Esempio n. 1
def main():
    # IMPORTANT: Set generate to True if you wish to generate the Matrix Factorizations, otherwise set to false to skip training
    generate = False

    from attribute_obfuscation import test_NN, load_NN_and_movie_lists
    from attribute_inference_NN import get_NN_model_location
    if generate:
        get_rating_predictor_using_training_data(load_dataset(0, 0).MF_training, training_enabled=True, skip_already_trained=True)
        # For every k value (obfuscation percentage), generate the rmse 
        for k in options.k_values:
            # Each NN will recommend different movies, which will affect how the Matrix Factorization is trained
            for test_percentage in options.TEST_PERCENTAGES: 
                dataset = load_dataset(test_percentage, k)

                (train_ratings, train_labels), (test_ratings, test_labels), (train_user_ids, test_user_ids) = dataset.get_training_testing_for_NN()
                model, categorical_movies = load_NN_and_movie_lists(get_NN_model_location(test_percentage, k))

                print("Retrieving Obfuscated User Item Matrix to train Matrix Factorization Recommender...")
                _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, modified_user_item_matrix = test_NN(model, test_ratings, test_labels, test_user_ids, categorical_movies, test_percentage, k)
                print("\nTraining MF for k: {} and test_percentage: {:.2f}".format(k, test_percentage))
                get_rating_predictor_using_obscured_data(dataset.MF_training, modified_user_item_matrix=modified_user_item_matrix, test_percentage=test_percentage, k_obfuscation=k, training_enabled=True, skip_already_trained=True)

Esempio n. 2
def view_change_in_results():
    from attribute_obfuscation import test_NN, load_NN_and_movie_lists
    from attribute_inference_NN import get_NN_model_location
    # Compute results with differing values of k
    for precision_recall_k in options.precision_at_k_values:

        dataset = load_dataset(0, 0)

        mf1 = get_rating_predictor_using_training_data(training_data=dataset.MF_training, training_enabled=False)
        mf1_mse = mf1.mse(dataset.MF_testing)
        mf1_mae = mf1.mae(dataset.MF_testing)
        mf1_precisions, mf1_recalls, mf1_F1_list = mf1.precision_and_recall_at_k(dataset.MF_testing, k=precision_recall_k)
        mf1_avg_precision = sum(mf1_precisions)/len(mf1_precisions)
        mf1_avg_recall = sum(mf1_recalls)/len(mf1_recalls)
        mf1_avg_F1 = sum(mf1_F1_list)/len(mf1_F1_list)

        results = []
        results.append([0, 0, mf1_mse, mf1_mae, mf1_avg_precision, mf1_avg_recall, mf1_avg_F1])
        # For every k value (obfuscation percentage), generate the rmse 
        for k in options.k_values:
            # Each NN will recommend different movies, which will affect how the Matrix Factorization is trained
            for test_percentage in options.TEST_PERCENTAGES: 
                dataset = load_dataset(test_percentage, k)
                (train_ratings, train_labels), (test_ratings, test_labels), (train_user_ids, test_user_ids) = dataset.get_training_testing_for_NN()
                model, categorical_movies = load_NN_and_movie_lists(get_NN_model_location(test_percentage, k))

                print("Retrieving MF for k: {} and test_percentage: {:.2f}".format(k, test_percentage))   
                _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, modified_user_item_matrix = test_NN(model, test_ratings, test_labels, test_user_ids, categorical_movies, test_percentage, k)

                mf2 = get_rating_predictor_using_obscured_data(dataset.MF_training, modified_user_item_matrix=modified_user_item_matrix, test_percentage=test_percentage, k_obfuscation=k, training_enabled=False)
                mf2_mse = mf2.mse(dataset.MF_testing)
                mf2_mae = mf2.mae(dataset.MF_testing)

                mf2_precisions, mf2_recalls, mf2_F1_list = mf2.precision_and_recall_at_k(dataset.MF_testing, k=precision_recall_k)
                mf2_avg_precision = sum(mf2_precisions)/len(mf2_precisions)
                mf2_avg_recall = sum(mf2_recalls)/len(mf2_recalls)
                mf2_avg_F1 = sum(mf2_F1_list)/len(mf2_F1_list)

                print("MF2 RMSE - MF1 RMSE = {}".format(mf2_mse - mf1_mse))    
                print("MF2 MAE - MF1 MAE = {}".format(mf2_mae - mf1_mae))    
                results.append([test_percentage, k, mf2_mse, mf2_mae, mf2_avg_precision, mf2_avg_recall, mf2_avg_F1])
                np_results = np.array(results)

            # Delete the model after you're done with it
            del model


        save_location = options.MF_results_folder + "/matrix_factorization_recommender_results_precision{}k.out".format(precision_recall_k)

        print("Saved at Matrix Factorization Factorization Results at " + save_location)
        print("Data is to be read as:")
        print(['test_percentage', 'k (obfuscation percent)', 'mf2_mse', 'mf2_mae', 'mf2_avg_precision', 'mf2_avg_recall', 'mf2_avg_F1'])

        np.savetxt(save_location, np_results)
Esempio n. 3
def test_NN_with_user(model, user_vector, user_attribute, categorical_movies,
    dataset = load_dataset(0, chosen_k)
    mf = get_rating_predictor_using_training_data(dataset.MF_training)
    k: The percentage of movies to add (obfuscation)
    # Test the select_movies implemented function above on a single user

    choices = set(range(3))  # One for each job
    movies_list = categorical_movies[random.choice(
        list(choices))[0]]  # Use anything besides what the user is defined as

    # Retrieve set of movies rated by user
    user_movies = set([
        movie_index for movie_index, rating in enumerate(user_vector)
        if rating > 0

    new_user_movies = select_movies(user_movies=user_movies,

    print("Known User Attribute: ", user_attribute)
    print("Original User Movie Length: ", len(user_movies))
    print("New User Movie Length: ", len(new_user_movies))
    print("[Added {} movies]".format(len(new_user_movies) - len(user_movies)))

    print("Original Predicted User Attribute: ",
    user_vector_new = [0] * options.NUM_ITEMS
    for movie_index in new_user_movies:
        #new_user_vector[movie_index] = 1
        user_vector_new[movie_index] = mf.get_rating(1, movie_index)
        #print("User ID:", user_id, "Movie Index:", movie_index, "Rating:", new_user_vector[movie_index])

    print("New Predicted User Attribute: ", model.predict([[user_vector_new]]))

    print("\n", "#" * 100, "\n")
import options
from data_train_test import load_dataset
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

#  Compile many models, each using their own test percentage
if __name__ == "__main__":

    non_obfuscated_baseline_accuracies = []
    obfuscated_baseline_accuracies = []

    for test_percentage in options.TEST_PERCENTAGES:
        dataset = load_dataset(test_percentage, 0)
        (train_ratings, train_labels), (test_ratings, test_labels), (train_user_ids,
                                                                    test_user_ids) = dataset.get_training_testing_for_NN()

        # Step 1: Find the majority class/attribute
        print("Train Labels:", train_labels)
        counts = np.bincount(train_labels)
        majority_attribute = np.argmax(counts)
        print("Majority Attribute:", majority_attribute)

        count2 = np.bincount(dataset.user_genders)
        print("Distribution in Entire Dataset: ", count2)
        # Step 2: Initialize variables to keep track of accuracy
        correct_prediction_count = 0
        total_users = len(test_labels)
        print("Test Label Size: ", total_users)
Esempio n. 5
def main():

    # Results across all NNs
    for k in options.k_values:
        dataset = load_dataset(0, k)

        non_obfuscated_losses = []
        non_obfuscated_accuracies = []
        obfuscated_losses = []
        obfuscated_accuracies = []

        non_obfuscated_auc_micros = []
        non_obfuscated_auc_macros = []
        obfuscated_auc_micros = []
        obfuscated_auc_macros = []

        for test_percentage in options.TEST_PERCENTAGES:
            # Load model for every dataset
            dataset = load_dataset(test_percentage, k)
            (train_ratings, train_labels), (test_ratings, test_labels), (
                test_user_ids) = dataset.get_training_testing_for_NN()

            saved_model_location = get_NN_model_location(test_percentage, k)
            model, categorical_movies = load_NN_and_movie_lists(

            non_obfuscated_loss, non_obfuscated_acc, obfuscated_loss, obfuscated_acc, non_obfuscated_auc_micro, non_obfuscated_auc_macro, obfuscated_auc_micro, obfuscated_auc_macro, modified_user_item_matrix = test_NN(
                model, test_ratings, test_labels, test_user_ids,
                categorical_movies, test_percentage, k)

            del model, categorical_movies



        # Evaluated on test set without obfuscation and with k% obfuscation
        results = np.array([
            options.TEST_PERCENTAGES, non_obfuscated_losses, obfuscated_losses,
            non_obfuscated_accuracies, obfuscated_accuracies,
            non_obfuscated_auc_micros, non_obfuscated_auc_macros,
            obfuscated_auc_micros, obfuscated_auc_macros

        print('-' * 100)
        print("[First row is test percentages]")
        print("[Second row is non_obfuscated_losses]")
        print("[Third row is obfuscated_losses]")
        print("[Fourth row is non_obfuscated_accuracies]")
        print("[Fifth row is obfuscated_accuracies]")

        print("[Sixth row is non_obfuscated_auc_micros]")
        print("[Seventh row is non_obfuscated_auc_macros]")
        print("[Eigth row is obfuscated_auc_micros]")
        print("[Ninth row is obfuscated_auc_macros]")

        if k < 1:
            save_location = options.results_folder + "/{}_inference_NN_{:.2f}%k_obfuscation.out".format(
                options.inference_target, k)

            save_location = options.results_folder + "/{}_inference_NN_{:.2f}k_obfuscation.out".format(
                options.inference_target, k)
        print("Saved at " + save_location)
        np.savetxt(save_location, results)
Esempio n. 6
def test_NN(model, test_ratings, test_labels, test_user_ids,
            categorical_movies, test_percentage, chosen_k):
    ''' Evaluate on test set without obfuscation and with obfuscation

    k: The percentage of movies to add (obfuscation)
    # Use the select_movies implemented function above on all users
    success_original = 0
    success_obfuscated = 0
    total_num_users = 0
    modified_user_item_matrix = []  # Includes user ids
    dataset = load_dataset(0, chosen_k)

    # if options.inference_target == 'gender':
    #     test_labels = [dataset.user_info[user_id]['gender'] for user_id in test_user_ids]
    # elif options.inference_target == 'age':
    #     test_labels = [dataset.user_ages[user_id] for user_id in test_user_ids]
    # elif options.inference_target == 'job':
    #     test_labels = [dataset.user_jobs[user_id] for user_id in test_user_ids]
    # else:
    #     print("Please use 'gender', 'age', or 'job' and the inference target.")
    #     return

    test_ratings_obfuscated = []  # Does not include user ids
    mf = get_rating_predictor_using_training_data(dataset.MF_training)

    for user_index, user_vector in enumerate(test_ratings):
        user_id = test_user_ids[user_index]
        total_num_users += 1
        user_attribute = test_labels[
            user_index]  # 0 is male, 1 is female in the case of 'gender'

        choices = set(range(options.NUM_CLASSES))  # One for each job
        for i, v in enumerate(categorical_movies):
            if len(v) == 0 and i != user_attribute:

        movies_list = categorical_movies[random.choice(
            list(choices))]  # Use anything besides what the user is defined as

        # Retrieve set of movies rated by user
        user_movies = set([
            movie_index for movie_index, rating in enumerate(user_vector)
            if rating > 0
        new_user_movies = select_movies(user_movies=user_movies,

        # print("Known User job: ", user_attribute)
        # print("Original User Movie Length: ", len(user_movies))
        # print("New User Movie Length: ", len(new_user_movies))
        # print("[Added {} movies]".format(len(new_user_movies) - len(user_movies)))

        # print("\n[[Male Probability | Female Probability]]")
        old_prediction = model.predict([[user_vector]])
        # print("Original Predicted User job: ", old_prediction)

        #print("Old:", np.argmax(old_prediction[0]))

        #print("{} == {}? -> {}".format(user_attribute, np.argmax(old_prediction[0]), user_attribute == np.argmax(old_prediction[0])))
        if user_attribute == np.argmax(old_prediction[0]):
            success_original += 1

        # Assign movie rating to added movie (average or predicted)
        new_user_vector = [0] * options.NUM_ITEMS
        for movie_index in new_user_movies:
            if options.average_or_predicted_ratings == 'average':
                new_user_vector[movie_index] = dataset.user_item_averages[
            elif options.average_or_predicted_ratings == 'predicted':
                new_user_vector[movie_index] = mf.get_rating(
                    user_id, movie_index)

            #print("User ID:", user_id, "Movie Index:", movie_index, "Rating:", new_user_vector[movie_index])

        modified_user_item_matrix.append((user_id, new_user_vector))
        new_prediction = model.predict([[new_user_vector]])
        #print("New:", np.argmax(new_prediction[0]))

        #print("New Predicted User job: ", new_prediction)
        if user_attribute == np.argmax(new_prediction[0]):
            success_obfuscated += 1

    print("\n", "#" * 100, "\n")
    non_obfuscated_result = success_original / total_num_users
    print("NN job Inference Accuracy of test set before obfuscation:",

    # The below two lines are a faster way of performing the some of the above lines of code in the for loop
    #print("test_labels", test_labels)
    non_obfuscated_loss, non_obfuscated_acc = model.evaluate(
        test_ratings, test_labels)
    print("Non-Obfuscated Accuracy (using evaluate function):",
    print("Non-Obfuscated Loss (using evaluate function):",

    obfuscated_result = success_obfuscated / total_num_users
    print("NN job Inference Accuracy of test set after obfuscation:",
    print("\n", "#" * 100, "\n")

    # The below two lines are a faster way of performing the some of the above lines of code in the for loop
    obfuscated_loss, obfuscated_acc = model.evaluate(
        np.array(test_ratings_obfuscated), test_labels)
    print("Obfuscated Accuracy (using evaluate function):", obfuscated_acc)
    print("Obfuscated Loss (using evaluate function):", obfuscated_loss)

    non_obfuscated_predicted_attributes = model.predict(test_ratings)
    non_obfuscated_auc_micro, non_obfuscated_auc_macro = auc(
        test_labels, non_obfuscated_predicted_attributes, test_percentage,

    obfuscated_predicted_attributes = model.predict(
    obfuscated_auc_micro, obfuscated_auc_macro = auc(
        test_labels, obfuscated_predicted_attributes, test_percentage,

    return non_obfuscated_loss, non_obfuscated_acc, obfuscated_loss, obfuscated_acc, non_obfuscated_auc_micro, non_obfuscated_auc_macro, obfuscated_auc_micro, obfuscated_auc_macro, modified_user_item_matrix  #(non_obfuscated_result, obfuscated_result)
def main():
    for k in options.k_values:
        for test_percentage in options.TEST_PERCENTAGES:
            (train_ratings, train_labels), (test_ratings, test_labels), (train_user_ids,
                                                                        test_user_ids) = load_dataset(test_percentage, k).get_training_testing_for_NN()
            model = build_model()

            #  Compile the model (optimizer, loss, and metrics)

            #  Train the model
            # Feed the model the training data, with the associated training labels
            print("Training Shape:", train_ratings.shape)
            print("Testing Shape:", test_ratings.shape)

            print("Number of train labels:", len(train_labels))
            print("Number of test labels:", len(test_labels))

            print("First Test Rating: ", test_ratings[0])
            print("First test label:", test_labels[0])
            print("Second Test Rating: ", test_ratings[1])
            print("Second test label:", test_labels[1])
            # Observce the BASELINE
            results = model.evaluate(test_ratings, test_labels)

            print("{} Attribute inference results prior to training (Test Data)\nLoss: {}\nAccuracy: {}".format(
                options.inference_target, results[0], results[1]))

            callback_list = []
            early_stopping_monitor = 'val_loss'
            early_stopping_min_delta = 0
            early_stopping_patience = 10 # Number of epochs with no improvement
            early_stopping_verbose = 1
            early_stopping_callback = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor=early_stopping_monitor,
            # Then TRAIN
            training_history =, train_labels, epochs=options.EPOCHS, batch_size=options.TRAINING_BATCH_SIZE, validation_data=(test_ratings, test_labels), verbose=1, callbacks=callback_list)

            # Then Observe if there was an improvement
            results = model.evaluate(test_ratings, test_labels)
            print("{} Attribute inference results after training (Test Data)\nLoss: {}\nAccuracy: {}".format(
                options.inference_target, results[0], results[1]))

            #  Save the model
            model_save_path = get_NN_model_location(test_percentage, k)
            # Save entire model to a HDF5 file
            if not os.path.exists(options.model_folder):


            #  Load the model (Just to make sure it saved correctly)
            new_model = keras.models.load_model(model_save_path)
            # new_model.summary()

            loss, acc = new_model.evaluate(test_ratings, test_labels)
            print("Restored model accuracy: {:5.2f}%".format(100*acc))