Esempio n. 1
def test_ssh_get_connection():

    manager = SSHManager()
    assert manager._socket_dir is None, \
        "Should be unset upon initialization. Got %s" % str(manager._socket_dir)
    c1 = manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost')
    assert manager._socket_dir, "Should be set after interactions with the manager"
    assert_is_instance(c1, SSHConnection)

    # subsequent call returns the very same instance:
    ok_(manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost') is c1)

    # fail on malformed URls (meaning: our fancy URL parser can't correctly
    # deal with them):
    #assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'localhost')
    # we now allow those simple specifications of host to get_connection
    c2 = manager.get_connection('localhost')
    assert_is_instance(c2, SSHConnection)

    # but should fail if it looks like something else
    assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'localhost/')
    assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, ':localhost')

    # we can do what urlparse cannot
    # assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'someone@localhost')
    # next one is considered a proper url by urlparse (netloc:'',
    # path='/localhost), but eventually gets turned into SSHRI(hostname='ssh',
    # path='/localhost') -- which is fair IMHO -> invalid test
    # assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'ssh:/localhost')

Esempio n. 2
def test_ssh_get_connection():

    manager = SSHManager()
    assert manager._socket_dir is None, \
        "Should be unset upon initialization. Got %s" % str(manager._socket_dir)
    c1 = manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost')
    assert manager._socket_dir, "Should be set after interactions with the manager"
    assert_is_instance(c1, SSHConnection)

    # subsequent call returns the very same instance:
    ok_(manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost') is c1)

    # fail on malformed URls (meaning: our fancy URL parser can't correctly
    # deal with them):
    #assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'localhost')
    # we now allow those simple specifications of host to get_connection
    c2 = manager.get_connection('localhost')
    assert_is_instance(c2, SSHConnection)

    # but should fail if it looks like something else
    assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'localhost/')
    assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, ':localhost')

    # we can do what urlparse cannot
    # assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'someone@localhost')
    # next one is considered a proper url by urlparse (netloc:'',
    # path='/localhost), but eventually gets turned into SSHRI(hostname='ssh',
    # path='/localhost') -- which is fair IMHO -> invalid test
    # assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'ssh:/localhost')

Esempio n. 3
def test_protocol_commons(protocol_file):

    for protocol_class in [
            DryRunProtocol, DryRunExternalsProtocol, ExecutionTimeProtocol,
            ExecutionTimeExternalsProtocol, NullProtocol
        protocol = protocol_class()
        assert_is_instance(protocol, ProtocolInterface)
        assert_equal(len(protocol), 0)

        protocol.add_section(['some_command', 'some_option'],
                             Exception("Whatever exception"))
        protocol.add_section(['another_command'], None)
        assert_equal(len(protocol), 2 if protocol_class != NullProtocol else 0)

        # test iterable:
        assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_raises, TypeError, iter, protocol)
        for section in protocol:
            assert_in('command', section)
        for item in range(len(protocol)):
            assert_is_instance(protocol.__getitem__(item), dict)

        # test __str__:
        str_ = str(protocol)

        # test write_to_file:
        read_str = ''
        with open(protocol_file, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                read_str += line
        assert_equal(str_, read_str)
Esempio n. 4
def test_newthings_coming_down(originpath, destpath):
    origin = GitRepo(originpath, create=True)
    create_tree(originpath, {'load.dat': 'heavy'})
    ds = install(source=originpath,
    assert_is_instance(ds.repo, GitRepo)
    assert_in('origin', ds.repo.get_remotes())
    # turn origin into an annex
    origin = AnnexRepo(originpath, create=True)
    # clone doesn't know yet
    # but after an update it should
    # no merge, only one sibling, no parameters should be specific enough
    assert_result_count(ds.update(), 1, status='ok', type='dataset')
    assert (knows_annex(ds.path))
    # no branches appeared
    eq_(ds.repo.get_branches(), [DEFAULT_BRANCH])
    # now merge, and get an annex
    assert_in('git-annex', ds.repo.get_branches())
    assert_is_instance(ds.repo, AnnexRepo)
    # should be fully functional
    testfname = opj(ds.path, 'load.dat')
    ok_file_has_content(opj(ds.path, 'load.dat'), 'heavy')
    # check that a new tag comes down
    assert_result_count(ds.update(), 1, status='ok', type='dataset')
    eq_(ds.repo.get_tags(output='name')[0], 'first!')

    # and now we destroy the remote annex
    origin.call_git(['config', '--remove-section', 'annex'])
    rmtree(opj(origin.path, '.git', 'annex'), chmod_files=True)
    origin.call_git(['branch', '-D', 'git-annex'])
    origin = GitRepo(originpath)

    # and update the local clone
    # for now this should simply not fail (see gh-793), later might be enhanced to a
    # graceful downgrade
    before_branches = ds.repo.get_branches()
    assert_result_count(ds.update(), 1, status='ok', type='dataset')
    eq_(before_branches, ds.repo.get_branches())
    # annex branch got pruned
    eq_(['origin/HEAD', 'origin/' + DEFAULT_BRANCH],
    # check that a new tag comes down even if repo types mismatch
    assert_result_count(ds.update(), 1, status='ok', type='dataset')
    eq_(ds.repo.get_tags(output='name')[-1], 'second!')
Esempio n. 5
def test_install_dataset_from_instance(src, dst):
    origin = Dataset(src)
    clone = install(source=origin, path=dst)

    assert_is_instance(clone, Dataset)
    ok_startswith(clone.path, dst)
    ok_clean_git(clone.path, annex=None)
    assert_in('INFO.txt', clone.repo.get_indexed_files())
Esempio n. 6
def test_install_dataset_from_instance(src, dst):
    origin = Dataset(src)
    clone = install(source=origin, path=dst)

    assert_is_instance(clone, Dataset)
    ok_startswith(clone.path, dst)
    ok_clean_git(clone.path, annex=None)
    assert_in('INFO.txt', clone.repo.get_indexed_files())
Esempio n. 7
def test_ssh_get_connection():

    manager = SSHManager()
    c1 = manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost')
    assert_is_instance(c1, SSHConnection)

    # subsequent call returns the very same instance:
    ok_(manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost') is c1)

    # fail on malformed URls (meaning: out fancy URL parser can't correctly
    # deal with them):
    assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'localhost')
Esempio n. 8
def test_ssh_get_connection():

    manager = SSHManager()
    c1 = manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost')
    assert_is_instance(c1, SSHConnection)

    # subsequent call returns the very same instance:
    ok_(manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost') is c1)

    # fail on malformed URls (meaning: out fancy URL parser can't correctly
    # deal with them):
    assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'localhost')
        def decorated_test2(ds):
            # we get a Dataset instance
            assert_is_instance(ds, Dataset)
            # it's a clone in a temp. location, not within the cache
            assert_not_in(cache_dir, ds.pathobj.parents)
            assert_result_count(ds.siblings(), 1, type="sibling",
                                url=str(cache_dir / name_in_cache))
            here = ds.config.get("annex.uuid")
            origin = ds.config.get("remote.origin.annex-uuid")
            where = ds.repo.whereis(str(annexed_file))
            assert_in(here, where)
            assert_in(origin, where)

            return ds.pathobj, ds.repo.pathobj
        def decorated_test3(ds):
            # we get a Dataset instance
            assert_is_instance(ds, Dataset)
            # it's a clone in a temp. location, not within the cache
            assert_not_in(cache_dir, ds.pathobj.parents)
            assert_result_count(ds.siblings(), 1, type="sibling",
                                url=str(cache_dir / name_in_cache))
            # origin is the same cached dataset, that got this content in
            # decorated_test2 before. Should still be there. But "here" we
            # didn't request it
            here = ds.config.get("annex.uuid")
            origin = ds.config.get("remote.origin.annex-uuid")
            where = ds.repo.whereis(str(annexed_file))
            assert_not_in(here, where)
            assert_in(origin, where)

            return ds.pathobj, ds.repo.pathobj
Esempio n. 11
def test_ssh_get_connection():

    manager = SSHManager()
    c1 = manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost')
    assert_is_instance(c1, SSHConnection)

    # subsequent call returns the very same instance:
    ok_(manager.get_connection('ssh://localhost') is c1)

    # fail on malformed URls (meaning: our fancy URL parser can't correctly
    # deal with them):
    assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'localhost')
    # we can do what urlparse cannot
    # assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'someone@localhost')
    # next one is considered a proper url by urlparse (netloc:'',
    # path='/localhost), but eventually gets turned into SSHRI(hostname='ssh',
    # path='/localhost') -- which is fair IMHO -> invalid test
    # assert_raises(ValueError, manager.get_connection, 'ssh:/localhost')

Esempio n. 12
        def decorated_test4(ds):
            # we get a Dataset instance
            assert_is_instance(ds, Dataset)
            # it's a clone in a temp. location, not within the cache
            assert_not_in(cache_dir, ds.pathobj.parents)
            assert_result_count(ds.siblings(), 1, type="sibling",
                                url=str(cache_dir / name_in_cache))
            # origin is the same cached dataset, that got this content in
            # decorated_test2 before. Should still be there. But "here" we
            # didn't request it
            here = ds.config.get("annex.uuid")
            origin = ds.config.get(f"remote.{DEFAULT_REMOTE}.annex-uuid")
            where = ds.repo.whereis(str(annexed_file))
            assert_not_in(here, where)
            assert_in(origin, where)


            return ds.pathobj, ds.repo.pathobj
Esempio n. 13
def test_find_containers(path):
    ds = Dataset(path).create(force=True)[op.join('sub', 'i.img')], message="dummy container")
    ds.containers_add("i", image=op.join('sub', 'i.img'))

    # find the only one
    res = find_container(ds)
    assert_is_instance(res, dict)
                        path=op.join(ds.path, "sub", "i.img"))

    # find by name
    res = find_container(ds, "i")
    assert_is_instance(res, dict)
                        path=op.join(ds.path, "sub", "i.img"))

    # find by path
    res = find_container(ds, op.join("sub", "i.img"))
    assert_is_instance(res, dict)
                        path=op.join(ds.path, "sub", "i.img"))

    # don't find another thing
    assert_raises(ValueError, find_container, ds, "nothere")
Esempio n. 14
def test_get_repo_instance_annex(path):

    # get instance from path
    repo = get_repo_instance(path, AnnexRepo)
    assert_is_instance(repo, AnnexRepo)
    eq_(realpath(repo.path), realpath(path))

    old_pwd = getpwd()

    # get instance from current dir
    repo = get_repo_instance()
    assert_is_instance(repo, AnnexRepo)
    eq_(realpath(repo.path), realpath(path))

    # get instance from current subdir
    new_subdir = opj(path, "subdir")
    eq_(new_subdir, getpwd())
    repo = get_repo_instance()
    assert_is_instance(repo, AnnexRepo)
    eq_(realpath(repo.path), realpath(path))

Esempio n. 15
def test_get_repo_instance_git(path):
    real_path = Path(path).resolve()

    # get instance from path
    repo = get_repo_instance(path, GitRepo)
    assert_is_instance(repo, GitRepo)
    eq_(repo.pathobj, real_path)

    old_pwd = getpwd()

    # get instance from current dir
    repo = get_repo_instance()
    assert_is_instance(repo, GitRepo)
    eq_(repo.pathobj, real_path)

    # get instance from current subdir
    new_subdir = opj(path, "subdir")
    eq_(new_subdir, getpwd())
    repo = get_repo_instance()
    assert_is_instance(repo, GitRepo)
    eq_(repo.pathobj, real_path)

Esempio n. 16
def test_GitRepo_instance_from_not_existing(path, path2):
    # 1. create=False and path doesn't exist:
    repo = GitRepo(path)

    # 2. create=False, path exists, but no git repo:
    repo = GitRepo(path)
    assert_false(op.exists(op.join(path, '.git')))

    # 3. create=True, path doesn't exist:
    gr = GitRepo(path2).init()
    assert_is_instance(gr, GitRepo, "GitRepo was not created.")
    ok_(op.exists(op.join(path2, '.git')))
    # re-enable from core GitRepo has a status() method
    #assert_repo_status(path2, annex=False)

    # 4. create=True, path exists, but no git repo:
    gr = GitRepo(path).init()
    assert_is_instance(gr, GitRepo, "GitRepo was not created.")
    ok_(op.exists(op.join(path, '.git')))
Esempio n. 17
def test_Dataset_flyweight(path1, path2):

    ds1 = Dataset(path1)
    assert_is_instance(ds1, Dataset)
    # instantiate again:
    ds2 = Dataset(path1)
    assert_is_instance(ds2, Dataset)
    # the very same object:
    ok_(ds1 is ds2)

    # reference the same via relative path:
    with chpwd(path1):
        ds3 = Dataset(relpath(path1, start=path2))
        ok_(ds1 == ds3)
        ok_(ds1 is ds3)

    # on windows as symlink is not what you think it is
    if not on_windows:
        # reference the same via symlink:
        with chpwd(path2):
            os.symlink(path1, 'linked')
            ds3 = Dataset('linked')
            ok_(ds3 == ds1)
            ok_(ds3 is not ds1)
Esempio n. 18
def test_GitRepo_flyweight(path1, path2):

    import gc

    repo1 = GitRepo(path1).init()
    assert_is_instance(repo1, GitRepo)

    # Due to issue 4862, we currently still require gc.collect() under unclear
    # circumstances to get rid of an exception traceback when creating in an
    # existing directory. That traceback references the respective function
    # frames which in turn reference the repo instance (they are methods).
    # Doesn't happen on all systems, though. Eventually we need to figure that
    # out.
    # However, still test for the refcount after gc.collect() to ensure we don't
    # introduce new circular references and make the issue worse!

    # As long as we don't reintroduce any circular references or produce
    # garbage during instantiation that isn't picked up immediately, `repo1`
    # should be the only counted reference to this instance.
    # Note, that sys.getrefcount reports its own argument and therefore one
    # reference too much.
    assert_equal(1, sys.getrefcount(repo1) - 1)

    # instantiate again:
    repo2 = GitRepo(path1).init()
    assert_is_instance(repo2, GitRepo)

    # the very same object:
    ok_(repo1 is repo2)

    # reference the same in a different way:
    with chpwd(path1):
        repo3 = GitRepo(op.relpath(path1, start=path2))

    # it's the same object:
    ok_(repo1 is repo3)

    # and realpath attribute is the same, so they are still equal:
    ok_(repo1 == repo3)

    orig_id = id(repo1)

    # Be sure we have exactly one object in memory:
            o for o in gc.get_objects()
            if isinstance(o, GitRepo) and o.pathobj == Path(path1)

    # deleting one reference doesn't change anything - we still get the same
    # thing:
    gc.collect()  #  TODO: see first comment above
    del repo1
    ok_(repo2 is not None)
    ok_(repo2 is repo3)
    ok_(repo2 == repo3)

    # re-requesting still delivers the same thing:
    repo1 = GitRepo(path1)
    assert_equal(orig_id, id(repo1))

    # killing all references should result in the instance being gc'd and
    # re-request yields a new object:
    del repo1
    del repo2

    # Killing last reference will lead to garbage collection which will call
    # GitRepo's finalizer:
    with swallow_logs(new_level=1) as cml:
        del repo3
        gc.collect()  # TODO: see first comment above
        cml.assert_logged(msg="Finalizer called on: GitRepo(%s)" % path1,
                          level="Level 1",

    # Flyweight is gone:
    assert_not_in(path1, GitRepo._unique_instances.keys())
    # gc doesn't know any instance anymore:
    assert_equal([], [
        o for o in gc.get_objects()
        if isinstance(o, GitRepo) and o.pathobj == Path(path1)

    # new object is created on re-request:
    repo1 = GitRepo(path1)
            o for o in gc.get_objects()
            if isinstance(o, GitRepo) and o.pathobj == Path(path1)
def test_get_cached_dataset(cache_dir):

    # patch DATALAD_TESTS_CACHE to not use the actual cache with
    # the test testing that very cache.
    cache_dir = Path(cache_dir)

    # store file-based values for testrepo-minimalds for readability:
    annexed_file = opj('inannex', 'animated.gif')
    annexed_file_key = "MD5E-s144625--4c458c62b7ac8ec8e19c8ff14b2e34ad.gif"

    with patch(CACHE_PATCH_STR, new=cache_dir):

        # tuples to test (url, version, keys, class):
        test_cases = [

            # a simple testrepo
             "541cf855d13c2a338ff2803d4488daf0035e568f", None, AnnexRepo),
            # Same repo, but request paths to be present. This should work
            # with a subsequent call, although the first one did not already
            # request any:
             "9dd8b56cc706ab56185f2ceb75fbe9de9b606724", annexed_file_key,
            # Same repo again, but invalid version
                "irrelevantkey",  # invalid version; don't even try to get the key
            # same thing with different name should be treated as a new thing:
            ("", "git-annex",
             None, AnnexRepo),
            # try a plain git repo to make sure we can deal with that:
            # Note, that we first need a test case w/o a `key` parameter to not
            # blow up the test when Clone is patched, resulting in a MagicMock
            # instead of a Dataset instance within get_cached_dataset. In the
            # second case it's already cached then, so the patched Clone is
            # never executed.
            ("", None, None, GitRepo),
                "ignored-key",  # it's a git repo; don't even try to get a key
        for url, version, keys, cls in test_cases:
            target = cache_dir / url2filename(url)

            # assuming it doesn't exist yet - patched cache dir!
            in_cache_before = target.exists()
            with patch(CLONE_PATCH_STR) as exec_clone:
                    ds = get_cached_dataset(url, version, keys)
                    invalid_version = False
                except AssertionError:
                    # should happen only if `version` wasn't found. Implies
                    # that the dataset exists in cache (although not returned
                    # due to exception)
                    # mark for later assertions (most of them should still hold
                    # true)
                    invalid_version = True

            assert_equal(exec_clone.call_count, 0 if in_cache_before else 1)

            # Patch prevents actual execution. Now do it for real. Note, that
            # this might be necessary for content retrieval even if dataset was
            # in cache before.
                ds = get_cached_dataset(url, version, keys)
            except AssertionError:
                # see previous call

            assert_is_instance(ds, Dataset)
            assert_equal(target, ds.pathobj)
            assert_is_instance(ds.repo, cls)

            if keys and not invalid_version and \
                # Note: it's not supposed to get that content if passed
                # `version` wasn't available. get_cached_dataset would then
                # raise before and not download anything only to raise
                # afterwards.
                here = ds.config.get("annex.uuid")
                where = ds.repo.whereis(ensure_list(keys), key=True)
                assert_true(all(here in remotes for remotes in where))

            # version check. Note, that all `get_cached_dataset` is supposed to
            # do, is verifying, that specified version exists - NOT check it
            # out"
            if version and not invalid_version:

            # re-execution
            with patch(CLONE_PATCH_STR) as exec_clone:
                    ds2 = get_cached_dataset(url, version, keys)
                except AssertionError:
            # returns the same Dataset as before:
            assert_is(ds, ds2)
Esempio n. 20
def test_Dataset_flyweight(path1, path2):

    import gc
    import sys

    ds1 = Dataset(path1)
    assert_is_instance(ds1, Dataset)
    # Don't create circular references or anything similar
    assert_equal(1, sys.getrefcount(ds1) - 1)


    # Due to issue 4862, we currently still require gc.collect() under unclear
    # circumstances to get rid of an exception traceback when creating in an
    # existing directory. That traceback references the respective function
    # frames which in turn reference the repo instance (they are methods).
    # Doesn't happen on all systems, though. Eventually we need to figure that
    # out.
    # However, still test for the refcount after gc.collect() to ensure we don't
    # introduce new circular references and make the issue worse!

    # refcount still fine after repo creation:
    assert_equal(1, sys.getrefcount(ds1) - 1)

    # instantiate again:
    ds2 = Dataset(path1)
    assert_is_instance(ds2, Dataset)
    # the very same object:
    ok_(ds1 is ds2)

    # reference the same via relative path:
    with chpwd(path1):
        ds3 = Dataset(relpath(path1, start=path2))
        ok_(ds1 == ds3)
        ok_(ds1 is ds3)

    # gc knows one such object only:
            o for o in gc.get_objects()
            if isinstance(o, Dataset) and o.path == path1

    # on windows a symlink is not what you think it is
    if not on_windows:
        # reference the same via symlink:
        with chpwd(path2):
            os.symlink(path1, 'linked')
            ds4 = Dataset('linked')
            ds4_id = id(ds4)
            ok_(ds4 == ds1)
            ok_(ds4 is not ds1)

        # underlying repo, however, IS the same:
        ok_(ds4.repo is ds1.repo)

    # deleting one reference has no effect on the other:
    del ds1
    gc.collect()  # TODO: see first comment above
    ok_(ds2 is not None)
    ok_(ds2.repo is ds3.repo)
    if not on_windows:
        ok_(ds2.repo is ds4.repo)

    # deleting remaining references should lead to garbage collection
    del ds2

    with swallow_logs(new_level=1) as cml:
        del ds3
        gc.collect()  # TODO: see first comment above
        # flyweight vanished:
        assert_not_in(path1, Dataset._unique_instances.keys())
        # no such instance known to gc anymore:
        eq_([], [
            o for o in gc.get_objects()
            if isinstance(o, Dataset) and o.path == path1
        # underlying repo should only be cleaned up, if ds3 was the last
        # reference to it. Otherwise the repo instance should live on
        # (via symlinked ds4):
        finalizer_log = "Finalizer called on: AnnexRepo(%s)" % path1
        if on_windows:
            cml.assert_logged(msg=finalizer_log, level="Level 1", regex=False)
            assert_not_in(finalizer_log, cml.out)
            # symlinked is still there:
            ok_(ds4 is not None)
            eq_(ds4_id, id(ds4))
Esempio n. 21
def test_GitRepo_instance_from_existing(path):

    gr = GitRepo(path)
    assert_is_instance(gr, GitRepo, "GitRepo was not created.")
    ok_(op.exists(op.join(path, '.git')))