Esempio n. 1
def test_direct_cfg(path1, path2, path3, path4):
    with patch.dict('os.environ', {'DATALAD_REPO_DIRECT': 'True'}):
        # create annex repo in direct mode:
        with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.DEBUG) as cml:
            ar = AnnexRepo(path1, create=True)
            cml.assert_logged("Switching to direct mode",
                              regex=False, level='DEBUG')

        # but don't if repo version is 6 (actually, 6 or above):
        with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.WARNING) as cml:
            ar = AnnexRepo(path2, create=True, version=6)
            ok_(not ar.is_direct_mode())
            cml.assert_logged("direct mode not available", regex=False,

        # explicit parameter `direct` has priority:
        ar = AnnexRepo(path3, create=True, direct=False)
        if not ar.is_crippled_fs():  # otherwise forced direct mode
            ok_(not ar.is_direct_mode())

        # don't touch existing repo:
        ar = AnnexRepo(path2, create=True)
        if not ar.is_crippled_fs():  # otherwise forced direct mode
            ok_(not ar.is_direct_mode())

    # make sure, value is relevant:
    with patch.dict('os.environ', {'DATALAD_REPO_DIRECT': '0'}):
        # don't use direct mode
        ar = AnnexRepo(path4, create=True)
        if not ar.is_crippled_fs():  # otherwise forced direct mode
            ok_(not ar.is_direct_mode())
Esempio n. 2
def test_direct_cfg(path1, path2):
    # and if repo already exists and we have env var - we fail too
    # Adding backend so we get some commit into the repo
    ar = AnnexRepo(path1, create=True, backend='MD5E')
    del ar
    AnnexRepo._unique_instances.clear()  # fight flyweight
    for path in (path1, path2):
        with patch.dict('os.environ', {'DATALAD_REPO_DIRECT': 'True'}):
            # try to create annex repo in direct mode as see how it fails
            with assert_raises(DirectModeNoLongerSupportedError) as cme:
                AnnexRepo(path, create=True)
            assert_in("no longer supported by DataLad",
                      str(cme.exception))  # we have generic part
            assert_in(" configuration",
                      str(cme.exception))  # situation specific part
    # assert not op.exists(path2)   # that we didn't create it - we do!
    #   fixing for that would be too cumbersome since we first call GitRepo.__init__
    #   with create
    ar = AnnexRepo(path1)
    # check if we somehow didn't reset the flag
    assert not ar.is_direct_mode()

    if ar.config.obtain("datalad.repo.version") >= 6:
        raise SkipTest(
            "Created repo not v5, cannot test detection of direct mode repos")
    # and if repo existed before and was in direct mode, we fail too
    # Since direct= option was deprecated entirely, we use protected method now
    assert ar.is_direct_mode()
    del ar  # but we would need to disable somehow the flywheel
    with patch.dict('os.environ', {'DATALAD_REPO_DIRECT': 'True'}):
        with assert_raises(DirectModeNoLongerSupportedError) as cme:
            AnnexRepo(path1, create=False)

    # TODO: RM DIRECT decide what should we here -- should we test/blow?
    #   ATM both tests below just pass
    ar2 = AnnexRepo(path2, create=True)
    # happily can do it since it doesn't need a worktree to do the clone
    ar2.add_submodule('sub1', url=path1)
    ar2sub1 = AnnexRepo(op.join(path2, 'sub1'))
    # but now let's convert that sub1 to direct mode
    assert not ar2sub1.is_direct_mode()
    assert ar2sub1.is_direct_mode()
    del ar2
    del ar2sub1
    AnnexRepo._unique_instances.clear()  # fight flyweight

    ar2 = AnnexRepo(path2)

    # And what if we are trying to add pre-cloned repo in direct mode?
    ar2sub2 = AnnexRepo.clone(path1, op.join(path2, 'sub2'))
    del ar2sub2
    AnnexRepo._unique_instances.clear()  # fight flyweight
Esempio n. 3
def test_AnnexRepo_set_direct_mode(src, dst):

    ar = AnnexRepo(dst, src)
    assert_true(ar.is_direct_mode(), "Switching to direct mode failed.")
    if ar.is_crippled_fs():
        assert_raises(CommandNotAvailableError, ar.set_direct_mode, False)
        assert_true(ar.is_direct_mode(), "Indirect mode on crippled fs detected. Shouldn't be possible.")
        assert_false(ar.is_direct_mode(), "Switching to indirect mode failed.")
Esempio n. 4
def test_AnnexRepo_set_direct_mode(src, dst):

    ar = AnnexRepo(dst, src)
    assert_true(ar.is_direct_mode(), "Switching to direct mode failed.")
    if ar.is_crippled_fs():
        assert_raises(CommandNotAvailableError, ar.set_direct_mode, False)
            "Indirect mode on crippled fs detected. Shouldn't be possible.")
        assert_false(ar.is_direct_mode(), "Switching to indirect mode failed.")
Esempio n. 5
def test_direct_cfg(path1, path2):
    # and if repo already exists and we have env var - we fail too
    # Adding backend so we get some commit into the repo
    ar = AnnexRepo(path1, create=True, backend='MD5E')
    del ar;  AnnexRepo._unique_instances.clear()  # fight flyweight
    for path in (path1, path2):
        with patch.dict('os.environ', {'DATALAD_REPO_DIRECT': 'True'}):
            # try to create annex repo in direct mode as see how it fails
            with assert_raises(DirectModeNoLongerSupportedError) as cme:
                AnnexRepo(path, create=True)
            assert_in("no longer supported by DataLad", str(cme.exception)) # we have generic part
            assert_in(" configuration", str(cme.exception)) # situation specific part
    # assert not op.exists(path2)   # that we didn't create it - we do!
    #   fixing for that would be too cumbersome since we first call GitRepo.__init__
    #   with create
    ar = AnnexRepo(path1)
    # check if we somehow didn't reset the flag
    assert not ar.is_direct_mode()

    if ar.config.obtain("datalad.repo.version") >= 6:
        raise SkipTest("Created repo not v5, cannot test detection of direct mode repos")
    # and if repo existed before and was in direct mode, we fail too
    # Since direct= option was deprecated entirely, we use protected method now
    assert ar.is_direct_mode()
    del ar  # but we would need to disable somehow the flywheel
    with patch.dict('os.environ', {'DATALAD_REPO_DIRECT': 'True'}):
        with assert_raises(DirectModeNoLongerSupportedError) as cme:
            AnnexRepo(path1, create=False)

    # TODO: RM DIRECT decide what should we here -- should we test/blow?
    #   ATM both tests below just pass
    ar2 = AnnexRepo(path2, create=True)
    # happily can do it since it doesn't need a worktree to do the clone
    ar2.add_submodule('sub1', url=path1)
    ar2sub1 = AnnexRepo(op.join(path2, 'sub1'))
    # but now let's convert that sub1 to direct mode
    assert not ar2sub1.is_direct_mode()
    assert ar2sub1.is_direct_mode()
    del ar2; del ar2sub1; AnnexRepo._unique_instances.clear()  # fight flyweight

    ar2 = AnnexRepo(path2)

    # And what if we are trying to add pre-cloned repo in direct mode?
    ar2sub2 = AnnexRepo.clone(path1, op.join(path2, 'sub2'))
    del ar2sub2; AnnexRepo._unique_instances.clear()  # fight flyweight
Esempio n. 6
def test_AnnexRepo_is_direct_mode(path):

    ar = AnnexRepo(path)
    dm = ar.is_direct_mode()
    if on_windows:
        assert_true(dm, "AnnexRepo.is_direct_mode() returned false on windows.")
        assert_false(dm, "AnnexRepo.is_direct_mode() returned true on non-windows")
Esempio n. 7
def test_AnnexRepo_is_direct_mode(path):

    ar = AnnexRepo(path)
    dm = ar.is_direct_mode()
    if on_windows:
                    "AnnexRepo.is_direct_mode() returned false on windows.")
            dm, "AnnexRepo.is_direct_mode() returned true on non-windows")
Esempio n. 8
def test_AnnexRepo_annex_add(src, annex_path):

    ar = AnnexRepo(annex_path, src)

    filename = 'file_to_annex.dat'
    filename_abs = os.path.join(annex_path, filename)
    f = open(filename_abs, 'w')
    f.write("What to write?")
    if not ar.is_direct_mode():
        assert_true(os.path.islink(filename_abs), "Annexed file is not a link.")
        assert_false(os.path.islink(filename_abs), "Annexed file is link in direct mode.")
    key = ar.get_file_key(filename)
    assert_false(key == '')
Esempio n. 9
def test_direct_cfg(path1=None, path2=None):
    # and if repo already exists and we have env var - we fail too
    # Adding backend so we get some commit into the repo
    ar = AnnexRepo(path1, create=True, backend='MD5E')
    del ar;  AnnexRepo._unique_instances.clear()  # fight flyweight
    for path in (path1, path2):
        with patch.dict('os.environ', {'DATALAD_REPO_DIRECT': 'True'}):
            # try to create annex repo in direct mode as see how it fails
            with assert_raises(DirectModeNoLongerSupportedError) as cme:
                AnnexRepo(path, create=True)
            assert_in("no longer supported by DataLad", str(cme.value)) # we have generic part
            assert_in(" configuration", str(cme.value)) # situation specific part
    # assert not op.exists(path2)   # that we didn't create it - we do!
    #   fixing for that would be too cumbersome since we first call GitRepo.__init__
    #   with create
    ar = AnnexRepo(path1)
    # check if we somehow didn't reset the flag
    assert not ar.is_direct_mode()
Esempio n. 10
def test_AnnexRepo_annex_add(src, annex_path):

    ar = AnnexRepo(annex_path, src)

    filename = 'file_to_annex.dat'
    filename_abs = os.path.join(annex_path, filename)
    f = open(filename_abs, 'w')
    f.write("What to write?")
    if not ar.is_direct_mode():
                    "Annexed file is not a link.")
                     "Annexed file is link in direct mode.")
    key = ar.get_file_key(filename)
    assert_false(key == '')
Esempio n. 11
def ok_clean_git(path,
    """Verify that under given path there is a clean git repository

    it exists, .git exists, nothing is uncommitted/dirty/staged

    Parameters head_modified and index_modified currently work
    in pure git or indirect mode annex only and are ignored otherwise!
    Implementation is yet to do!

    path: str or Repo
      in case of a str: path to the repository's base dir;
      Note, that passing a Repo instance prevents detecting annex. This might be
      useful in case of a non-initialized annex, a GitRepo is pointing to.
    annex: bool or None
      explicitly set to True or False to indicate, that an annex is (not)
      expected; set to None to autodetect, whether there is an annex.
      Default: None.
    ignore_submodules: bool
      if True, submodules are not inspected
    # TODO: See 'Note' in docstring

    if isinstance(path, AnnexRepo):
        if annex is None:
            annex = True
        # if `annex` was set to False, but we find an annex => fail
        assert_is(annex, True)
        r = path
    elif isinstance(path, GitRepo):
        if annex is None:
            annex = False
        # explicitly given GitRepo instance doesn't make sense with 'annex' True
        assert_is(annex, False)
        r = path
        # 'path' is an actual path
            r = AnnexRepo(path, init=False, create=False)
            if annex is None:
                annex = True
            # if `annex` was set to False, but we find an annex => fail
            assert_is(annex, True)
        except Exception:
            # Instantiation failed => no annex
                r = GitRepo(path, init=False, create=False)
            except Exception:
                raise AssertionError("Couldn't find an annex or a git "
                                     "repository at {}.".format(path))
            if annex is None:
                annex = False
            # explicitly given GitRepo instance doesn't make sense with
            # 'annex' True
            assert_is(annex, False)

    eq_(sorted(r.untracked_files), sorted(untracked))

    if annex and r.is_direct_mode():
        if head_modified or index_modified:
            lgr.warning("head_modified and index_modified are not quite valid "
                        "concepts in direct mode! Looking for any change "
                        "(staged or not) instead.")
            status = r.get_status(untracked=False,
                                  submodules=not ignore_submodules)
            modified = []
            for s in status:
            eq_(sorted(head_modified + index_modified),
                sorted(f for f in modified))
            ok_(not r.is_dirty(untracked_files=not untracked,
                               submodules=not ignore_submodules))
        repo = r.repo

        if repo.index.entries.keys():

            if not head_modified and not index_modified:
                # get string representations of diffs with index to ease
                # troubleshooting
                head_diffs = [
                    str(d) for d in repo.index.diff(repo.head.commit)
                index_diffs = [str(d) for d in repo.index.diff(None)]
                eq_(head_diffs, [])
                eq_(index_diffs, [])
                if head_modified:
                    # we did ask for interrogating changes
                    head_modified_ = [
                        d.a_path for d in repo.index.diff(repo.head.commit)
                    eq_(head_modified_, head_modified)
                if index_modified:
                    index_modified_ = [d.a_path for d in repo.index.diff(None)]
                    eq_(index_modified_, index_modified)