def load_from_db_by_screening_id(cls, id): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM screenings WHERE id = %s', (id,)) screening_data = cursor.fetchone() if screening_data: return cls(movie_id=screening_data[1], theatre=screening_data[2], date=screening_data[3], attending=screening_data[4], id=screening_data[0])
def createInstructorTable(): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: function = "SELECT distinct lower(instructor) from project.classmetadata" cursor.execute(function) result = cursor.fetchall() count = 0 for re in result: r = re[0] instructor2 = None if ' & ' in r: instructor1, instructor2 = r.split(' & ') if instructor2 is None and ' and ' in r: instructor1, instructor2 = r.split(' and ') if instructor2 is not None: insertQuery = "INSERT INTO project.instructor(id, name) VALUES ({},'{}')".format( count, instructor1) cursor.execute(insertQuery) count += 1 insertQuery = "INSERT INTO project.instructor(id,name) VALUES ({},'{}')".format( count, instructor2) cursor.execute(insertQuery) count += 1 print(insertQuery) else: insertQuery = "INSERT INTO project.instructor(id,name) VALUES ({}, '{}')".format( count, r) print(insertQuery) cursor.execute(insertQuery) count += 1
def load_from_db_by_name_or_address(cls, name, address, response_parameters): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: #cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=%s',(email,)) if (name and not address): cursor.execute( 'SELECT transaction_id,name_orig FROM ssot.transaction') user_dict = dict(cursor.fetchall()) name_list = list(user_dict.values()) matched_names_scores = process.extract(name, name_list, limit=3) elif (address and not name): cursor.execute( 'SELECT transaction_id,address1_orig FROM ssot.transaction' ) user_dict = dict(cursor.fetchall()) address_list = list(user_dict.values()) matched_names_scores = process.extract(address, address_list, limit=3) #print(matched_name) cursor.execute( 'SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = \'ssot\' AND table_name = \'transaction\'' ) temp_columns = list(cursor.fetchall()) response_list = [] response_columns = [name for (name, ) in temp_columns] matched_names = [name for (name, score) in matched_names_scores] matched_scores = [score for (name, score) in matched_names_scores] matched_id = [] for id, name in user_dict.items(): if name in matched_names: index_name = matched_names.index(name) matched_names.remove(name) #print(index_name) cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM ssot.transaction WHERE transaction_id = %s', (id, )) response_data = cursor.fetchone() print(response_data) response_dict = dict(zip(response_columns, response_data)) #response_list.append(response_dict) response_dict_filtered = {} response_parameter_list = response_parameters.split(",") if ',' in response_parameters: for i in response_parameter_list: response_dict_filtered[i] = response_dict[i] elif (response_parameters): response_dict_filtered[ response_parameters] = response_dict[ response_parameters] response_dict_filtered['score'] = matched_scores[ index_name] response_list.append(response_dict_filtered) response_list = sorted(response_list, key=lambda k: 100 - k['score']) #from operator import itemgetter #sortedresponse = sorted(response_list, key=itemgetter('score')) return cls(response_list=response_list)
def load_from_db_by_id(cls, id): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM movie WHERE id = %s', (id,)) movie_data = cursor.fetchone() if movie_data: return cls(name=movie_data[1], director=movie_data[2], synopsis=movie_data[3], photo_url=movie_data[4], id=movie_data[0])
def load_screenings_by_movie_id(cls, id): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM screenings WHERE movie_id= %s', (id,)) screenings = cursor.fetchall() screening_list = [cls(movie_id=screenings[i][1], theatre=screenings[i][2], date=screenings[i][3], attending=screenings[i][4], id=screenings[i][0]) for i in range(len(screenings))] if screening_list: return screening_list
def load_all(cls): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM movie') # gets all movies in the database movies = cursor.fetchall() # uses list comprehension to generate a list of movies, then returns that list movie_list = [cls(name=movies[i][1], director=movies[i][2], synopsis=movies[i][3], photo_url=movies[i][4], id=movies[i][0]) for i in range(len(movies))] if movie_list: return movie_list
def createCourseTable(): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: function = "Select distinct course, title from project.classmetadata" cursor.execute(function) result = cursor.fetchall() for index, re in enumerate(result): course, title = re insertQuery = "INSERT INTO project.course(id, course_number, title) VALUES ({},'{}','{}')".format( index, course, title) print(insertQuery) cursor.execute(insertQuery)
def load_from_db_by_screen_name(cls, screen_name): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: # connection = connection_pool.getconn() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE screen_name=%s', (screen_name, )) user_data = cursor.fetchone() if user_data: return cls(screen_name=user_data[1], oauth_token=user_data[2], oauth_token_secret=user_data[3], id=user_data[0])
def load_from_db_by_name_address(cls, name, address, response_parameters): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute( 'SELECT transaction_id,name_orig FROM ssot.transaction') dict_name = dict(cursor.fetchall()) cursor.execute( 'SELECT transaction_id,address1_orig FROM ssot.transaction') dict_address = dict(cursor.fetchall()) ds = [dict_name, dict_address] merged_dict = {} for k in dict_name: merged_dict[k] = " ".join([str(d[k]) for d in ds]) name_address_list = list(merged_dict.values()) matched_nameaddress = process.extract(name + address, name_address_list, limit=3) print("matched_name", matched_nameaddress) cursor.execute( 'SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = \'ssot\' AND table_name = \'transaction\'' ) temp_columns = list((cursor.fetchall())) response_columns = [name for (name, ) in temp_columns] response_list = [] matched_names = [name for (name, score) in matched_nameaddress] matched_scores = [score for (name, score) in matched_nameaddress] matched_id = -99999999 for id, nameaddress in merged_dict.items(): if nameaddress in matched_names: index_name = matched_names.index(nameaddress) matched_names.remove(nameaddress) cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM ssot.transaction WHERE transaction_id = %s', (id, )) response_data = cursor.fetchone() print('response data', response_data) response_dict = dict(zip(response_columns, response_data)) # response_list.append(response_dict) response_dict_filtered = {} response_parameter_list = response_parameters.split(",") if ',' in response_parameters: for i in response_parameter_list: response_dict_filtered[i] = response_dict[i] elif (response_parameters): response_dict_filtered[ response_parameters] = response_dict[ response_parameters] response_dict_filtered['score'] = matched_scores[ index_name] response_list.append(response_dict_filtered) response_list = sorted(response_list, key=lambda k: 100 - k['score']) return cls(response_list=response_list)
def createQuarterTable(): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: function = "Select distinct term from project.classmetadata" cursor.execute(function) result = cursor.fetchall() for index, re in enumerate(result): content = re[0] term, year = content.split(" ") insertQuery = "INSERT INTO project.quarter(id, term, year) VALUES ({},'{}',{})".format( index, term, int(year)) print(insertQuery) cursor.execute(insertQuery)
def load_from_db_by_name(cls, name): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: # the replace function allows us to directly put the name in the url when requesting for that movie, # replacing all of the spaces with a dashes # the %s allows us to format the sql query with variables in python, replacing the %s with the variable # next to it, in this case the variable 'name' cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM movie WHERE name = %s', (name.replace("-", " "),)) movie_data = cursor.fetchone() if movie_data: # returns a movie object if it exists in the database return cls(name=movie_data[1], director=movie_data[2], synopsis=movie_data[3], photo_url=movie_data[4], id=movie_data[0])
def createScheduleTable(): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: function = "Select distinct time from project.classmetadata" cursor.execute(function) result = cursor.fetchall() count = 0 for re in result: r = re[0] insertQuery = "INSERT INTO project.schedule(id, day, time) VALUES " try: day, time = r.split(", ") if " " in day: d, t = day.split(" ") # adding day time to table data = "({}, '{}', '{}')".format(count, d, t) insert = insertQuery + data print(insert) cursor.execute(insert) count += 1 elif " " in time: d, t = day.split(" ") # adding day time to table data = "({}, '{}', '{}')".format(count, d, t) insert = insertQuery + data print(insert) cursor.execute(insert) count += 1 else: # adding day time to table data = "({}, '{}', '{}')".format(count, day, time) insert = insertQuery + data print(insert) cursor.execute(insert) count += 1 except: try: day, time = r.split(" ") # adding day time to table # adding day time to table data = "({}, '{}', '{}')".format(count, day, time) insert = insertQuery + data print(insert) cursor.execute(insert) count += 1 except: print(r)
def createStudentTable(): first_name = np.array([ "Mary", "Geogre", "Lucy", "Tim", "Jennifer", "Jerry", "Wendy", "Larry" "Candy", "Andrew" ]) last_name = np.array([ "Hamilton", "Ng", "Li", "Le", "Smith", "Johnson", "Davis", "Rodriguez", "Lopez", "Nguyen", "Chan", ]) genders = np.array(["male", "female", "other"]) day = np.arange(1, 32) month = np.arange(1, 13) birthday_year = np.arange(1989, 2003) count = 0 for first in first_name: for last in last_name: bd = day[np.random.randint(0, len(day))] bdm = month[np.random.randint(0, len(month))] bdy = birthday_year[np.random.randint(0, len(birthday_year))] ad = day[np.random.randint(0, len(day))] am = month[np.random.randint(0, len(month))] ay = bdy + 18 gender = genders[np.random.randint(0, len(genders))] birthday = "{}/{}/{}".format(bdm, bd, bdy) admisionDay = "{}/{}/{}".format(am, ad, ay) # print(first, last, birthday, admisionDay) with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: function = "INSERT INTO project.student(id, first_name, last_name, birthday, gender, admission_date) VALUES ({},'{}','{}','{}','{}','{}')".format( count, first, last, birthday, gender, admisionDay) print(function) cursor.execute(function) count += 1
def createStudentInClassTable(): classInstanceIDs = np.arange(993) insertQuery = "INSERT INTO project.student_in_class(student_id, class_instance_id) VALUES" with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: for classInstanceID in classInstanceIDs: numberOfStudent = np.random.randint(10, 30) studentIDs = np.random.choice(98, numberOfStudent, replace=False) for studentID in studentIDs: value = "(%d, %d)" % (studentID, classInstanceID) insert = insertQuery + value print(insert) cursor.execute(insert) # createInstructorTable() # createScheduleTable() # createCourseTable() # createQuarterTable() # createStudentTable() # createClassInstance() # createStudentInClassTable()
def save_to_db(self): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: # Running code cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO users (screen_name, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', (self.screen_name, self.oauth_token, self.oauth_token_secret))
def load_from_db_by_email(cls, email): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('select * from users where email=%s',(email,)) user_data = cursor.fetchone() return cls(email=user_data[1],first_name=user_data[2],last_name=user_data[3],id=user_data[0])
def save_to_db(self): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('insert into users(email,first_name,last_name) values (%s,%s,%s)', (,self.first_name,self.last_name))
def update_attending(count, id): with CursorConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('UPDATE screenings SET attending = attending + %s WHERE id = %s', (count, id,))