Esempio n. 1
def init_tree_and_hists(run_info, bins=400):
  filename = file_fmt.format(dir=data_dir, file_id=run_info["file_id"])
  tree = get_tree_from_file("Trigger", filename)
  for attr, val in run_info.items(): setattr(tree, attr, val)
  assign_leaves(tree, channels)
  tree.hists = make_ch_hists(tree, channels, l_bound, u_bound, bins)
  return tree
def generate_data_histograms(run_id):
  # Open the input file & init the tree
  print "Starting run", run_id
  in_file_name = in_data_file_fmt.format(run_id=run_id)
  tree = get_tree_from_file("Trigger", in_file_name)
  assign_leaves(tree, [c[0] for c in channels]) # use comprehension to make a list of just the channels
  # Create the file to write to
  out_file_name = out_data_file_fmt.format(run_id=run_id)
  out_file = TFile(out_file_name, "RECREATE")
  # Make the histograms & fill them
  hists = {ch[0]:make_hist(ch[0], **hist_settings) for ch in channels}
  fill_data_hists (tree, hists)