def checkAndCreateIconAutomatic(self): ENV=tool.readHeader(self.request); user=ENV.CurrentUser; keyName='ucon://user/'; userIcon=db.get(db.Key.from_path('Icon',keyName )); if not userIcon: userIcon=Icon(key_name=keyName); userIcon.thumb=""; userIcon.type='user'; #generate content; contentDict={ 'photoURL' :userIcon.thumb , 'facetimeID' :, 'email' :, 'home' : keyName+'/public/home', 'inbox' : keyName+'/private/inbox', 'item' : keyName+'/private/item', }; userIcon.whereCreated=ENV.CityLatLong; userIcon.whereModified=ENV.CityLatLong; itemBarPlaceName=keyName+'/private/item'; ## need: add task (makecopy of toolset icon to user item bar) #camera app, upload-photo app contentDict['toolset']=["ucon://toolset/camera","ucon://toolset/upload-photo"]; taskqueue.add(url='/icon/' ,params={'keyName':'ucon://place/'+contentDict.get('home'), 'thumb':"", 'type': 'place', 'tag':'home' , 'content': json.dumps({ "placeName": contentDict.get('home'), "title": + " - Home", "backgroundPhotoURL": "", "photoURL": userIcon.thumb }) } ,queue_name='fastAndSecure'); # taskqueue.add(url='/action/' # ,params={'place':itemBarPlaceName, 'type': 'makecopy', 'tag':'toolset' , 'content': json.dumps({"iconID":"ucon://toolset/camera","isKeyName":True}) } # ,queue_name='fastAndSecure'); # #upload photo app # taskqueue.add(url='/action/' # ,params={'place':itemBarPlaceName, 'type': 'makecopy', 'tag':'toolset' , 'content': json.dumps({"iconID":"ucon://toolset/upload-photo","isKeyName":True}) } # ,queue_name='fastAndSecure'); userIcon.content = json.dumps(contentDict); userIcon.put();
def post(self): ENV=tool.readHeader(self.request); #Get var from request and pass to data model object keyName=self.request.get('keyName'); callbackJSONP=self.request.get('JSONP'); if keyName: entry = db.get(db.Key.from_path('Icon',keyName )); if entry==None: entry = Icon(key_name=keyName) else: #keyName exist self.response.out.write(json.dumps([])); else: entry= Icon(); #pass to model try: #check valid json , save as python json entry.content=json.dumps( json.loads(self.request.get('content')) ); except ValueError: self.response.out.write(json.dumps([])); return; entry.thumb = self.request.get('thumb'); entry.type = self.request.get('type'); d={};#temporary dict entry.tag = [d.setdefault(tag,tag) for tag in self.request.get_all('tag') if tag and tag not in d]; entry.whereCreated=ENV.CityLatLong; entry.whereModified=ENV.CityLatLong; entry.put() #save data model object to data base #each new create icon should have a makecopy action auto generate right after it is created, so user will see reflection of it right away #icons that dont have any makecopy action are likely become garbage (because no one can see or copy it) #this can help avoid situtation when icon is created but send makecopy action phase on client is error. # write some code here to generate make copy action (need some var from request) #render jsonData=json.dumps( [entry.dictJSON()] ) ; if callbackJSONP: self.response.out.write(callbackJSONP+'('+jsonData+');'); else: self.response.out.write(jsonData); return;