Esempio n. 1
def NoteMsgDetails(devKey, arg):
    devIndex = GetIndexFromKey(devKey)
    if devIndex == None:
        synopsis.problem("Unknown device:",str(devKey))
    if arg[0] == expRsp[devIndex]:
        expRsp[devIndex] = None   # Note that we've found the expected response now, so we're now clear to send
    presence.Set(devKey) # Note presence, and update radio quality
    if isnumeric(arg[-2]):
        if int(arg[-2]) < 0: # Assume penultimate item is RSSI, and thus that ultimate one is LQI
            rssi = arg[-2]
            lqi = arg[-1]
                signal = int((int(lqi, 16) * 100) / 255)    # Convert 0-255 to 0-100.  Ignore RSSI for now
            except ValueError:
                signal = -1   # Cannot get signal
            if signal != -1:
                entry = database.GetLatestLoggedItem(devKey, "SignalPercentage")
                if entry != None:
                    oldSignal = entry[0] # Just the value
                    fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
                    oldTimestamp = datetime.strptime(entry[1], fmt)
                    if oldSignal == None:
                        oldSignal = signal + 100  # Force an update if no previous signal
                    deltaSignal = signal - oldSignal
                    deltaTime = - oldTimestamp
                    if abs(deltaSignal) > 5:
                        if deltaTime.seconds > 600:  # Only note signal level that's different enough and at least 10 minutes since last one
                            database.LogItem(devKey, "SignalPercentage", signal)
                    else:   # signal is sufficiently similar to last one, so update timestamp
                        database.RefreshLoggedItem(devKey, "SignalPercentage")  # Update timestamp to avoid too many >10 minutes!
Esempio n. 2
def EnsureReporting(devKey, clstrId, attrId, attrVal): # Check when this attr last reported and update device's reporting if necessary
    if isnumeric(attrVal, 16):
        newVal = int(attrVal, 16) # Assume value arrives in hex
    if clstrId == zcl.Cluster.SimpleMetering and attrId == zcl.Attribute.InstantaneousDemand:
        prevItem = database.GetLatestLoggedItem(devKey, "PowerReadingW")  # Check when we got last reading
        field = "powerReporting"
    #elif clstrId == zcl.Cluster.SimpleMetering and attrId == zcl.Attribute.CurrentSummationDelivered:  # These energy* fields don't work, so interpolate power over time
    #    prevItem = database.GetLatestLoggedItem(devKey, "EnergyConsumedWh")
    #    field = "energyConsumedReporting"
    #elif clstrId == zcl.Cluster.SimpleMetering and attrId == zcl.Attribute.CurrentSummationReceived:
    #    prevItem = database.GetLatestLoggedItem(devKey, "EnergyGeneratedWh")
    #    field = "energyGeneratedReporting"
    else: # Don't know how often it should report.  Could add temperature and battery
    if prevItem != None:
        prevTime = prevItem[1]
        prevVal = prevItem[0]
        minMaxDelta = database.GetDeviceItem(devKey, field) # Look up min and max for this item
        if minMaxDelta != None:
            confList = minMaxDelta.split(",")
            min = int(confList[0])
            max = int(confList[1])
            delta = int(confList[2])
            change = abs(newVal - int(prevVal))
            secsSinceLastReport = ( - datetime.strptime(prevTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).seconds  # Work out time between now and prevTime in seconds
            log.debug("Prev report "+str(secsSinceLastReport)+" s ago, min="+str(min)+" for devKey "+str(devKey)+" with old val="+str(prevVal)+" vs new val of "+str(newVal))
            if max == -1 or secsSinceLastReport < min or secsSinceLastReport > max: # Check whether min>secsSincelastReport>max or max==-1
                Config(devKey, field) # Re-configure device
            elif secsSinceLastReport < max-(max/10) and change<delta: # Check delta if not too close to max
                Config(devKey, field) # Re-configure device
Esempio n. 3
def MakeText(id):
    if weather.forecastPeriod=="": return None;
    reportDict = dict()
    reportDict["target"] = id
    minutes =
    #if minutes % 2 == 0:
    #    reportDict["display"] = "off"
    reportDict["display"] = "on" # For now at least
    reportDict["period"] = weather.forecastPeriod
    reportDict["icon"] = str(weather.symSym)[4:]
    reportDict["cloudText"] = weather.cloudText
    reportDict["maxTemp"] = str(round(weather.maxTemp))+"C"
    reportDict["minTemp"] = str(round(weather.minTemp))+"C"
    reportDict["windSpeed"] = str(round(weather.maxWind))
    reportDict["windDir"] = str(weather.windDir)
    reportDict["windText"] = weather.windText
    now =
    reportDict["timeDigits"] = str(now.strftime("%H:%M"))
    reportDict["timeText"] = GetTimeInWords()
    reportDict["dayOfWeekText"] = str(now.strftime("%A"))
    reportDict["dayOfMonthText"] = str(int(now.strftime("%d"))) # Use int() to remove leading zero
    reportDict["monthText"] = str(now.strftime("%B"))
    powerMonitorName = config.Get("PowerMonitor") # House power monitoring device
    if powerMonitorName != None:
        devKey = devices.FindDev(powerMonitorName)
        if devKey != None:
            powerW = database.GetLatestLoggedItem(devKey, "PowerReadingW")
            if powerW != None:
                reportDict["powerNow"] = str(powerW[0])
    energyToday = variables.Get("energyToday_kWh")
    if energyToday:
        reportDict["energyToday"] = energyToday
    tempMonitorName = config.Get("HouseTempDevice") # House temperature monitoring device
    if tempMonitorName != None:
        devKey = devices.FindDev(tempMonitorName)
        if devKey != None:
            houseTemp = database.GetLatestLoggedItem(devKey, "TemperatureCelsius")
            reportDict["houseTemp"] = '%.1f' % (houseTemp[0])
    targetTemp = variables.Get("TargetTemp")
    if targetTemp != None:
        reportDict["TargetTemp"] = targetTemp
    #log.debug("ReportDict for:" +id + "=" + str(reportDict)) # Already reported in
    return (str(reportDict))
Esempio n. 4
def Get(devKey):
    entry = database.GetLatestLoggedItem(devKey, "Presence")
    if entry != None:
        #log.debug("Presence entry says " + str(entry))
        return datetime.strptime(
            entry[1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), entry[0]  # Should be time, val
        database.LogItem(devKey, "Presence", states.unknown
                         )  # Set up an entry for this device for use in future
        return, states.unknown  # Return something for now