Esempio n. 1
    def import_tsa(self, datestring, tsa):
        store tsa given in parameter in global_cache to make the data available

        usually this could be modfied existing tsa extended by some keys, or filtered or ...
        the structure has to be predefined in meta data

        the tsa can afterwards be accessed via normal frontends (web, api)

        tsa <TimeseriesArrayLazy> object
        assert self.__index_keynames == tsa.index_keynames
        assert self.__value_keynames == tuple(tsa.value_keynames)
        cachedir = self.__get_cachedir(datestring)
        cachefilename = os.path.join(cachedir, TimeseriesArrayLazy.get_dumpfilename(tsa.index_keynames))
        if not os.path.isfile(cachefilename):
            tsastats = TimeseriesArrayStats(tsa)
            qantile = QuantileArray(tsa, tsastats)
            q_cachefilename = os.path.join(cachedir, "quantile.json")
            qantile.dump(open(q_cachefilename, "wb"))
            raise StandardError("TSA Archive %s exists already in cache" % cachefilename)
Esempio n. 2
    def load_tsa(self, datestring, filterkeys=None, index_pattern=None, timedelta=0, cleancache=False, validate=False):
        caching version to load_tsa_raw
        if never called, get ts from load_tsa_raw, and afterwards dump_tsa
        on every consecutive call read from cached version
        use cleancache to remove caches

        datestring <str>
        filterkeys <tuple> or None default None
        index_pattern <str> or None default None
        timedelta <int> default 0
        cleancache <bool> default False
        validate <bool> if data is read from raw, dump it after initail read,
            and reread it afterwards to make sure the stored tsa is OK
            thats an performance issue

        <TimeseriesArrayLazy> object read from cachefile or from raw data
            assert not_today(datestring)
        except AssertionError:
            raise DataLoggerLiveDataError("Reading from live data is not allowed")
        cachedir = self.__get_cachedir(datestring)
        cachefilename = os.path.join(cachedir, TimeseriesArrayLazy.get_dumpfilename(self.__index_keynames))
        def fallback():
            fallback method to use, if reading from cache data is not possible
            tsa = self.load_tsa_raw(datestring, timedelta)
            tsa.dump_split(cachedir) # save full data
            # read the data afterwards to make sure there is no problem,
            if validate is True:
                tsa = TimeseriesArrayLazy.load_split(cachedir, self.__index_keynames, filterkeys=filterkeys, index_pattern=index_pattern, datatypes=self.__datatypes)
            # also generate TSASTATS and dump to cache directory
            tsastats = TimeseriesArrayStats(tsa) # generate full Stats
            tsastats.dump(cachedir) # save
            # and at last but not least quantile
            qantile = QuantileArray(tsa, tsastats)
            cachefilename = os.path.join(cachedir, "quantile.json")
            qantile.dump(open(cachefilename, "wb"))
            # finally return tsa
            return tsa
        if not os.path.isfile(cachefilename):
  "cachefile %s does not exist, fallback read from raw data file", cachefilename)
            return fallback()
        if (os.path.isfile(cachefilename)) and (cleancache == True):
  "deleting cachefile %s and read from raw data file", cachefilename)
            return fallback()
        logging.debug("loading stored TimeseriesArrayLazy object file %s", cachefilename)
            tsa = TimeseriesArrayLazy.load_split(cachedir, self.__index_keynames, filterkeys=filterkeys, index_pattern=index_pattern, datatypes=self.__datatypes)
            return tsa
        except IOError:
            logging.error("IOError while reading from %s, using fallback", cachefilename)
            return fallback()
        except EOFError:
            logging.error("EOFError while reading from %s, using fallback", cachefilename)
            return fallback()