.float32) x = x[:, :, ::-1].copy()
self.xmax = float(data[1]) # right self.ymin = float(data[2]) # top self.ymax = float(data[3]) # bottom self.zmin = float(data[4]) # top self.zmax = float(data[5]) # bottom self.box3d = np.array( [self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.zmin, self.zmax]) if __name__ == "__main__": datatype = 'val' #'train' #val KITTI_CLASSES = ('Index0', 'Background', 'Cyclist', 'Car', 'Pedestrian') class_to_ind = dict(zip(KITTI_CLASSES, range(len(KITTI_CLASSES)))) # Load the Dataset testset = KITTIDetection(KITTI_ROOT, [datatype], None, KITTIAnnotationTransform) # Necessary Directories root_dir = "/home/dllab/kitti_object/data_object_image_2" pcd_dir = "/home/dllab/kitti_object/data_object_velodyne/pcl" segmented_pcd_dir = "/home/emeka/Schreibtisch/AIS/ais3d/PCD_Files1" data_set = "training" images_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, data_set, "image_{0}".format(2)) detection_dir = '/home/emeka/Schreibtisch/AIS/ais3d/Detections' calib_dir = '/home/dllab/kitti_object/data_object_velodyne/data_object_calib/training/calib' box_dir = '/home/emeka/Schreibtisch/AIS/ais3d/bbox_labels_new' points_dir = "/home/emeka/Schreibtisch/AIS/ais3d/PCD_Files2/DetectionLocations" label_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, data_set, "label_{0}".format(2)) # Assign 1 to visualize the images and PCD show_images = 1