def store_private_key(username): pem = private_key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption()) db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") query = "INSERT INTO private_keys VALUES ('" + username + "', '" + str( pem) + "');" print query database.query(query, db)
def check_username_availability(username, password): db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") query = "SELECT password FROM login WHERE username = '******';" result = database.query_select(query, db) if (result == []): print "The username does not exist" register_new_user(username, password, db) else: print "The username is taken" return False
def add_user(new_user, new_user_pass, admin_username, admin_password): db = database.initialise_db(admin_username, admin_password) query = "CREATE USER '" + new_user + "'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '" + new_user_pass + "';" database.query(query, db) query = "USE HIDS;" database.query(query, db) query = "CREATE TABLE " + new_user + "_file_checksum( ID int, checksum VARCHAR(200));" database.query(query, db) query = "GRANT ALL ON HIDS." + new_user + "_file_checksum " + "TO '" + new_user + "'@'localhost';" response = database.query(query, db)
def main(original_file, path, username, mode, mode2): path = path.replace("'", "") query1 = "SELECT password FROM login WHERE username = '******';" query2 = 'SELECT salt FROM login WHERE username = \'' + username + "';" db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") hashed_password = database.query_select(query1, db) salt = database.query_select(query2, db) DK = hash.derive_secret_key(str(hashed_password), str(salt)) response = file_integrity(original_file, salt, hashed_password, username, path, db, DK, mode, mode2) print 'res', response return response
def add_file_for_tracking(username, original_file, file): query1 = "SELECT password FROM login WHERE username = '******';" query2 = "SELECT salt FROM login WHERE username = '******';" db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") hashed_password = database.query_select(query1, db) salt = database.query_select(query2, db) print "yes" file_name = file DK = hash.derive_secret_key(str(hashed_password), str(salt)) checksum = hash.generate_file_checksum(str(file_name), DK) print checksum query = "INSERT INTO " + username + "_file_checksum VALUES ('" + str( original_file) + "' ,'" + checksum + "');" database.query(query, db)
def validate_credentials(username, input_password): db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") query = "SELECT salt FROM login WHERE username = '******';" salt = database.query_select(query, db) salt = salt[0][0] hashed_password = hash.generate_password_hash(input_password, str(salt)) query = "SELECT password FROM login WHERE username = '******';" password_obtained = database.query_select(query, db) print salt print "hash obtained:", password_obtained[0][0] print "hash generated:", hashed_password if (password_obtained[0][0] == hashed_password): print "You are logged in" #login_to_user_database_table(username, hashed_password) return True
def generate_key(username): global key query2 = "SELECT salt FROM login WHERE username = '******';" db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") salt = database.query_select(query2, db) salt = salt[0][0] #TODO get the key of the user from the database. query = "SELECT AES_key FROM user_info WHERE user_name = '" + str(username) + "';" key = database.query_select(query, db) key = key[0][0] print key print type(key) key = hash.generate_password_hash(key, salt) print key #truncating the output to 32 bytes. key = key[:32] print key
def test_if_database_insertion_passes(self): #test initialisation username = '******' password = '******' db = database.initialise_db(username, password) hash_value = database.track_new_file_initialisation( '/Users/nadianoormohamed/Desktop/Answers_to_SJT.docx', db, 'key') sql_query = "SELECT * FROM file_checksum WHERE ID = '" + hash_value + "';" response = database.query_select(sql_query, db) #testing if row is added assert str(response[0][0]) == hash_value assert response[0][1] == 1 #delete row afterwards to prevent the table from getting too large sql_query = "DELETE FROM file_checksum WHERE ID = '" + hash_value + "';" database.query(sql_query, db)
def delete_virus(username, original_file, filename, signature, DK): print 'for the malware file the dk is: ', DK with open(filename, "rt") as file: file_contents = file.close() file_contents = file_contents.replace(signature, "<Removed>") with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(file_contents) file.close() #Need to update the checksum of the original file after malware is deleted checksum_new = hash.generate_file_checksum(filename, DK) db = database.initialise_db('root', 'Narnia0102*') query = 'UPDATE ' + str(username) + '_file_checksum SET ID = "' + str( original_file) + '", ' + 'checksum = "' + str( checksum_new) + '" WHERE ID = "' + str(original_file) + '" ;' database.query(query, db) print 'The new checksum is: ', checksum_new
def test_database_initialisation(): assert database.initialise_db() != None
def login_to_user_database_table(username, password): db = database.initialise_db(username, password)
# print file # count = count + 1 # for line in file: # for word in collection.find({},{ "_id": 0, "name": 0}).limit(100000): # word = word["signature"] # search(word,line, 37) # except: # print "file does not exist" # # # # # end = time.time() # print("time elapsed: " , (end-start)) # sys.exit() # set_up('/home/nadia/Desktop/Third_Year_Project/t_file_10') # set_up('/home/nadia/Desktop/Third_Year_Project/t_file') # set_up('/home/nadia/Desktop/Third_Year_Project/t_file_200') # set_up('/home/nadia/Desktop/Third_Year_Project/t_files_400') # set_up('/home/nadia/Desktop/Third_Year_Project/t_files_500') # set_up('/home/nadia/Desktop/Third_Year_Project/t_files_600') # set_up('/home/nadia/Desktop/Third_Year_Project/t_files_800') # set_up('/home/nadia/Desktop/Third_Year_Project/t_fil_1000') import database query = "INSERT INTO private_keys (" + 'Nadia23' + ", " + 'hello' + ");" query = "INSERT INTO private_keys VALUES ('" + 'Nadia23' + "', '" + 'hello' + "');" print query db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") database.query(query, db)
def threaded_client(conn): conn.send(str.encode('Hello from server\n')) while True: data = conn.recv(2048) params = data.split("&-&") print params if (params[0] == 'file upload'): print "file upload------------------" global file if (params[2] == 'Nadia23'): file = 'file_to_scan_server' if (params[2] == "Nadia32"): file = 'file_to_scan_server_2' f = open(file, 'w') file_content = params[1] while "EOF" not in file_content: f.write(file_content) file_content = conn.recv(2048) print 'writing' print "file content is 1: ", file_content f.write(file_content) print "file content is 2: ", file_content print "finished writing" #conn.sendall('done') f.close() #replace the EOF character at the end of the file with "", as has not use anymore with open(file, 'r') as f: filedata = f.close() filedata = filedata.replace('EOF', "") with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write(filedata) f.close() if (params[0] == 'register'): print "in register server" username = params[1] password = params[2] response = register_user.check_username_availability( username, password) print response conn.send(str(response)) if (params[0] == 'get-quarantine-files'): query = params[1] #print "query ", query db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") response = database.query_select(query, db) conn.send(str(response)) if (params[0] == 'get-quarantine-file_path'): query = params[1] #print "query", params[1] db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") response = database.query_select(query, db) conn.send(str(response)) #Testing if (params[0] == 'perform scan'): if (params[1] == "Nadia23"): thread2 = Thread(target=scan, args=(params, )) thread2.start() thread2.join() if (params[1] == "Nadia32"): thread3 = Thread(target=scan, args=(params, )) thread3.start() thread3.join() def scan(params): print "--------------performing scan" #transfer the input from file_to_scan_server to the original file name - do not have to do that. file1 = file original_file = params[4] print "The file being sent is: ", file, "for the original file, ", original_file viruses_found = file_integrity_check.main(original_file, file1, params[1], params[2], params[3]) # print "The number of viruses found is: ", viruses_found conn.send(str(viruses_found)) if (params[0] == 'delete-virus'): global db print "deleting the signatures from: ", file username = str(params[2]) query1 = "SELECT password FROM login WHERE username = '******';" query2 = 'SELECT salt FROM login WHERE username = \'' + str( username) + "';" db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") hashed_password = database.query_select(query1, db) salt = database.query_select(query2, db) DK = hash.derive_secret_key(str(hashed_password), str(salt)) original_file = params[1] #print "The original file is: ", params[1] #calling function to delete the virus print "The file being sent is: ", file, "for the original file, ", original_file Aho_Corasick.check_file(username, original_file, file, "delete", "none", DK) #Sending the malware free file contents back to the client. #Send the file to the client. f = open(file, 'a') f.write('EOF') f.close() f = open(file, 'rb') file_content = print "file_content", file_content while ('EOF' not in file_content): conn.send(file_content) conn.send(file_content) f.close() def generate_nonce(length): return ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for m in xrange(length)) if (params[0] == "challenge"): print "Sending challenge" global nonce nonce = str(generate_nonce(32)) conn.send(nonce) #validation of the login credentials if (params[0] == 'validate'): #generate challenge for the client print "currently validating" username = params[1] encrypted_password = params[2] #Need to decrypt the password first using the private key of the user. db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") query = "SELECT pr_key FROM private_keys WHERE username = '******';" key = database.query_select(query, db) print key print key[0][0] key = key[0][0] RSA.read_private_key(str(key)) password = RSA.decrypt(encrypted_password) print password password, received_nonce = password.split("^^^") print "received nonce: ", received_nonce print 'nonce', nonce if (received_nonce == nonce): response = check_login_details.validate_credentials( str(username), str(password)) conn.sendall(str(response)) else: return False if (params[0] == 'logs'): query = params[1] db = database.initialise_db('root', 'Narnia0102*') response = database.query_select(query, db) print sys.getsizeof(response) * 8 time.sleep(1) print "response is: ", response conn.sendall(str(response)) #sets the user type to be a simple user. if (params[0] == 'set-simple'): print 'server set user to simple' query = params[1] db = database.initialise_db('root', 'Narnia0102*') database.query(query, db) if (params[0] == 'update_db_quarantine'): print "Server is updating the quarantine details" query = params[1] db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") database.query(query, db) #sets the user type to be advanced. if (params[0] == 'set-advanced'): print 'Server set the user to advanced' query = params[1] db = database.initialise_db('root', 'Narnia0102*') database.query(query, db) if (params[0] == 'get-number-scanned'): query = params[1] db = database.initialise_db('root', 'Narnia0102*') files_scanned = database.query_select(query, db) print "number of files scanned is: ", files_scanned conn.send(str(files_scanned)) if (params[0] == 'new-day-first-scan'): print "no files scanned today, so inserting number of files scanned in first scan of day" query = params[1] db = database.initialise_db('root', 'Narnia0102*') database.query(query, db) if (params[0] == 'update-num-scanned-today'): print "updating the number of files scanned" query = params[1] db = database.initialise_db('root', 'Narnia0102*') database.query(query, db) if (params[0] == 'save-scan-details'): print "server is updating the details of scan just finished" query = params[1] db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") database.query(query, db) if (params[0] == 'Quarantine'): print "currently in quarantine" username = params[1] print "The username is: " + username AES_en_de.generate_key(username) out_file = 'test_encrypted_file.aes' AES_en_de.encrypt_file(file, out_file) #send the encypted file back to the client f = open(out_file, 'a') f.write('EOF') f.close() f = open(out_file, 'r') file_content = print "file_content", file_content while ('EOF' not in file_content): conn.send(file_content) conn.send(file_content) f.close() if (params[0] == 'decrypt-file'): 'Decrypting file' print file print "currently in decrypt function" username = params[1] AES_en_de.generate_key(username) out_file = 'test_decrypted_file.aes' AES_en_de.decrypt_file(file, out_file) #Add EOF to decrypted file f = open(out_file, 'a') f.write('EOF') f.close() #Send the file to the client. f = open(out_file, 'r') file_content = print "file_content", file_content while ('EOF' not in file_content): conn.send(file_content) conn.send(file_content) f.close() if (params[0] == 'remove-from-quarantine-logs'): query = params[1] db = database.initialise_db("root", "Narnia0102*") database.query(query, db) if not data: break conn.close()
from flask import Flask, jsonify from flask_restful import Api import os from services import initialise_routes, initialise_security from database import initialise_db, initialise_serializer app = Flask(__name__, template_folder="templates", static_folder="static") api = Api(app) # binding with RESTful aPI initialise_db(app) # set DB models ready for use initialise_serializer(app) # sets the serializer for db query response initialise_routes(api) # set the endpoints for customer availability initialise_security(app) if __name__ == '__main__':, debug=True)
def test_database_initialisation(self): username = '******' password = '******' assert database.initialise_db(username, password) != None