def populate(self): """ Populates the list of lists with the files that are in the database. """ list_of_files = database.get_filenames() for list_ID,filename in list_of_files: words_in_file = database.get_words_from_file(list_ID) word_dict = {} for i in words_in_file: w = Word(i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4]) word_dict[i[1]] = w self.view.left_list.model[filename] = word_dict
def __init__(self, master, student, ls): self.master = master self.student = student = ls self.words = database.get_words_from_file(ls[0]) Frame.__init__(self, self.master, background="skyblue") self.attempts = 0 self.word_count = 0 self.current_word = self.words[self.word_count] self.result = [] self.initialise_pics() self.create_widgets()