Esempio n. 1
def ogc_impl():
    #pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    nocase_args = lower_get_args()
    nocase_args = capture_headers(request, nocase_args)
    service = nocase_args.get("service", "").upper()
    if service:
        return ogc_svc_impl(service.lower())

    # create dummy env if not exists
        # service argument is only required (in fact only defined) by OGC for
        # GetCapabilities requests.  As long as we are persisting with a single
        # routing end point for all services, we must derive the service from the request
        # parameter.
        # This is a quick hack to fix #64.  Service and operation routing could be
        # handled more elegantly.
        op = nocase_args.get("request", "").upper()
        if op in WMS_REQUESTS:
            return ogc_svc_impl("wms")
        elif op in WCS_REQUESTS:
            return ogc_svc_impl("wcs")
            # Should we return a WMS or WCS exception if there is no service specified?
            # Defaulting to WMS because that's what we already have.
            raise WMSException("Invalid service and/or request",
                               locator="Service and request parameters")
    except OGCException as e:
        _LOG.error("Handled Error: %s", repr(e.errors))
        return e.exception_response()
    except Exception as e:
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        ogc_e = WMSException("Unexpected server error: %s" % str(e),
        return ogc_e.exception_response(traceback=traceback.extract_tb(tb))
Esempio n. 2
def ogc_impl():
    #pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    nocase_args = lower_get_args()
    nocase_args = capture_headers(request, nocase_args)
    service = nocase_args.get("service", "").upper()
    if service:
        return ogc_svc_impl(service.lower())

    # create dummy env if not exists
        # service argument is only required (in fact only defined) by OGC for
        # GetCapabilities requests.  As long as we are persisting with a single
        # routing end point for all services, we must derive the service from the request
        # parameter.
        # This is a quick hack to fix #64.  Service and operation routing could be
        # handled more elegantly.
        op = nocase_args.get("request", "").upper()
        if op in WMS_REQUESTS:
            return ogc_svc_impl("wms")
        elif op in WCS_REQUESTS:
            return ogc_svc_impl("wcs")
        elif op:
            # Should we return a WMS or WCS exception if there is no service specified?
            # Defaulting to WMS because that's what we already have.
            raise WMSException("Invalid service and/or request", locator="Service and request parameters")
            cfg = get_config()
            url = nocase_args.get('Host', nocase_args['url_root'])
            base_url = get_service_base_url(cfg.allowed_urls, url)
            return (render_template(
                    resp_headers({"Content-Type": "text/html"}))
    except OGCException as e:
        _LOG.error("Handled Error: %s", repr(e.errors))
        return e.exception_response()
    except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        ogc_e = WMSException("Unexpected server error: %s" % str(e), http_response=500)
        return ogc_e.exception_response(traceback=traceback.extract_tb(tb))