Esempio n. 1
def main(index, config, tasks, executor, queue_size, **kwargs):
    click.echo('Starting stacking utility...')

    task_func = partial(do_stack_task, config)
    process_func = partial(process_result,
                           index) if config['index_datasets'] else do_nothing
    task_app.run_tasks(tasks, executor, task_func, process_func, queue_size)
Esempio n. 2
def fixer(index, config, tasks, executor, queue_size, **kwargs):
    """This script rewrites unstacked dataset files to correct their NetCDF metadata."""
    click.echo('Starting fixer utility...')

    task_func = partial(do_fixer_task, config)
    process_func = partial(process_result, index) if config['index_datasets'] else None
    task_app.run_tasks(tasks, executor, task_func, process_func, queue_size)
Esempio n. 3
def main(index, config, tasks, executor, queue_size, **kwargs):
    """This script creates NetCDF files containing an entire year of tiles in the same file."""
    click.echo('Starting stacking utility...')

    task_func = partial(do_stack_task, config)
    process_func = partial(process_result, index) if config['index_datasets'] else None
    task_app.run_tasks(tasks, executor, task_func, process_func, queue_size)
Esempio n. 4
def full(index, config, tasks, executor, queue_size, **kwargs):
    """Create ncml files for the full time depth of the product

    e.g. datacube-ncml full <app_config_yaml>
    click.echo('Starting datacube ncml utility...')

    task_func = partial(do_ncml_task, config)
    task_app.run_tasks(tasks, executor, task_func, None, queue_size)
Esempio n. 5
def main(index, config, tasks, executor, queue_size, **kwargs):
    """Store datasets into NetCDF files containing an entire year in the same file.

    - Uses the same configuration format as the `ingest` tool.
    - However, does not create new datasets, but instead updates dataset locations then archives the original location.
    click.echo('Starting stacking utility...')

    task_func = partial(do_stack_task, config)
    process_func = partial(process_result, index) if config['index_datasets'] else None
    task_app.run_tasks(tasks, executor, task_func, process_func, queue_size)
Esempio n. 6
def update(index, config, tasks, executor, queue_size, **kwargs):
    """Update a single year ncml file

    e.g datacube-ncml <app_config_yaml> 1996

    This can be used to update an existing ncml file created with `nest` when new data is added.
    click.echo('Starting datacube ncml utility...')

    task_func = partial(do_ncml_task, config)
    task_app.run_tasks(tasks, executor, task_func, None, queue_size)
Esempio n. 7
def nest(index, config, tasks, executor, queue_size, **kwargs):
    """Create ncml files for the full time, with nested ncml files covering the given years

    e.g. datacube-ncml nest <app_config_yaml> 2016 2017

    This will refer to the actual files (hopefully stacked), and make ncml files for the given (ie unstacked) years.
    Use the `update` command when new data is added to a year, without having to rerun for the entire time depth.
    click.echo('Starting datacube ncml utility...')

    task_func = partial(do_ncml_task, config)
    task_app.run_tasks(tasks, executor, task_func, None, queue_size)
Esempio n. 8
def test_run_tasks():
    executor = datacube.executor.SerialExecutor()
    tasks = ({'val': i} for i in range(3))
    tasks_to_do = list(range(3))

    def task_func(task):
        x = task['val']
        return (x, x**2)

    def process_result_func(result):
        assert result[0]**2 == result[1]

    run_tasks(tasks, executor, task_func, process_result_func)

    assert not tasks_to_do
Esempio n. 9
def app_main(db_index, config, tasks, executor, **opts):
    make_config => config
    config => make_tasks => tasks
    from pickle import dumps

    unused(db_index, opts, config)

    click.echo('Using executor {}'.format(repr(executor)))
    task_runner = wrap_task(run_task, config['op'])

    click.echo('Task function size: {}'.format(len(dumps(task_runner))))

    run_tasks(tasks, executor, task_runner, queue_size=10)

    return 0