def connect(url=None, schema=None, reflect_metadata=True, engine_kwargs=None, reflect_views=True, ensure_schema=True, row_type=row_type): """ Opens a new connection to a database. *url* can be any valid `SQLAlchemy engine URL`_. If *url* is not defined it will try to use *DATABASE_URL* from environment variable. Returns an instance of :py:class:`Database <dataset.Database>`. Set *reflect_metadata* to False if you don't want the entire database schema to be pre-loaded. This significantly speeds up connecting to large databases with lots of tables. *reflect_views* can be set to False if you don't want views to be loaded. Additionally, *engine_kwargs* will be directly passed to SQLAlchemy, e.g. set *engine_kwargs={'pool_recycle': 3600}* will avoid `DB connection timeout`_. Set *row_type* to an alternate dict-like class to change the type of container rows are stored in.:: db = dataset.connect('sqlite:///factbook.db') .. _SQLAlchemy Engine URL: .. _DB connection timeout: """ if url is None: url = os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL', 'sqlite://') return Database(url, schema=schema, reflect_metadata=reflect_metadata, engine_kwargs=engine_kwargs, reflect_views=reflect_views, ensure_schema=ensure_schema, row_type=row_type)
def connect( url=None, schema=None, engine_kwargs=None, ensure_schema=True, row_type=row_type, sqlite_wal_mode=True, on_connect_statements=None, ): """Opens a new connection to a database. *url* can be any valid `SQLAlchemy engine URL`_. If *url* is not defined it will try to use *DATABASE_URL* from environment variable. Returns an instance of :py:class:`Database <dataset.Database>`. Additionally, *engine_kwargs* will be directly passed to SQLAlchemy, e.g. set *engine_kwargs={'pool_recycle': 3600}* will avoid `DB connection timeout`_. Set *row_type* to an alternate dict-like class to change the type of container rows are stored in.:: db = dataset.connect('sqlite:///factbook.db') One of the main features of `dataset` is to automatically create tables and columns as data is inserted. This behaviour can optionally be disabled via the `ensure_schema` argument. It can also be overridden in a lot of the data manipulation methods using the `ensure` flag. If you want to run custom SQLite pragmas on database connect, you can add them to on_connect_statements as a set of strings. You can view a full `list of PRAGMAs here`_. .. _SQLAlchemy Engine URL: .. _DB connection timeout: .. _list of PRAGMAs here: """ if url is None: url = os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL", "sqlite://") return Database( url, schema=schema, engine_kwargs=engine_kwargs, ensure_schema=ensure_schema, row_type=row_type, sqlite_wal_mode=sqlite_wal_mode, on_connect_statements=on_connect_statements, )
parser.add_argument('--cfg', type=str, default='config/default.yaml', help='*.cfg path') opt = parser.parse_args() with open(opt.cfg, encoding='utf-8') as f: cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # model dict os.chdir(cfg['root_dir']) experiment_dir = os.path.join(cfg['root_dir'], cfg['experiment_name']) if not os.path.exists(experiment_dir): os.mkdir(experiment_dir) train_data_csv = os.path.join(experiment_dir, 'ir_train.csv') test_data_csv = os.path.join(experiment_dir, 'ir_test.csv') Database(data_path=cfg['ir_train_dir'], save_path=train_data_csv) Database(data_path=cfg['ir_test_dir'], save_path=test_data_csv) save_m = os.path.join(experiment_dir, cfg['model_name']+'.h5') # 保存训练模型路径 save_h = os.path.join(experiment_dir, cfg['model_name']+'_train_history') # 保存训练历史路径 IMAGE_SIZE = cfg['image_size'] # 修改model中的尺寸 BATCH = cfg['batch_size'] EPOCH = cfg['epoch'] CLASS_MODE = cfg['class_mode'] COLOR_MODE = cfg['color_mode'] LR = cfg['lr'] # 模型 os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(cfg['gputouse']) adam = Adam(lr=LR)
d_type = cfg['d_type'] # 距离类型 depth = cfg['depth'] # 检索返回深度, None为返回全部, P11 需要设置depth=None feature_path = os.path.join(experiment_dir, 'features') if not os.path.exists(feature_path): os.mkdir(feature_path) Q_PATH = cfg['q_path'] # 待检索数据集 S_PATH = cfg['s_path'] # 检索数据集 q_name = cfg['q_name'] s_name = cfg['s_name'] save_Q_csv = os.path.join(experiment_dir, 'ir_Q.csv') save_S_csv = os.path.join(experiment_dir, 'ir_S.csv') save_result_txt = os.path.join(experiment_dir, 'ir_query_result.txt') qdb = Database(data_path=Q_PATH, save_path=save_Q_csv) sdb = Database(data_path=S_PATH, save_path=save_S_csv) model = load_irmodels(cfg) feat_model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=model.get_layer(pick_layer).output) print(feat_model.summary()) # 特征提取/加载 qsamlpe = feature_samples(model_name=model_name, pick_layer=pick_layer, model=feat_model, db=qdb, image_size=image_size, color_mode=COLOR_MODE, dataset=q_name,