def fetch_fields(self, table_name, schema): cursor = self.connection.cursor() field_list = list() fields = cursor.execute( """ select COLUMN_NAME as name, as dom, ORDINAL_POSITION as position, sc.is_identity as edit, sc.is_hidden as show_in_grid, sc.is_computed as autocalculated, sc.is_nullable as required, col.DATA_TYPE, sc.scale, sc.precision, sc.max_length from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES as tbl left join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS as col on col.TABLE_NAME = tbl.TABLE_NAME left join sys.columns as sc on sc.object_id = object_id(tbl.table_schema + '.' + tbl.table_name) and sc.NAME = col.COLUMN_NAME left join sys.types as t on col.DATA_TYPE = where tbl.TABLE_NAME = ?;""", (table_name, )).fetchall() # НЕ РАБОТАЕТ (SQL type - 150 not supported yet) # prop.value as descript, # left join sys.extended_properties prop # on prop.major_id = sc.object_id and prop.minor_id = sc.column_id and prop.NAME = 'MS_Description' domain_list = list() for fld in fields: field = Dbc.Field() = fld[0] field.domain = fld[1] field.position = str(fld[2]) field.edit = fld[3] field.show_in_grid = fld[4] field.autocalculated = fld[5] field.required = fld[6] field.input = not (field.autocalculated or field.edit) domain = Dbc.Domain() domain.char_length = str(fld[10]) domain.precision = str(fld[9]) domain.scale = str(fld[8]) domain.type = TYPES[fld[7]] domain_list.append(domain) field.domain = domain field_list.append(field) # += domain_list return field_list
def fetch_tables(self, schema): cursor = self.connection.cursor() tables_list = list() tables = cursor.execute( """ select, OBJECTPROPERTY(t.object_id, 'HasInsertTrigger') as addition, OBJECTPROPERTY(t.object_id, 'HasUpdateTrigger') as edition, t.temporal_type from sys.tables as t join sys.schemas as s on t.schema_id = s.schema_id where = ?;""", (, )).fetchall() for tbl in tables: table = Dbc.Table() = tbl[0] table.add = bool(tbl[1]) table.edit = bool(tbl[2]) table.temporal_mode = bool(tbl[3]) table.indices = self.fetch_indices(, table.constraints = self.fetch_constraints(, table.fields = self.fetch_fields(, schema) tables_list.append(table) return tables_list
def fetch_indices(self, table_id): cursor = self.connection.cursor() indices_list = list() indices_attributes = cursor.execute( """\ select id, name, local, kind\ from dbd$indices\ where dbd$indices.table_id = ?""", (table_id, )).fetchall() for attr_tuple in indices_attributes: index = Dbc.Index() if attr_tuple[3] == "fulltext": index.fulltext, index.uniqueness = True, False elif attr_tuple[3] == "uniqueness": index.fulltext, index.uniqueness = False, True else: index.fulltext, index.uniqueness = False, False, index.local = attr_tuple[1:-1] index.field = cursor.execute( """\ select name from dbd$fields \ where dbd$ = (\ select field_id from dbd$index_details\ where dbd$index_details.index_id = ?)""", (attr_tuple[0], )).fetchone()[0] indices_list.append(index) return indices_list
def get_schema(self): """ :return: schema: Dbc.Schema() of data base. Parse a xml file to obtain schema. """ schema = Dbc.Schema() for an, av in self.xml_repr.documentElement.attributes.items(): # if an.lower() == "fulltext_engine": # schema.fulltext_engine = av # elif an.lower() == "version": # schema.version = av # elif an.lower() == "name": # = av # elif an.lower() == "description": # schema.description = av if an.lower() == "fulltext_engine": pass elif an.lower() == "version": pass elif an.lower() == "name": = av elif an.lower() == "description": pass else: raise WrongAttributeException( ["fulltext_engine", "version", "name", "description"], an) = self.domain_list schema.tables = self.tables_list return schema
def fetch_domains(self): cursor = self.connection.cursor() domain_list = list() domain_attributes = cursor.execute("""\ select name, description, data_type_id, align, width, length, precision, show_null, summable, case_sensitive, \ show_lead_nulls, thousands_separator, char_length, scale from dbd$domains""" ).fetchall() for attr_tuple in domain_attributes: domain = Dbc.Domain(), domain.description, domain.type, domain.align, domain.width, domain.length, \ domain.precision, domain.show_null, domain.summable, domain.case_sensitive, domain.show_lead_nulls, \ domain.thousands_separator, domain.char_length, domain.scale = attr_tuple domain.show_null, domain.show_lead_nulls, domain.thousands_separator, domain.summable, \ domain.case_sensitive = map(bool, [domain.show_null, domain.show_lead_nulls, domain.thousands_separator, domain.summable, domain.case_sensitive]) # domain.char_length, domain.length, domain.scale, domain.precision, domain.width = \ # map(str, [domain.char_length, domain.length, domain.scale, domain.precision, domain.width]) domain.char_length = str( domain.char_length) if domain.char_length else None domain.length = str(domain.length) if domain.length else None domain.scale = str(domain.scale) if domain.scale else None domain.precision = str( domain.precision) if domain.precision else None domain.width = str(domain.width) if domain.width else None domain.type = cursor.execute( """select type_id from dbd$data_types where dbd$ = ?""", (domain.type, )).fetchone()[0] domain_list.append(domain) return domain_list
def fetch_indices(self, schema_name, table_name): cursor = self.connection.cursor() indices_list = list() indices = cursor.execute( """ select as index_name, ind.is_unique, fti.object_id as is_fulltext, as field_name from sys.indexes as ind left join sys.fulltext_indexes as fti on ind.object_id = fti.object_id join sys.index_columns as ic on ind.object_id = ic.object_id and ind.index_id = ic.index_id join sys.columns as c on ind.object_id = c.object_id and ic.column_id = c.column_id where ind.object_id = OBJECT_ID(?);""", ("{schema_name}.{table_name}".format( schema_name=schema_name, table_name=table_name), )).fetchall() for ind in indices: index = Dbc.Index() = ind[0] index.uniqueness = ind[1] index.fulltext = bool(ind[2]) index.field = ind[3] indices_list.append(index) return indices_list
def fetch_constraints(self, table_id): cursor = self.connection.cursor() constraints_list = list() constraints_attributes = cursor.execute( """\ select id, table_id, name, constraint_type, reference, unique_key_id, has_value_edit, cascading_delete, expression\ from dbd$constraints\ where dbd$constraints.table_id = ?""", (table_id, )).fetchall() for attr_tuple in constraints_attributes: constraint = Dbc.Constraint() _, tbl_id,, constraint.kind, constraint.reference, constraint.unique_key_id, \ constraint.has_value_edit, constraint.cascading_delete, constraint.expression = attr_tuple constraint.has_value_edit, constraint.cascading_delete = map( bool, [constraint.has_value_edit, constraint.cascading_delete]) constraint.items = cursor.execute( """\ select name from dbd$fields\ where dbd$ = (\ select field_id from dbd$constraint_details\ where dbd$constraint_details.constraint_id = ?)""", (attr_tuple[0], )).fetchone()[0] constraint.reference = None if constraint.kind == "PRIMARY" else cursor.execute( """\ select name from dbd$tables where dbd$ = ?""", (constraint.reference, )).fetchone()[0] constraints_list.append(constraint) return constraints_list
def get_fields(table): """ :param table: Dbc.Table() to find fields in. :return: fields_list: list of fields in table. Parse table to find fields. """ if table.nodeName != "table": raise WrongNodeException("table", table.nodeName) fields_list = list() pos = 1 for field in table.getElementsByTagName("field"): fld = Dbc.Field() fld.position = str(pos) for an, av in field.attributes.items(): if an.lower() == "name": = av elif an.lower() == "rname": fld.rname = av elif an.lower() == "domain": fld.domain = av elif an.lower() == "description": fld.description = av elif an.lower() == "props": for prop in av.split(", "): if prop == "input": fld.input = True elif prop == "edit": fld.edit = True elif prop == "show_in_grid": fld.show_in_grid = True elif prop == "show_in_details": fld.show_in_details = True elif prop == "autocalculated": fld.autocalculated = True elif prop == "is_mean": fld.is_mean = True elif prop == "required": fld.required = True else: raise WrongPropertyException([ "input", "edit", "show_in_grid", "show_in_details", "is_mean", "autocalculated", "required" ], prop) else: raise WrongAttributeException([ "name", "rname", "position", "domain", "description", "props" ], an) pos += 1 fields_list.append(fld) return fields_list
def get_domains(self): """ :return: domain_list: list of domains. Parse an xml file to find domains in. """ domain_list = list() for domain in self.xml_repr.getElementsByTagName("domain"): dom = Dbc.Domain() for an, av in domain.attributes.items(): if an.lower() == "name": = av elif an.lower() == "description": dom.description = av elif an.lower() == "type": dom.type = av elif an.lower() == "align": dom.align = av elif an.lower() == "width": dom.width = av elif an.lower() == "props": for prop in av.split(", "): if prop == "show_null": dom.show_null = True elif prop == "summable": dom.summable = True elif prop == "case_sensitive": dom.case_sensitive = True elif prop == "show_lead_nulls": dom.show_lead_nulls = True elif prop == "thousand_separator": dom.thousands_separator = True else: raise WrongPropertyException([ "show_null", "summable", "case_sensitive", "show_lead_nulls", "thousands_separator" ], prop) elif an.lower() == "char_length": dom.char_length = av elif an.lower() == "length": dom.length = av elif an.lower() == "precision": dom.precision = av elif an.lower() == "scale": dom.scale = av else: raise WrongAttributeException([ "props", "scale", "length", "char_length", "precision", "width", "align", "type", "description", "name" ], an) domain_list.append(dom) return domain_list
def fetch_schema(self): schema = Dbc.Schema() = "dbo" schema.tables = self.fetch_tables(schema) # rsd = list() # for domain in # if all([domain != dom for dom in rsd]): # rsd.append(domain) # = rsd return schema
def get_constraints(table): """ :param table: Dbc.Table() to find constraints in. :return: constraints_list: list of constraints in table. Parse table to find constraints. """ if table.nodeName != "table": raise WrongNodeException("table", table.nodeName) constraints_list = list() for constraint in table.getElementsByTagName("constraint"): const = Dbc.Constraint() for an, av in constraint.attributes.items(): if an.lower() == "name": = av elif an.lower() == "kind": const.kind = av elif an.lower() == "items": const.items = av elif an.lower() == "unique_key_id": const.unique_key_id = av elif an.lower() == "reference": const.reference = av elif an.lower() == "expression": const.expression = av elif an.lower() == "props": for prop in av.split(", "): if prop == "has_value_edit": const.has_value_edit = True elif prop == "cascading_delete": const.cascading_delete = True # elif prop == "full_cascading_delete": # const.full_cascading_delete = True elif prop == "full_cascading_delete": pass else: raise WrongPropertyException([ "has_value_edit", "cascading_delete", "full_cascading_delete" ], prop) else: raise WrongAttributeException([ "name", "constraint_type", "unique_key_id", "expression" "kind", "items", "reference_type", "reference", "props" ], an) constraints_list.append(const) return constraints_list
def get_tables(self): """ :return: tables_list: list of tables in xml file. Parse a xml file to find tables. """ tables_list = list() for table in self.xml_repr.getElementsByTagName("table"): tbl = Dbc.Table() for an, av in table.attributes.items(): if an.lower() == "name": = av elif an.lower() == "description": tbl.description = av elif an.lower() == "props": for prop in av.split(", "): if prop == "add": tbl.add = True elif prop == "edit": tbl.edit = True elif prop == "delete": tbl.delete = True elif prop == "temporal_mode": tbl.temporal_mode = True else: raise WrongPropertyException( ["delete", "temporal_mode", "edit", "add"], prop) # elif an.lower() == "ht_table_flags": # tbl.ht_table_flags = av # elif an.lower() == "access_level": # tbl.access_level = av elif an.lower() == "ht_table_flags": pass elif an.lower() == "access_level": pass elif an.lower() == "means": tbl.means = av else: raise WrongAttributeException([ "props", "access_level", "ht_table_flags", "description", "name" ], an) tbl.fields = self.get_fields(table) tbl.indices = self.get_indices(table) tbl.constraints = self.get_constraints(table) tables_list.append(tbl) return tables_list
def fetch_schema(self): schema = Dbc.Schema() cursor = self.connection.cursor() # sid, name = cursor.execute("""select id, name from dbd$schemas where name = ?""", # (self.schema_name,)).fetchone() # if name is None: # raise SchemaNameError("Can't find schema with {} name".format(self.schema_name)) # else: # = name = self.fetch_domains() schema.tables = self.fetch_tables() self.connection.commit() self.connection.close() return schema
def fetch_tables(self): cursor = self.connection.cursor() tables_list = list() tables_attributes = cursor.execute("""\ select id, name, description, can_add, can_edit, can_delete, temporal_mode, means from dbd$tables""" ).fetchall() for attr_tuple in tables_attributes: table = Dbc.Table() tid,, table.description, table.add, table.edit, table.delete, table.temporal_mode, \ table.means = attr_tuple table.add, table.edit, table.delete = map( bool, [table.add, table.edit, table.delete]) table.fields = self.fetch_fields(tid) table.constraints = self.fetch_constraints(tid) table.indices = self.fetch_indices(tid) tables_list.append(table) return tables_list
def fetch_fields(self, table_id): cursor = self.connection.cursor() field_list = list() filed_attributes = cursor.execute( """\ select name, russian_short_name, description, domain_id, can_input, can_edit, \ show_in_grid, show_in_details, is_mean, autocalculated, required from dbd$fields\ where dbd$fields.table_id = ?""", (table_id, )).fetchall() for attr_tuple in filed_attributes: field = Dbc.Field(), field.rname, field.description, field.domain, field.input, field.edit, \ field.show_in_grid, field.show_in_details, field.is_mean, field.autocalculated, \ field.required = attr_tuple field.input, field.edit, field.show_in_grid, field.show_in_details, field.is_mean, field.autocalculated, \ field.required = map(bool, [field.input, field.edit, field.show_in_grid, field.show_in_details, field.is_mean, field.autocalculated, field.required]) field.domain = cursor.execute( """select name from dbd$domains where dbd$ = ?""", (field.domain, )).fetchone()[0] field_list.append(field) return field_list
def get_indices(table): """ :param table: Dbc.Table() to find indices in. :return: indices_list: list of indices in table. Parse table to find indices in. """ if table.nodeName != "table": raise WrongNodeException("table", table.nodeName) indices_list = list() for index in table.getElementsByTagName("index"): idx = Dbc.Index() for an, av in index.attributes.items(): if an.lower() == "name": = av elif an.lower() == "field": idx.field = av elif an.lower() == "props": for prop in av.split(", "): if prop == "fulltext": idx.fulltext = True elif prop == "uniqueness": idx.uniqueness = True elif prop == "local": idx.local = True else: raise WrongPropertyException( ["fulltext", "uniqueness", "local"], prop) else: raise WrongAttributeException(["field", "name", "props"], an) indices_list.append(idx) return indices_list
def fetch_constraints(self, schema_name, table_name): cursor = self.connection.cursor() get_primary_keys = cursor.execute( """ select, KCU.COLUMN_NAME as items, kc.unique_index_id as unique_key_index from sys.tables as t join sys.key_constraints as kc on t.object_id = kc.parent_object_id join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE as KCU on KCU.CONSTRAINT_NAME = where t.object_id = object_id(?);""", (".".join([schema_name, table_name]))).fetchall() primary_keys = list() if get_primary_keys: for key in get_primary_keys: constraint = Dbc.Constraint() = key[0] constraint.kind = "PRIMARY" constraint.items = key[1] constraint.unique_key_id = str(key[2]) primary_keys.append(constraint) get_foreign_keys = cursor.execute( """ select,,, fk.delete_referential_action from sys.tables as t join sys.all_columns as ac on t.object_id = ac.object_id join sys.foreign_key_columns as fkc on ac.column_id = fkc.parent_column_id and t.object_id = fkc.parent_object_id join sys.foreign_keys as fk on fkc.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id join sys.tables as tt on tt.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id where t.object_id = object_id(?);""", (".".join([schema_name, table_name]))).fetchall() foreign_keys = list() if get_foreign_keys: for key in get_foreign_keys: constraint = Dbc.Constraint() = key[0] constraint.kind = "FOREIGN" constraint.items = key[1] constraint.reference = key[2] constraint.cascading_delete = bool(key[3]) foreign_keys.append(constraint) get_check_constraints = cursor.execute( """ select, as items, cc.definition as expression from sys.tables as t join sys.all_columns as ac on t.object_id = ac.object_id join sys.check_constraints as cc on ac.column_id = cc.parent_column_id and t.object_id = cc.parent_object_id where t.object_id = object_id(?);""", (".".join([schema_name, table_name]))).fetchall() check_constraints = list() if get_check_constraints: for key in get_check_constraints: constraint = Dbc.Constraint() = key[0] constraint.kind = "CHECK" constraint.items = key[1] constraint.expression = key[2] check_constraints.append(constraint) return primary_keys + foreign_keys + check_constraints