def test_cli(query_arguments=testqueries): """run several complex queries and print their results to stdout""" for arg in query_arguments: book_list = Books(Results(Query(arg))) print "{0}:\n\n".format(arg) for book in book_list.books: print book.title, book.year
def gen_textplans(query): """ debug function: generates all text plans for a query. :type query: ``int`` or ``list`` of ``str`` :param query: can be the index of a test query (e.g. 4) OR a list of query parameters (e.g. ["-k", "phonology", "-l", "German"]) :rtype: ``TextPlans`` :return: a ``TextPlans`` instance, containing a number of text plans """ textplans = [] if type(query) is int: books = Books(Results(Query(testqueries[query]))) return TextPlans(AllMessages(AllPropositions(AllFacts(books)))) if type(query) is list: books = Books(Results(Query(query))) return TextPlans(AllMessages(AllPropositions(AllFacts(books))))
def genallmessages(query): """ debug function: generates all messages plans for a query. :type query: ``int`` or ``list`` of ``str`` :param query: can be the index of a test query (e.g. 4) OR a list of query parameters (e.g. ["-k", "phonology", "-l", "German"]) :rtype: ``AllMessages`` :return: all messages that could be generated for the query """ if isinstance(query, int): books = Books(Results(Query(testqueries[query]))) return AllMessages(AllPropositions(AllFacts(books))) elif isinstance(query, list): books = Books(Results(Query(query))) return AllMessages(AllPropositions(AllFacts(books))) elif isinstance(query, Query): books = Books(Results(query)) return AllMessages(AllPropositions(AllFacts(books)))
def genprops(querynumber=10): """ generates all propositions for all books in the database concerning a specific query. :type querynumber: ``int`` :param querynumber: the index of a query from the predefined list of test queries (named 'testqueries') :rtype: ``AllPropositions`` """ books = Books(Results(Query(testqueries[querynumber]))) return AllPropositions(AllFacts(books))
def genmessages(booknumber=0, querynumber=10): """ generates all messages for a book regarding a specific database query. :type booknumber: ``int`` :param booknumber: the index of the book from the results list ("0" would be the first book with the highest score) :type querynumber: ``int`` :param querynumber: the index of a query from the predefined list of test queries (named 'testqueries') :rtype: ``list`` of ``Message``s """ books = Books(Results(Query(testqueries[querynumber]))) am = AllMessages(AllPropositions(AllFacts(books))) for message in am.books[booknumber].messages.values(): message.freeze() #freeze messages, so Rule()s can be tested against them return am.books[booknumber].messages.values()
def dataimport(): print('importing book data....', end='') bookdata = extract_book_data2() for data in bookdata: response = requests.get( '{}&jscmd=data&format=json' .format(data['isbn'])) json_data = json.loads(response.text) header = 'ISBN:{}'.format(data['isbn']) try: subjects = json_data[header]['subjects'] genres = [] reject = [ 'nyt', 'New Your Time', 'Library', 'library', 'Accessible', 'Large', 'type', 'Print', 'print', 'Internet', 'Archive', 'Wishlist', 'strips' ] fiction = ['Troll', 'Fiction', 'Batman', 'Spy', 'Spies'] thriller = [ 'Homicide', 'Abusive', 'abusive', 'Thriller', 'Psychology', 'Horror', 'Detectives', 'detectives', 'criminal', 'Criminal', 'Secret', 'Violence' ] comic = ['comic', 'Graphic'] sen = ['Horror comic books', 'Japan', 'Comic', 'attack', 'Fate'] literature = [ 'English', 'century', 'Literature', 'Britain', 'British' 'Revolution', 'Translation', 'translation', 'relation', 'Historical', 'historical', 'academic' ] war = ['War', 'World', 'Ship'] dra = [ 'Relations', 'Romance', 'Family', 'friendship', 'Female', 'Friendship', 'Revenge', 'Teenage', 'drama', 'Uncle', 'uncle', 'Grand', 'student', 'School', 'school' ] fant = [ 'Ambition', 'Dragon', 'Fantasy', 'Dream', 'Heroes', 'Imaginary', 'creature', 'Titan', 'Sailor', 'fantasy' ] life = [ 'Life', 'parent', 'Parent', 'Lifestyle', 'life', 'Experience' ] comedy = ['funny', 'Jokes', 'Dream', 'Circus'] scifi = [ 'Time', 'Science', 'Chemistry', 'Space', 'technology', 'space', 'explore' ] supernatur = ['Supernatural', 'Vampires', 'Evil', 'Spirituality'] superpow = ['Royalty', 'tale', 'God'] for subject in subjects: if any(word in subject['name'] for word in reject): continue elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in fiction): genres.append('Fiction') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in thriller): genres.append('Thriller') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in comic): genres.append('Shounen') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in sen): genres.append('Seinen') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in literature): genres.append('Literature') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in war): genres.append('Military') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in dra): genres.append('Drama') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in fant): genres.append('Fantasy') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in comedy): genres.append('Comedy') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in life): genres.append('Slice of Life') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in scifi): genres.append('Sci-Fi') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in supernatur): genres.append('Supernatural') elif any(word in subject['name'] for word in superpow): genres.append('Super Power') elif subject['name'] not in genres and not subject[ 'name'].isdigit() and subject['name'].isalpha(): genres.append(subject['name']) genres = ', '.join(genres) except: genres = 'Undefined' if not genres or genres == ' ' or genres == 'Undefined': genres = [] fiction_list = [ 'King', 'Lord', 'Harry', 'Star', 'Kill', 'Letter', 'Games', 'Animal', 'Hobbit', 'Game', 'Great', 'Forgot', 'Dreams', 'Maze' ] if any(word in data['title'] for word in fiction_list): genres.append('Fiction') super_list = ['Super', 'power', 'Power', 'Mighty', 'mighty'] if any(word in data['title'] for word in super_list): genres.append('Super Power') fantasylist = [ 'Dragon', 'Sun', 'Magic', 'Adventure', 'adventure', 'journey', 'Journey', 'Tale', 'tale', 'Legend', 'legend', 'giant', 'Giant', 'Dream' ] if any(word in data['title'] for word in fantasylist): genres.append('Fantasy') thrillerlist = [ 'Missing', 'Murderer', 'Grey', 'kill', 'Power', 'power', 'Death', 'death' ] if any(word in data['title'] for word in thrillerlist): genres.append('Thriller') machinelist = [ 'Machine', 'machine', 'robot', 'Robot', 'iron', 'Iron', 'metal', 'Metal' ] if any(word in data['title'] for word in machinelist): genres.append('Mecha') scifilist = ['Time', 'time'] if any(word in data['title'] for word in scifilist): genres.append('Sci-FI') dramalist = [ 'Secret', 'boy', 'Girl', 'Moon', 'girl', 'moon', 'Family', 'family', 'home', 'Love', 'Lovely' ] if any(word in data['title'] for word in dramalist): genres.append('Drama') litlist = ['Women', 'men', 'Men', 'City', 'Art'] if any(word in data['title'] for word in litlist): genres.append('Literature') supernat_list = ['Spirit', 'spirit'] if any(word in data['title'] for word in supernat_list): genres.append('Super Natural') if genres: genres = ', '.join(genres) if not genres: genres = 'Undefined' data['genre'] = genres try: data['isbn'] = float(data['isbn']) print(data['title'], data['genre']) Books(data['title'], data['authors'], data['rating'], data['isbn'], data['isbn13'], data['original_publication_year'], data['image_url'], data['small_image_url'], data['genre'], data['revenue']).save() except Exception as e: print(e) continue print('done!') print('importing movie data....', end='') moviedata = extract_movie_data() for data in moviedata: try: Movies(data['Title'], data['Genre'], data['Description'], data['Director'], data['Actors'], data['Year'], data['Runtime (Minutes)'], data['Rating'], data['Revenue (Millions)'], data['Metascore']).save() except: continue print('done!') print('importing anime data....', end='') animedata = extract_anime_data() count = 0 for data in animedata: if count == 9000: break try: print(data) Animes(data['name'], data['genre'], data['type'], data['episodes'], data['rating'], data['start_date'], data['end_date'], data['revenue']).save() count += 1 except Exception as e: print(e) continue print('done!')
def generate_textplans(query): """generates all text plans for a database query""" books = Books(Results(query)) return TextPlans(AllMessages(AllPropositions(AllFacts(books))))