def send_message(messageJson): third = messageJson['trd'] seq = messageJson['seq'] sqli = "select openid,sequence from session where third_session=%s;" sql = "select sendtime,content,sessionid from log natural join userid where openid=%s;" sqld = "delete from log where openid=%s;" try: cur.execute(sqli, [third]) temp = cur.fetchall() if temp: openid = temp[0][0] seqs = temp[0][1] if seq != seqs: print seq, " ", seqs return [], 0 else: seq = seq + 1 seqs = seqs + 2 sqls = "update session set sequence=%s where third_session=%s" cur.execute(sqls, [seqs, third]) conn.commit() cur.execute(sql, [openid]) log = cur.fetchall() cur.execute(sqld, [openid]) conn.commit() if log: return log, seq else: return [], seq else: print "no user" return [], 0 except: print "sql error" return [], 0
def generateBankStatement(client): print('\nExtrato Mensal') client.printData() print('\nDespesas: \n') cur.execute( f"SELECT category, price, date FROM purchase WHERE client_id = '{client.getId()}';" ) purchases = cur.fetchall() if len(purchases) > 0: for purchase in purchases: print(f'{purchase[0]} - R${purchase[1]:.2f} - {purchase[2]}') else: print('Não há nenhuma despesa registrada!') limit = client.getMonthlyLimit() available_credit = client.getAvailableCredit() print(f'\nCrédito Limite (mês): R${limit:.2f}') print(f'Crédito Gasto: R${limit - available_credit:.2f}') print(f'Crédito Disponível: R${available_credit:.2f}') getOption(client)
def save_session(_3rd_session, session_key, openid): try: sql = "select openid from session where openid=%s;" cur.execute(sql, [openid]) temp = cur.fetchall() if len(temp): try: sqlu = "update session set third_session = %s where openid = %s;" cur.execute(sqlu, [_3rd_session, openid]) conn.commit() except: print "error" else: try: sqli = "insert into session(third_session,session_key,openid,sequence) values(%s,%s,%s,0);" sql1 = "insert into userid(openid,id) values(%s,%s);" import hashlib userid = hashlib.sha256() userid.update(openid) temp = userid.hexdigest() cur.execute(sqli, [_3rd_session, session_key, openid]) conn.commit() cur.execute(sql1, [openid, temp]) conn.commit() return temp except: print "error" except: print "error" return
def validateCPF(cpf): if len(cpf) == 11 and cpf != cpf[::-1]: cpf_numbers = [] calc = 0 for i in range(9): cpf_numbers.append(int(cpf[i])) calc += cpf_numbers[i] * (10 - i) if (calc * 10) % 11 == int(cpf[-2]): cpf_numbers.clear() calc = 0 for j in range(10): cpf_numbers.append(int(cpf[j])) calc += cpf_numbers[j] * (11 - j) if (calc * 10) % 11 == int(cpf[-1]): cur.execute("SELECT cpf FROM client;") all_cpf = cur.fetchall() if cpf not in all_cpf: return True else: return False else: return False else: return False
def searchInvite(inviteCode): sql = "select trd,userid from invite where inviteCode=%s" try: cur.execute(sql, [inviteCode]) temp = cur.fetchall() return temp[0][0], temp[0][1] except: pass return None, None
def flair_map(server): flairmap = {} cur.execute("SELECT * from flairmap WHERE discord_server=?", (,)) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: flairmap.update({row[1]:row[2]}) return flairmap
def getuserid(trd): sql = "select id from session natural join userid where third_session=%s" try: cur.execute(sql, [trd]) temp = cur.fetchall() userid = temp[0][0] return userid except: pass return
def login(userid): sqls = "select password from user where iduser=%s;" try: cur.execute(sqls, [userid]) temp = cur.fetchall() return 1 except: register(userid) return 0
def suburbs(): #define a query and get the suburb_id and name of the suburb in a tuple array results = [] try: cur.execute( """SELECT s.suburb_id, FROM suburbs s""" , "" ) results = cur.fetchall() return jsonify(results ) except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) return "Test"
def creditCardGenerator(): while True: credit_card = '' for i in range(16): random_number = random.randint(0, 9) credit_card += str(random_number) cur.execute("SELECT credit_card FROM client;") credit_cards = cur.fetchall() if credit_card not in credit_cards: return credit_card
def printAllClients(admin): print('\nListagem de todos os clientes: ') cur.execute("SELECT name, cpf, credit_card FROM client;") clients = cur.fetchall() if len(clients) > 0: print('\nCPF \t\t Nome \t\t\t Número do Cartão') for client in clients: print(f'{client[1]} \t {client[0]} \t\t {client[2]}') else: print('\nNão há nenhum cliente cadastrado no sistema!') getOption(admin)
def suburbName( suburbName ): #We need to get the relevant information for properties inside the requested suburb try: cur.execute( """ SELECT l.headline, l.price, a.full_address, ag.first_name || ' ' || ag.last_name, l.seo_url, l.display_price FROM listings l, properties_listings pl, properties p, address a, suburbs s, agents ag, agent_listings al WHERE l.price is not null AND pl.listings_id = l.listings_id AND p.property_id = pl.property_id AND p.address_id = a.address_id AND a.suburb_id = s.suburb_id AND ag.agent_id = al.agent_id AND al.listings_id = l.listings_id AND UPPER( ) = UPPER( %s ) """, ( suburbName, ) ) results = cur.fetchall() return jsonify( results ) #Convert the prices to string except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError ) as error: print(error) return "Failure"
def recv_message(messageJson): target = messageJson['friendID'] message = messageJson['messageEnc'] sessionid = messageJson['sessionid'] import time sendtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S', time.localtime(time.time())) #sql="select id from session natural join userid where third_session = %s" sqls = "select openid,third_session from userid natural join session where id = %s" try: #cur.execute(sql,[name]) #temp=cur.fetchall() cur.execute(sqls, [target]) temp1 = cur.fetchall() if temp1: des = temp1[0][0] trd = temp1[0][1] return des, sendtime, message, trd, sessionid else: pass except: print "sql error" return
r = requests.get(base_url + link[0], cookies=cookie) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text) tags = [ "<div>", "</div>", "<p>", "</p>", "<br/>", "<h3>", "</h3>", '<div class="textContent">' ] resume = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "textContent"})[1] resume_string = str(resume) for tag in tags: resume_string = resume_string.replace(tag, "") return resume_string cur.execute("SELECT * from physicians") # This is a list of tuples links = cur.fetchall() # file_limiter = 0 for link in links: # if file_limiter > 60: # break file = open(str(link[1]) + ".txt", "w") file.write(parse_resume_page(link)) file.close() # file_limiter += 1 print("file writter!") # resume_string = str(divs[1]) # print(resume_string) # no_open_p = no_div.replace("<p>", "") # no_closed_p = no_open_p.replace("<p>", "")
def checkRequests(admin): print('\nAnalise o pedido de mudança no limite de crédito dos clientes!') cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM limit_increase_request WHERE status = 'análise';") requests = cur.fetchall() if len(requests) > 0: print('\nCartão | Cliente') for request in requests: cur.execute( f"SELECT name, credit_card FROM client WHERE client_id = {request[1]}" ) client_data = cur.fetchone() print(f'{client_data[1]} {client_data[0]}') verify = input( '\nVocê deseja análisar a mudança de limite de crédito de algum cliente? (S/N): ' ).upper() if verify == 'S': client = getClientByCreditCard() if client != -1: request = getRequestByClient(client) if request != -1: print(f'\nDados da Requisição do {client.getName()}:') print(f'\nRenda Atual: R${client.getIncome():.2f}') print( f'Limite de Crédito Atual: R${client.getMonthlyLimit():.2f}' ) print(f'\nNova Renda: R${request.getNewIncome():.2f}') print( f'Novo Limite de Crédito: R${request.getNewMonthlyLimit():.2f}' ) approval = input( f'\nVocê deseja aprovar essa requisição feita pelo cliente, {client.getName()}? (S/N): ' ).upper() if approval == 'S': status = 'aprovado' cur.execute( f"""UPDATE client SET income = {request.getNewIncome()}, monthly_limit = {request.getNewMonthlyLimit()}, available_credit = {request.getNewAvailableCredit()} WHERE client_id = {client.getId()};""" ) print( '\nRequisição Aprovada! Novo limite de crédito definido.' ) else: status = 'negado' print('\nRequisição Negada!') cur.execute( f"UPDATE limit_increase_request SET admin_id = {admin.getId()}, status = '{status}' WHERE request_id = {request.getId()};" ) print('real status:', status) conn.commit() else: print('\nNenhum cliente encontrado! Tente novamente.') else: print('\nNão há nenhuma requisição no momento!') getOption(admin)
def cleanPrice(): #We need to establish a set of rules to clean the data try: #As Ella suggested, split each line into a string. But we first need to query the actual information. cur.execute( """SELECT l.display_price, l.listings_id FROM listings l WHERE l.price_displayed = FALSE""", ()) # Get the Results results = cur.fetchall() result_list_exceptions = [] #Time for the rules section. for line in results: new_price = None #In actuality, the very first thing that we need to check is the - symbol, as that will identify a range. result = ''.join(line[0]) #We probably need to check if the price is the only thing there too. (just in case) only_price = checkIsPrice(result) if only_price is not None: new_price = only_price else: #result = re.sub( r'(\(|\))', '', result ) check_range = result.find("-") while True: if check_range != -1: #Not sure how to go from here... #We need to get the prices from both sides... result_list = str(result).split() seperator_index = result_list.index('-') start_price = checkIsPrice( result_list[seperator_index - 1]) end_price = checkIsPrice(result_list[seperator_index + 1]) if start_price is not None and end_price is not None: new_price = round( (int(start_price) + int(end_price)) / 2, 2) break #if the string contains the word "From" and an int that can be identified as a string... from_find_result = re.findall(r'from ?\$?\d+\$?', result) if len(from_find_result) != 0: result_list = from_find_result[0].split() #Verify that the second string is actually a price. (It could have been something like From Your Wonderful Property Developers -_-) check_price = checkIsPrice(result_list[1]) if check_price is not None: new_price = check_price break # If both the From and the Range have failed, try and disect the string normally. result_list = str(result).split(" ") if len(result_list) == 1: #If there is only one word in the entire display price, use a regular expression to test if it could be the price. word_result = checkIsPrice(result_list[0]) if word_result is not None: new_price = word_result break else: new_price = None result_list_exceptions.append(result) #Step 2: If there is more then one eleement within the string, we need to iterate through all of them and test each one. else: for word in result_list: #Check if it's a price first. word_result = checkIsPrice(word) if word_result is None: continue else: new_price = word_result break #If it's completely failed if new_price is None: result_list_exceptions.append(result) break if new_price is not None: # If the new price was successfully found for that row, perform an update cur.execute( """ UPDATE listings SET price = %s, price_displayed = true WHERE listings_id = %s """, (new_price, line[1])) return True except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) print(line[1]) return False