Esempio n. 1
def test_multi_component_bitmap_index_multiple():
    database = generate_database()

    conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")

    create_database_sqlite(database, conn)

    cursor = conn.cursor()

    for first_month, first_day, last_month, last_day in [
        (1, 1, 12, 31),
        (1, 1, 1, 1),
        (12, 31, 12, 31),
        (2, 3, 11, 27),
        (2, 1, 11, 31),
        (5, 7, 5, 23),
        (5, 1, 5, 2),
        (3, 30, 3, 31),
        (12, 30, 12, 31),
        (12, 1, 12, 31),
        test_multi_component_bitmap_index(database, first_month, first_day,
                                          last_month, last_day, cursor)

    print("For comparison, our multi-component bitmap index query"
          "took up to 2.5 milliseconds and the SQL query took "
          "55 milliseconds on our test computer.")
Esempio n. 2
def test_your_query():
    database: Database = generate_database()

    sale: RelationTuple = database["sale"][-1]
    year: int = database["time"][sale["time_id"]]["year"]
    state: str = database["location"][sale["location_id"]]["state"]
    category: str = database["product"][sale["product_id"]]["category"]

    expected_relation: Relation = compute_expected_relation(
        database, year, state, category)

    start_time: float = perf_counter()

    # The example queries will run out of memory or take months to complete.
    # relation = ex1_b.example_query_allowed_but_slow(database, year, state, category)
    # relation = ex1_b.example_query_for_loops_not_allowed(database, year, state, category)

    relation: Relation = ex1_b.your_query(database, year, state, category)

    elapsed_time: float = perf_counter() - start_time

    check_relations_equal(relation, expected_relation)

    print(f"Your query took {elapsed_time:.4f} seconds.\n")
        "For comparison, the SQL query took 0.05 seconds and the Python query took 0.17 seconds on our test computer."
Esempio n. 3
def test_campaign_revenue():
    database: Database = generate_database()

    start_time: float = perf_counter()

    revenue: float = compute_campaign_revenue(database)

    elapsed_time: float = perf_counter() - start_time

    print(f"Your query took {elapsed_time:.4f} seconds.\n")

    connection = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")

    create_database_sqlite(database, connection)

    query = """
        SUM(product.price * sale.quantity)
        sale.time_id = time.time_id AND
        sale.product_id = product.product_id AND
        EXISTS (
            SELECT * FROM campaign WHERE
                campaign.timestamp_start <= time.timestamp AND
                time.timestamp <= campaign.timestamp_end

    start_time: float = perf_counter()

    with connection:
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        result = cursor.execute(query).fetchone()

        expected_revenue: float = result[0]

    if abs(revenue - expected_revenue) > 0.01:
        raise ValueError(
            f"You computed a revenue of {revenue}, but the value should have been {expected_revenue}."

    elapsed_time: float = perf_counter() - start_time

    print(f"The SQL query took {elapsed_time:.4f} seconds.\n")
        "For comparison, our Python implementation took 0.3 seconds and the SQL query took 7 seconds on our test computer."
Esempio n. 4
def test_bitmap_index():
    database: Database = generate_database()

    conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")

    cursor = conn.cursor()

    create_database_sqlite(database, conn)

    bitmap_indexes = build_bitmap_index_for_months(database)

    for first_month in range(1, 10):
        last_month = first_month + 3

        test_bitmap_index_for_months(cursor, bitmap_indexes, first_month,
Esempio n. 5
def test_natural_join_large():
    database: Database = generate_database()

    start_time: float = perf_counter()

    relation: Relation = natural_join(database["sale"], database["product"])

    elapsed_time: float = perf_counter() - start_time

        f"Your natural_join implementation took {elapsed_time:.4f} seconds for the large test.\n"

    expected_relation = compute_expected_relation(database)

        "On our test computer, the timing results are 0.2 seconds and 0.35 seconds respectively."

    # Discard all but some products to make this test run faster.
    relation = where_equal(relation, "quantity", 1)
    expected_relation = where_equal(expected_relation, "quantity", 1)

    check_relations_equal(relation, expected_relation)