Esempio n. 1
    def checkTvShows(self):
        # For TV Shows Users could either be in Seasons or Episodes
        if (not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Container.Content(seasons)")) and (not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Container.Content(episodes)")):
            # Not in a TV Show view, so nothing to do, Clear any previously
            # recorded TvShow
            if 'videodb://' in xbmc.getInfoLabel("Container.FolderPath"):
                self.lastTvShowChecked = ""

        # Get the name of the TvShow
        tvshow = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.TVShowTitle")

        if tvshow in [None, "", self.lastTvShowChecked]:
            # No TvShow currently set - this can take a little time
            # So do nothing this time and wait until the next time
            # or this is a TvShow that has already been checked

        # If we reach here we have a TvShow that we need to check
        log("NavigationRestrictions: Checking access to view TvShow: %s" % tvshow)
        self.lastTvShowChecked = tvshow

        # Check to see if the user should have access to this show
        pinDB = PinSentryDB()
        securityLevel = pinDB.getTvShowSecurityLevel(tvshow)
        if securityLevel < 1:
            log("NavigationRestrictions: No security enabled for %s" % tvshow)
        del pinDB

        # Check if we have already cached the pin number and at which level
        if PinSentry.getCachedPinLevel() >= securityLevel:
            log("NavigationRestrictions: Already cached pin at level %d, allowing access" % PinSentry.getCachedPinLevel())

        # Prompt the user for the pin, returns True if they knew it
        if PinSentry.promptUserForPin(securityLevel):
            log("NavigationRestrictions: Allowed access to %s" % tvshow)
            log("NavigationRestrictions: Not allowed access to %s which has security level %d" % (tvshow, securityLevel))
            # Move back to the TvShow Section as they are not allowed where they are at the moment
            # The following does seem strange, but you can't just call the TV Show list on it's own
            # In order to get there I had to first go via the home screen
            xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(home)", True)
            xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(Videos,videodb://tvshows/titles/)", True)
            # Clear the previous TV Show as we will want to prompt for the pin again if the
            # user navigates there again
            self.lastTvShowChecked = ""
Esempio n. 2
    def onPlayBackStarted(self):
        if not Settings.isActiveVideoPlaying():

        log("PinSentryPlayer: Notification that something started playing")

        # Only interested if it is not playing music
        if self.isPlayingAudio():

        # Ignore screen saver videos
        if xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty("VideoScreensaverRunning"):
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Detected VideoScreensaver playing")

        # Check if the Pin is set, as no point prompting if it is not
        if not PinSentry.isPinSentryEnabled():

        isMusicVideo = False
        isTvShow = False
        # Get the information for what is currently playing
        title = xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle")

        # If the TvShow Title is not set, then Check the ListItem as well
        if title in [None, ""]:
            title = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.TVShowTitle")

        securityLevel = 0
        # If it is a TvShow, then check to see if it is enabled for this one
        if title not in [None, ""]:
            isTvShow = True
            log("PinSentryPlayer: TVShowTitle: %s" % title)
            pinDB = PinSentryDB()
            securityLevel = pinDB.getTvShowSecurityLevel(title)
            del pinDB
            # Check if the video is a music video
            isMusicVideo = self.isMusicVideoPlaying()

            # Not a TvShow, so check for the Movie Title
            title = xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.Title")

            # If no title is found, check the ListItem rather then the Player
            if title in [None, ""]:
                title = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Title")

            if title not in [None, ""]:
                if not isMusicVideo:
                    # Check for a Movie
                    log("PinSentryPlayer: Title: %s" % title)
                    pinDB = PinSentryDB()
                    securityLevel = pinDB.getMovieSecurityLevel(title)
                    del pinDB
                    # Now check to see if this is  music video
                    log("PinSentryPlayer: Checking Music video for: %s" % title)
                    pinDB = PinSentryDB()
                    securityLevel = pinDB.getMusicVideoSecurityLevel(title)
                    del pinDB

        # For video files it is possible to set them to always be allowed to play, in this case
        # the security value is -1 and we don't want to perform any new checking
        if securityLevel == -1:
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Security level is -1, so allowing access")

        # Now perform the check that restricts if a file is in a file source
        # that should not be played
        if securityLevel < 1 and Settings.isActiveFileSource() and Settings.isActiveFileSourcePlaying():
            # Get the path of the file being played
            filePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("Player.Folderpath")
            if filePath in [None, ""]:
                filePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("Player.Filenameandpath")
            if filePath in [None, ""]:
                filePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.FolderPath")
            if filePath in [None, ""]:
                filePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.FileNameAndPath")
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Checking file path: %s" % filePath)

            # Get all the sources that are protected
            pinDB = PinSentryDB()
            securityDetails = pinDB.getAllFileSourcesPathsSecurity()
            del pinDB

            # Each key is in path with security applied
            for key in securityDetails.keys():
                if key in filePath:
                    securityLevel = securityDetails[key]
                    log("PinSentryPlayer: Setting path based security to %d" % securityLevel)

        # Now check to see if this item has a certificate restriction
        if securityLevel < 1:
            cert = xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.mpaa")
            if cert in [None, ""]:
                cert = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Mpaa")

            if cert not in [None, ""]:
                log("PinSentryPlayer: Checking for certification restrictions: %s" % str(cert))
                # Now split based on a colon and spaces, we only want the last bit of the
                # MPAA setting as the first bit can change based on scraper
                cert = cert.strip().split(':')[-1]
                cert = cert.strip().split()[-1]
                pinDB = PinSentryDB()
                if isTvShow:
                    # Look up the TV Shows Certificate to see if it is restricted
                    securityLevel = pinDB.getTvClassificationSecurityLevel(cert)
                    # Look up the Movies Certificate to see if it is restricted
                    securityLevel = pinDB.getMovieClassificationSecurityLevel(cert)
                del pinDB

            # If we have still not set security yet, check to make sure that the classification was actually
            # one of our supported types
            if securityLevel < 1:
                if isTvShow:
                    if not Settings.isSupportedTvShowClassification(cert):
                        securityLevel = Settings.getDefaultTvShowsWithoutClassification()
                        log("PinSentryPlayer: Setting TV Show to level %d as there is no valid MPAA value" % securityLevel)
                elif not isMusicVideo:
                    if not Settings.isSupportedMovieClassification(cert):
                        securityLevel = Settings.getDefaultMoviesWithoutClassification()
                        log("PinSentryPlayer: Setting Movie to level %d as there is no valid MPAA value" % securityLevel)

            # Check if we have set security based off of the classification
            if securityLevel > 0:
                # Before we check to make sure the user can access this video based on the
                # movie or TV Show classification, check for the case where there is background
                # media playing, this can be the case if TvTunes has started a Video while browsing
                # We do not want to prompt for the user to input the key for this
                isBackgroundMedia = True
                # Total wait for not playing background media is 1 second
                loopCount = 100
                while isBackgroundMedia and (loopCount > 0):
                    loopCount = loopCount - 1
                    if xbmcgui.Window(10025).getProperty("PlayingBackgroundMedia") in [None, ""]:
                        isBackgroundMedia = False

                if isBackgroundMedia:
                    securityLevel = 0
                    log("PinSentryPlayer: Playing background media")

        # Check if security has been set on this item
        if securityLevel < 1:
            if title in [None, ""]:
                # Not a TvShow or Movie - so allow the user to continue
                # without entering a pin code
                log("PinSentryPlayer: No security enabled, no title available")
                log("PinSentryPlayer: No security enabled for %s" % title)

        # Check if we have already cached the pin number and at which level
        if PinSentry.getCachedPinLevel() >= securityLevel:
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Already cached pin at level %d, allowing access" % PinSentry.getCachedPinLevel())

        # Before we start prompting the user for the pin, check to see if we
        # have already been called and are prompting in another thread
        if xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty("PinSentryPrompting"):
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Already prompting for security code")

        # Set the flag so other threads know we are processing this play request
        xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty("PinSentryPrompting", "true")

        # Pause the video so that we can prompt for the Pin to be entered
        # On some systems we could get notified that we have started playing a video
        # before it has actually been started, so keep trying to pause until we get
        # one that works
        while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Player.Paused"):

        log("PinSentryPlayer: Pausing video to check if OK to play")

        # Prompt the user for the pin, returns True if they knew it
        if PinSentry.promptUserForPin(securityLevel):
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Resuming video")
            # Pausing again will start the video playing again
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Stopping video")

Esempio n. 3
    def onPlayBackStarted(self):
        if not Settings.isActiveVideoPlaying():

        log("PinSentryPlayer: Notification that something started playing")

        # Only interested if it is not playing music
        if self.isPlayingAudio():

        # Ignore screen saver videos
        if xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty("VideoScreensaverRunning"):
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Detected VideoScreensaver playing")

        # Check if the Pin is set, as no point prompting if it is not
        if not PinSentry.isPinSentryEnabled():

        # Get the information for what is currently playing
        tvshowtitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle")

        # If the TvShow Title is not set, then Check the ListItem as well
        if tvshowtitle in [None, ""]:
            tvshowtitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.TVShowTitle")

#         cert = xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.mpaa")
#         listmpaa = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Mpaa")

#         log("*** ROB ***: VideoPlayer.mpaa: %s" % str(cert))
#         log("*** ROB ***: ListItem.Mpaa: %s" % str(listmpaa))

        securityLevel = 0
        # If it is a TvShow, then check to see if it is enabled for this one
        if tvshowtitle not in [None, ""]:
            log("PinSentryPlayer: TVShowTitle: %s" % tvshowtitle)
            pinDB = PinSentryDB()
            securityLevel = pinDB.getTvShowSecurityLevel(tvshowtitle)
            del pinDB
            if securityLevel < 1:
                log("PinSentryPlayer: No security enabled for %s" % tvshowtitle)
            # Not a TvShow, so check for the Movie Title
            title = xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.Title")

            # If no title is found, check the ListItem rather then the Player
            if title in [None, ""]:
                title = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Title")

            if title not in [None, ""]:
                log("PinSentryPlayer: Title: %s" % title)
                pinDB = PinSentryDB()
                securityLevel = pinDB.getMovieSecurityLevel(title)
                del pinDB
                if securityLevel < 1:
                    log("PinSentryPlayer: No security enabled for %s" % title)
                # Not a TvShow or Movie - so allow the user to continue
                # without entering a pin code
                log("PinSentryPlayer: No security enabled, no title available")

        # Check if we have already cached the pin number and at which level
        if PinSentry.getCachedPinLevel() >= securityLevel:
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Already cached pin at level %d, allowing access" % PinSentry.getCachedPinLevel())

        # Before we start prompting the user for the pin, check to see if we
        # have already been called and are prompting in another thread
        if xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty("PinSentryPrompting"):
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Already prompting for security code")

        # Set the flag so other threads know we are processing this play request
        xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty("PinSentryPrompting", "true")

        # Pause the video so that we can prompt for the Pin to be entered
        # On some systems we could get notified that we have started playing a video
        # before it has actually been started, so keep trying to pause until we get
        # one that works
        while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Player.Paused"):

        log("PinSentryPlayer: Pausing video to check if OK to play")

        # Prompt the user for the pin, returns True if they knew it
        if PinSentry.promptUserForPin():
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Resuming video")
            # Pausing again will start the video playing again
            log("PinSentryPlayer: Stopping video")
