def export_scan_scalar( uid, x='dcm_b', y= ['xray_eye1_stats1_total'],
                       path='/XF11ID/analysis/2016_3/commissioning/Results/exported/' ):
    '''export uid data to a txt file
    uid: unique scan id
    x: the x-col 
    y: the y-cols
    path: save path
        data = export_scan_scalar( uid, x='dcm_b', y= ['xray_eye1_stats1_total'],
                       path='/XF11ID/analysis/2016_3/commissioning/Results/exported/' )
    A plot for the data:
        d.plot(x='dcm_b', y = 'xray_eye1_stats1_total', marker='o', ls='-', color='r')
    from databroker import DataBroker as db, get_images, get_table, get_events, get_fields 
    #from chxanalys.chx_generic_functions import  trans_data_to_pd
    import numpy as np
    hdr = db[uid]
    print( get_fields( hdr ) )
    data = get_table( db[uid] )
    xp = data[x]
    datap = np.zeros(  [len(xp), len(y)+1])
    datap[:,0] = xp
    for i, yi in enumerate(y):
        datap[:,i+1] = data[yi]
    datap = trans_data_to_pd( datap, label=[x] + [yi for yi in y])   
    fp = path + 'uid=%s.csv'%uid
    datap.to_csv( fp )
    print( 'The data was saved in %s'%fp)
    return datap
def get_data(scan_id, field='ivu_gap', intensity_field='elm_sum_all', det=None, debug=False):
    """Get data from the scan stored in the table.
from Maksim
    :param scan_id: scan id from bluesky.
    :param field: visualize the intensity vs. this field.
    :param intensity_field: the name of the intensity field.
    :param det: the name of the detector.
    :param debug: a debug flag.
    :return: a tuple of X, Y and timestamp values.
    scan, t = get_scan(scan_id)
    if det:
        imgs = get_images(scan, det)
        im = imgs[-1]
        if debug:

    table = get_table(scan)
    fields = get_fields(scan)

    if debug:
    x = table[field]
    y = table[intensity_field]

    return x, y, t
Esempio n. 3
def test_get_fields():
    rs = insert_run_start(time=ttime.time(), scan_id=105,
                          owner='stepper', beamline_id='example',
    h = db[rs]
    actual = get_fields(h)
    assert actual == set(['Tsam', 'point_det'])
def test_db(sid):
    from databroker import DataBroker as db, get_fields, get_table
    h = db[sid]
    scan = get_table(h)
    fld = get_fields(h)
    print('the scan files include %s' % fld)
Esempio n. 5
def test_get_fields():
    rs = insert_run_start(time=ttime.time(), scan_id=105, owner="stepper", beamline_id="example", uid=str(uuid.uuid4()))
    h = db[rs]
    actual = get_fields(h)
    assert actual == set(["Tsam", "point_det"])