Esempio n. 1
def getPlayersOnTeam(team):
    db.execute("SELECT * FROM players WHERE team = ?", (team.code,))

    rows = db.fetchall()
    players = []

    if rows is None or len(rows) < 1:
        return []

    for player in rows:

    return players
Esempio n. 2
def getGame(team, gameday, game=1):
	db.execute("SELECT * FROM games WHERE (home_code = ? OR away_code = ?) AND date = ?", (team.code, team.code, gameday.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")))

	rows = db.fetchall()

	if len(rows) == game and rows[game-1]["version"] == db_version:
		return Game(*rows[game-1])

		file = urllib2.urlopen("" % (gameday.year, gameday.month,
	except urllib2.HTTPError:
		# There's no file for this day. Maybe future, maybe too far in the past?
		return False

	# No games today?
		games = json.load(file)["data"]["games"]["game"]
	except KeyError:
		games = []

	for game in games:
		if game["home_name_abbrev"] == team.code or game["away_name_abbrev"] == team.code:

			home_team = getTeam(game["home_name_abbrev"])
			away_team = getTeam(game["away_name_abbrev"])

			home_homers = []
			away_homers = []

			if "home_runs" in game:
				for player in game["home_runs"]["player"]:
					if player["team_code"] == home_team.schedule_code:
					elif player["team_code"] == away_team.schedule_code:

			data = dict(
				gameday = game["gameday"],
				start_time = game["time"],
				away_code = game["away_name_abbrev"],
				home_code = game["home_name_abbrev"],
				status = game["status"]["status"],
				version = db_version,
				away_r = game["linescore"]["r"]["away"],
				away_h = game["linescore"]["h"]["away"],
				away_e = game["linescore"]["e"]["away"],
				home_r = game["linescore"]["r"]["home"],
				home_h = game["linescore"]["h"]["home"],
				home_e = game["linescore"]["e"]["home"],
				winning_pitcher = game["winning_pitcher"]["id"] if "winning_pitcher" in game else None,
				losing_pitcher = game["losing_pitcher"]["id"] if "losing_pitcher" in game else None,
				save_pitcher = game["save_pitcher"]["id"] if "save_pitcher" in game else None,
				away_homers = "\n".join(away_homers),
				home_homers = "\n".join(home_homers),
				date = game["original_date"]

			game = Game(**data)

			#db.execute("INSERT INTO games (gameday, start_time, away_code, home_code, status, version, away_r, away_h, away_e, home_r, home_h, home_e, winning_pitcher, losing_pitcher, save_pitcher, away_homers, home_homers, date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", *data)

			return game

	return False