def usuario(): ''' Usuários por status ''' # Cadastrados usuario = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_seq_usuario) FROM tb_usr_usuario ''').fetchone() for cad in usuario: cad = cad # Ativos ativos = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(st_usuario_ativo) FROM tb_usr_usuario WHERE st_usuario_ativo='A' ''').fetchone() for atv in ativos: atv = atv # Inativos inativos = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(st_usuario_ativo) FROM tb_usr_usuario WHERE st_usuario_ativo='I' ''').fetchone() for itv in inativos: itv = itv # Não Ativados naoativos = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(st_usuario_ativo) FROM tb_usr_usuario WHERE st_usuario_ativo='1' ''').fetchone() for ntv in naoativos: ntv = ntv # Agrupando e gravando no BD local usuarios = (cad, atv, itv, ntv) APP_Cursor.execute('''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO usuario (cadastrado, ativo, inativo, nao_ativado) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)''', usuarios)
def exames_nao_conformidade(): ex_nc = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame.co_examereq), tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.ds_nconf FROM rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame, tb_bmh_nao_conformidade WHERE rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame.co_nconf = tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.co_nconf GROUP BY tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.ds_nconf ''').fetchall() APP_Cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bmh_exame_nao_conformidade (exames, nao_conformidade) VALUES (?, ?) ''', ex_nc)
def regional(): ''' Laboratórios po Regional ''' reg_lab = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT (nu_regional) AS REG, CASE WHEN nu_regional = '00' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '00', 'Externo (outra UF)') WHEN nu_regional = '01' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '01', '1ª R.S. - Paranaguá') WHEN nu_regional = '02' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '02', '2ª R.S. - Metropolitana') WHEN nu_regional = '03' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '03', '3ª R.S. - Ponta Grossa') WHEN nu_regional = '04' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '04', '4ª R.S. - Irati') WHEN nu_regional = '05' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '05', '5ª R.S. - Guarapuava') WHEN nu_regional = '06' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '06', '6ª R.S. - União da Vitória') WHEN nu_regional = '07' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '07', '7ª R.S. - Pato Branco') WHEN nu_regional = '08' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '08', '8ª R.S. - Francisco Beltrão') WHEN nu_regional = '09' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '09', '9ª R.S. - Foz do Iguaçu') WHEN nu_regional = '10' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '10', '10ª R.S. - Cascavel') WHEN nu_regional = '11' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '11', '11ª R.S. - Campo Mourão') WHEN nu_regional = '12' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '12', '12ª R.S. - Umuarama') WHEN nu_regional = '13' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '13', '13ª R.S. - Cianorte') WHEN nu_regional = '14' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '14', '14ª R.S. - Paranavaí') WHEN nu_regional = '15' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '15', '15ª R.S. - Maringá') WHEN nu_regional = '16' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '16', '16ª R.S. - Apucarana') WHEN nu_regional = '17' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '17', '17ª R.S. - Londrina') WHEN nu_regional = '18' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '18', '18ª R.S. - Cornélio Procópio') WHEN nu_regional = '19' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '19', '19ª R.S. - Jacarezinho') WHEN nu_regional = '20' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '20', '20ª R.S. - Toledo') WHEN nu_regional = '21' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '21', '21ª R.S. - Telêmaco Borba') WHEN nu_regional = '22' THEN REPLACE (nu_regional, '22', '22ª R.S. - Ivaiporã') END AS REG, COUNT(co_labor) AS LAB FROM tb_lab_laboratorio GROUP BY nu_regional ORDER BY nu_regional ''').fetchall() # Gravando no BD local APP_Cursor.execute('''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO regional (codigo, regional, laboratorio) VALUES (?, ?, ?)''', reg_lab)
def exames_liberados(): # 2009 - Total de liberados a09_lib = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2009-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for l09 in a09_lib: l09 = l09 # 2010 - Total de liberados a10_lib = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 AND dt_status BETWEEN '2010-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2010-12-31 23:e59:59' ''').fetchone() for l10 in a10_lib: l10 = l10 # 2011 - Total de liberados a11_lib = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 AND dt_status BETWEEN '2011-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2011-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for l11 in a11_lib: l11 = l11 # 2012 - Total de liberados a12_lib = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 AND dt_status BETWEEN '2012-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2012-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for l12 in a12_lib: l12 = l12 # 2013 - Total de liberados a13_lib = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 AND dt_status BETWEEN '2013-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2013-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for l13 in a13_lib: l13 = l13 # 2014 - Total de liberados a14_lib = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 AND dt_status BETWEEN '2014-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2014-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for l14 in a14_lib: l14 = l14 # 2015 - Total de liberados a15_lib = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 AND dt_status BETWEEN '2015-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2015-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for l15 in a15_lib: l15 = l15 # 2016 - Total de liberados a16_lib = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 AND dt_status BETWEEN '2016-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for l16 in a16_lib: l16 = l16 # Agrupando e gravando no BD local exames_liberados = (l09, l10, l11, l12, l13, l14, l15, l16) APP_Cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bmh_exame_liberado ( ano_2009, ano_2010, ano_2011, ano_2012, ano_2013, ano_2014, ano_2015, ano_2016) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', exames_liberados)
def classificacao(): ''' Laboratórios por Classificação ''' classificacao = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT (l.co_classificacao), c.ds_classificacao, COUNT(l.co_labor) FROM tb_lab_laboratorio AS L INNER JOIN tb_lab_classificacao AS c ON c.co_classificacao = l.co_classificacao GROUP BY l.co_classificacao, c.ds_classificacao ORDER BY l.co_classificacao ''').fetchall() # Gravando no BD local APP_Cursor.execute('''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO classificacao (codigo, descricao, laboratorio) VALUES (?, ?, ?)''', classificacao)
def exame_nao_conformidade(ano): """ Recupera os exames descartados de acordo com o motivo por ano/mês """ if ano not in anos: print("Ano inválido!") exit() mes = 1 while mes <= 10: if mes == 2: dia = 28 elif mes in (4, 6, 9, 11): dia = 30 elif mes in (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12): dia = 31 if mes not in (10, 11, 12): mes = "0" + str(mes) select = """ SELECT tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.co_nconf, tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.ds_nconf, COUNT (rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame.co_examereq) FROM rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame, tb_bmh_nao_conformidade, tb_bmh_exame_requisicao """ where = """ WHERE rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame.co_examereq = tb_bmh_exame_requisicao.co_seq_examereq AND rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame.co_nconf = tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.co_nconf AND tb_bmh_exame_requisicao.dt_status BETWEEN """ date_ini = "'" + str(ano) + "-" + str(mes) + "-01 " + time_ini + "'" date_end = "'" + str(ano) + "-" + str(mes) + "-" + str(dia) + " " + time_end + "'" group = " GROUP BY tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.co_nconf" sql = select + where + date_ini + ' AND ' + date_end + group + '; ' execute = GAL_Cursor.execute(sql).fetchall() for res in execute: if mes not in (10, 11, 12): mes = mes.lstrip('0') data = int(ano), int(mes) print(data) updata = res print(updata) insert = " INSERT OR IGNORE INTO exame_nao_conformidade ( ano, mes) VALUES (?, ?)" upd_data = "UPDATE exame_nao_conformidade SET " upd_value = "codigo=?, motivo=?, total=? " upd_where = "WHERE ano=" + str(ano) + " AND mes=" + str(mes) sql_upd = upd_data + upd_value + upd_where print(sql_upd) APP_Cursor.execute(insert, data) APP_Cursor.execute(sql_upd, updata) mes = int(mes) mes += 1
def versao(): ''' Versão do GAL, do aplicativo e data de atualização ''' versao = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT co_versao, dt_versao FROM tb_versao_bd ORDER BY co_seq_versao DESC LIMIT 1 ''').fetchall() for v in versao: codigo = v.co_versao atualizacao = v.dt_versao # Data da atualização do BD local from datetime import date dt = sistema = (str( + '/' + str(dt.month) + '/' + str(dt.year)) # Agrupando e gravando no BD local versoes = (codigo, atualizacao, sistema) APP_Cursor.execute('''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO versao (codigo, atualizacao, sistema) VALUES (?,?,?)''', versoes)
def exames(): # Total de exames configurados tot_cfg = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (co_exame) FROM rl_bmh_exame_metodologia ''').fetchone() for cfg in tot_cfg: cfg = cfg # Total de exames ativos tot_atv = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT co_exame,co_metodo FROM rl_bmh_config_exame WHERE tp_fluxo = 'B') AS exames ''').fetchone() for atv in tot_atv: atv = atv # Total de pesquisas ativas psq_atv = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT no_pesquisa) FROM tb_bmh_pesquisa WHERE st_pesquisa ='A' ''').fetchone() for psqa in psq_atv: psqa = psqa # Total de pesquisas inativas psq_int = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT no_pesquisa) FROM tb_bmh_pesquisa WHERE st_pesquisa ='I' ''').fetchone() for psqi in psq_int: psqi = psqi # Total de exames cadastrados tot_cad = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_seq_examereq) FROM tb_bmh_exame_requisicao ''').fetchone() for cad in tot_cad: cad = cad # Total de exames processados tot_pro = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 or co_status = 6 or co_status = 12 ''').fetchone() for pro in tot_pro: pro = pro # Total de exames correlativos tot_crl = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_seq_examereq) FROM tb_bmh_exame_requisicao WHERE st_correlativo = 1 ''').fetchone() for crl in tot_crl: crl = crl # Agrupando e gravando no BD local exames = (cfg, atv, psqa, psqi, cad, pro, crl) APP_Cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bmh_exames ( configurado, ativado, pesquisa_ativa, pesquisa_inativa, cadastrado, processado, correlativo) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', exames)
def requisicao(): # Cadastradas cadastradas = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_requisicao) FROM tb_bmh_requisicao ''').fetchone() for cad in cadastradas: cad = cad # Fechadas fechadas = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(co_requisicao) FROM tb_bmh_requisicao WHERE dt_fechamento IS NOT NULL ''').fetchone() for fec in fechadas: fec = fec # Correlativos correlativo = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(st_correlativo) FROM tb_bmh_requisicao where st_correlativo = 1 ''').fetchone() for crl in correlativo: crl = crl # Agrupando e gravando no BD local reqs = (cad, fec, crl) APP_Cursor.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bmh_requisicao (cadastrada, fechada, correlativo) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', reqs)
def laboratorios(): ''' Laboratórios por Modulo ''' # AMB Lab. LL lab_ll = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (co_labor) FROM ta_amb_config_laboratorio WHERE tp_labor = 'LL' ''').fetchone() for amb_ll in lab_ll: amb_ll = amb_ll # AMB Lab. LR lab_lr = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (co_labor) FROM ta_amb_config_laboratorio WHERE tp_labor = 'LR' ''').fetchone() for amb_lr in lab_lr: amb_lr = amb_lr # BAN Lab. LL lab_ll = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (co_labor) FROM ta_ban_config_laboratorio WHERE tp_labor = 'LL' ''').fetchone() for ban_ll in lab_ll: ban_ll = ban_ll # BAN Lab. LR lab_lr = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (co_labor) FROM ta_ban_config_laboratorio WHERE tp_labor = 'LR' ''').fetchone() for ban_lr in lab_lr: ban_lr = ban_lr # BMH Lab. LL lab_ll = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (co_labor) FROM ta_bmh_config_laboratorio WHERE tp_labor = 'LL' ''').fetchone() for bmh_ll in lab_ll: bmh_ll = bmh_ll # BMH Lab. LR lab_lr = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (co_labor) FROM ta_bmh_config_laboratorio WHERE tp_labor = 'LR' ''').fetchone() for bmh_lr in lab_lr: bmh_lr = bmh_lr # # CQ Lab. LL # lab_ll = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (co_labor) FROM ta_cq_config_laboratorio # WHERE tp_labor = 'LL' ''').fetchone() # for cq_ll in lab_ll: # cq_ll = cq_ll # # CQ Lab. LR # lab_lr = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT (co_labor) FROM ta_cq_config_laboratorio # WHERE tp_labor = 'LR' ''').fetchone() # for cq_lr in lab_lr: # cq_lr = cq_lr # Agrupando e gravando no BD local amb_labs = ('Ambiental', amb_ll, amb_lr) APP_Cursor.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO laboratorio (modulo, local, rede) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', amb_labs) ban_labs = ('Biologia Animal', ban_ll, ban_lr) APP_Cursor.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO laboratorio (modulo, local, rede) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', ban_labs) bmh_labs = ('Biologia Médica', bmh_ll, bmh_lr) APP_Cursor.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO laboratorio (modulo, local, rede) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', bmh_labs) cq_labs = ('Controle de Qualidade', 0, 0) APP_Cursor.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO laboratorio (modulo, local, rede) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', cq_labs)
def requisicao_nao_conformidade(): rq_nc = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame.co_examereq AS "Requisição", DATE_PART('year', tb_bmh_exame_requisicao.dt_cadastro::timestamp) AS "Ano", tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.co_nconf AS "Código", tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.ds_nconf AS "Motivo" FROM rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame, tb_bmh_nao_conformidade, tb_bmh_exame_requisicao WHERE rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame.co_nconf = tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.co_nconf AND rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame.co_examereq = tb_bmh_exame_requisicao.co_seq_examereq GROUP BY tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.ds_nconf, rl_bmh_nao_conformidade_exame.co_examereq, tb_bmh_exame_requisicao.dt_cadastro, tb_bmh_nao_conformidade.co_nconf ORDER BY tb_bmh_exame_requisicao.dt_cadastro ''').fetchall() APP_Cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bmh_requisicao_nao_conformidade (requisicao, ano, codigo, nao_conformidade) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ''', rq_nc)
def exames_status(): # Total de status: TRIAGEM tot_tri = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 1 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for tri in tot_tri: tri = tri # Total de status: EM ANALISE tot_anl = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 2 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for anl in tot_anl: anl = anl # Total de status: RESULTADO CADADASTRADO tot_rcd = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 4 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for rcd in tot_rcd: rcd = rcd # Total de status: RESULTADO LIBERADO tot_lib = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 5 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for lib in tot_lib: lib = lib # Total de status: EXAME NAO REALIZADO tot_nrl = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 6 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for nrl in tot_nrl: nrl = nrl # Total de status: DISPONIVEL P/ ENCAMINHAR tot_dec = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 7 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for dec in tot_dec: dec = dec # Total de status: ENCAMINHADO P/ LR tot_elr = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 8 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for elr in tot_elr: elr = elr # Total de status: ENCAMINHADO P/ LAB. REF tot_erf = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 9 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for erf in tot_erf: erf = erf # Total de status: EXAME CANCELADO tot_can = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 12 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for can in tot_can: can = can # Total de status: EXAME APROV. AGUARD. AUTOMACAO tot_aau = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 13 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for aau in tot_aau: aau = aau # Total de status: AUTOMACAO EM PROCESSO tot_aep = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 14 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for aep in tot_aep: aep = aep # Total de status: AUTOMACAO PROCESSADA tot_aut = GAL_Cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame WHERE co_status = 15 AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-12-31 23:59:59' ''').fetchone() for aut in tot_aut: aut = aut # Agrupando e gravando no BD local exames_status = (tri, anl, rcd, lib, nrl, dec, elr, erf, can, aau, aep, aut) APP_Cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bmh_exame_status ( triagem, analise, res_cadastrado, liberados, nao_realizado, disp_encaminhar, encaminhado_lr, encaminhado_rf, cancelado, aguardando_automacao, automacao_processo, automacao_processada) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', exames_status)
def status(status, ano): """ Recupera os exames de acordo com o status por ano/mês """ if ano not in anos: print("Ano inválido!") exit() if status == 1: str_status = 'triagem' elif status == 2: str_status = 'analise' elif status == 4: str_status = 'resultado_cadastrado' elif status == 5: str_status = 'liberados' elif status == 6: str_status = 'nao_realizado' elif status == 7: str_status = 'disp_encaminhar' elif status == 8: str_status = 'enc_lab_regional' elif status == 9: str_status = 'enc_lab_referencia' elif status == 12: str_status = 'cancelado' elif status == 13: str_status = 'aguardando_automacao' elif status == 14: str_status = 'automacao_processo' elif status == 15: str_status = 'automacao_processada' elif status == 16: str_status = 'imp_lab_externo' elif status == 17: str_status = 'transcrito' elif status == 18: str_status = 'enc_lab_externo ' else: print("Status inválido!") exit() mes = 1 while mes <= 12: if mes == 2: dia = 28 elif mes in (4, 6, 9, 11): dia = 30 elif mes in (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12): dia = 31 if mes not in (10, 11, 12): mes = "0" + str(mes) select = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(co_examereq) FROM th_bmh_status_exame " where = "WHERE co_status = " + str(status) + " AND tp_status = 'U' AND dt_status BETWEEN " date_ini = "'" + str(ano) + "-" + str(mes) + "-01 " + time_ini + "'" date_end = "'" + str(ano) + "-" + str(mes) + "-" + str(dia) + " " + time_end + "'" sql = select + where + date_ini + ' AND ' + date_end + '; ' execute = GAL_Cursor.execute(sql).fetchone() for res in execute: data = int(ano), int(mes) updata = res, int(mes) insert = " INSERT OR IGNORE INTO exame_status ( ano, mes) VALUES (?, ?)" upd_data = "UPDATE exame_status SET " upd_value = str_status + "=?" upd_where = " WHERE ano=" + str(ano) + " AND mes=?" sql_upd = upd_data + upd_value + upd_where APP_Cursor.execute(insert, data) APP_Cursor.execute(sql_upd, updata) mes = int(mes) mes += 1