Esempio n. 1
def test_push():
    u"""Assert that the heap has correct head through multiple pushes."""
    heap = Heap()
    numsPushed = []
    for num in NUMBERS:
        assert heap[0] == max(numsPushed)
Esempio n. 2
def print_sorted(result):
    heap = Heap()

    for key in result:
        heap.add(sum(result[key]), str(result[key]) + ' ' + key)

    sorted_result = heap.sort()

    i = 0
    for item in sorted_result:
        i += 1
        print(str(i) + '. ' + str(item[0]) + ' ' + item[1])
Esempio n. 3
    def testExtractMax(self):
        # Single element
        heap = Heap([1])

        assert heap.extract_max() == 1

        # Sorted, n = 2
        heap = Heap([1, 2])

        for i in [2, 1]:
            assert heap.extract_max() == i

        # Reversed, n = 2
        heap = Heap([2, 1])

        for i in [2, 1]:
            assert heap.extract_max() == i

        # Sorted, n = 3
        heap = Heap([1, 2, 3])

        for i in [3, 2, 1]:
            assert heap.extract_max() == i

        # Reversed, n = 3
        heap = Heap([3, 2, 1])

        for i in [3, 2, 1]:
            assert heap.extract_max() == i

        # Intercalated, n = 5
        heap = Heap([1, 5, 2, 3, 4])

        for i in [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]:
            assert heap.extract_max() == i
Esempio n. 4
def prim(G, root=None):
    Find the minimim spanning tree of a graph using Prim's algorithm. If root
    is given, use it as the starting node.
    nodes = Heap([(float("inf"), n) for n in G.nodes])
    parent = {n: None for n in G.nodes}
    if root:
        nodes[root] = 0
    mst = set()
    while nodes:
        node = nodes.pop()[0]
        if parent[node] is not None:
            mst.add((parent[node], node))
        for neigh, weight in G[node].items():
            if neigh in nodes and weight < nodes[neigh]:
                nodes[neigh] = weight
                parent[neigh] = node
    return mst
Esempio n. 5
def dijkstra_heap(graph,source,stress = False):
    n_nodes = len(graph)
    Q = [True] * n_nodes
    dist = [MAX_INT] * n_nodes  #distance from source to v
    prev = [None] * n_nodes #previous node in optimal path
    dist[source] = 0
    S = Heap()

    for node,distance in enumerate(dist):

    while S.size != 0:
        #find vertex with minimum distance
        dist_u , u = S.pop() #instead of finding the minimum we just grab it. O(logn) vs O(n)
        Q[u] = False

        weights = graph[u]
        for v,edge in enumerate(weights):
            # can I find a way to relate this to the decrease priority?
            # yes. we need to iterate the heap itself and not the weight array

            if edge != MAX_INT and Q[v]: #v is in Q and is neighbor
                #we need some way of relating this to the heap
                alt = dist_u + edge #alternative path
                if alt < dist[v]: #alternative path is better
                    dist[v] = alt
                    prev[v] = u
        if stress:
            #progress tracker - to be removed
            print(str(S.size)+'\r',end = '')
    return (dist,prev)
Esempio n. 6
def _build_a_heap():
    heap = Heap()
    while len(heap) < len(NUMBERS):
    return heap
Esempio n. 7
def test_init():
    u"""Assert the succesful initiation of heap object."""
    heap = Heap()
    assert isinstance(heap, Heap)