Esempio n. 1
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function

from datasift import Client

client = Client("your username", "your API key")

csdl = 'interaction.content contains "python"'

if client.is_valid(csdl):
    response = client.compile(csdl)
    stream = response['hash']

    print('Stream %s created' % stream)
    print('It takes %s DPUs' % client.dpu(stream)['dpu'])
    print('Usage INFO \n %s' % client.usage())
    print('Account balance is %s ' % client.balance())
    print('Could not validate CSDL')

Esempio n. 2
class TestMockedClient(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.client = Client("testuser", "testapikey")

    def test_creation_of_client(self):

    def test_handling_of_authorization_failed(self):
        with HTTMock(authorization_failed):
            self.assertRaises(AuthException, self.client.balance)

    def test_output_of_balance(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.balance)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for expecteditem in expected:
                runs += 1
                results = self.client.balance()
                assert_dict_structure(self, results, expecteditem)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_rate_limit_exception(self):
        with HTTMock(rate_limited):
            self.assertRaises(RateLimitException, self.client.usage)

    def test_ratelimit_headers(self):
        with HTTMock(rate_limit_headers):
            result = self.client.usage()
            ratelimits = result.ratelimits
            self.assertNotEqual(len(ratelimits), 0, "ensure that we got some rate limit headers")
            self.assertEqual(ratelimits["cost"], 25)

    def test_compile_raw_output(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.compile)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for item in expected:
                runs += 1
                assert_dict_structure(self, item, self.client.compile("dummy csdl that is valid").raw)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_compile_python_friendly_output(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.compile)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for item in expected:
                runs += 1
                result = self.client.compile("dummy csdl that is valid")
                assert_dict_structure(self, item, result.raw)
                assert_dict_structure(self, item, result)
                self.assertEqual(result["created_at"], datetime.strptime(result.raw["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_compile_with_valid_output(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.compile)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for item in expected:
                runs += 1
                assert_dict_structure(self, item, self.client.compile("dummy csdl that is valid"))
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_compile_invalid_csdl(self):
        with HTTMock(failed_compilation_of_csdl):
            self.assertRaises(DataSiftApiException, self.client.compile, ("dummy csdl which is bad"))

    def test_is_valid_csdl_with_bad_data(self):
        with HTTMock(failed_compilation_of_csdl):
            self.assertFalse(self.client.is_valid("dummy csdl which is bad"))

    def test_is_valid_csdl_with_good_data(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.validate)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for item in expected:
                r = self.client.is_valid("dummy csdl which is valid")
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_is_valid_csdl_cause_exception(self):
        with HTTMock(internal_server_error_with_json):
            self.assertRaises(DataSiftApiException, self.client.is_valid, ("csdl which turns into a teapot"))

    def test_error_handling_of_internal_server_errors(self):
        with HTTMock(internal_server_error):
            self.assertRaises(DataSiftApiFailure, self.client.balance)

    def test_error_handling_of_weird_errors(self):
        with HTTMock(weird_error):
            self.assertRaises(HTTPError, self.client.validate, ("csdl which turns into a teapot"))

    def test_client_usage(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.usage)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for expected_output in expected:
                runs += 1
                results = self.client.usage()
                self.assertDictEqual(results.headers, {'content-type': 'application/json'})
                assert_dict_structure(self, results, expected_output)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_client_usage_with_parameter(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.usage)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for expected_output in expected:
                runs += 1
                results = self.client.usage(period="day")
                assert_dict_structure(self, results, expected_output)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_client_dpu(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.dpu)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for expected_output in expected:
                runs += 1
                results = self.client.dpu("valid stream id")
                assert_dict_structure(self, results, expected_output)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info >= (3,0), "Mocking requests does not work correctly on py3")
    def test_client_pull(self):
        mock, expected = normal_pull_output()
        with HTTMock(mock):
            print("expected", expected)
            results = self.client.pull("dummy valid subscription id", size=2048, cursor=512)
            print("got", results)
            self.assertEquals(results.status_code, 200)
            self.assertEqual(len(results), len(expected), msg="get the same number of interactions out")
            self.assertEqual(len(results), len(results.raw), msg="number of messages mangled by conversion")
            self.assertDictEqual(results.headers, {})
            self.assertTrue(results.status_code == 200)
            for output, expected in zip(results, expected):
                assert_dict_structure(self, output, expected)

    def test_client_pull_json_meta(self):
        with HTTMock(pull_json_meta):
            result = self.client.pull("dummy valid subscription id")
            self.assertIn("interactions", result, msg="ensure that there is an interactions section in the response")
            self.assertEqual(len(result["interactions"]), 2, msg="check that both interactions made it")

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info >= (3,0), "Mocking requests does not work correctly on py3")
    def test_client_pull_json_array(self):
        with HTTMock(pull_json_array):
            result = self.client.pull("dummy valid subscription id")
            self.assertEqual(len(result), 2, msg="check that both interactions made it")

    def test_live_streaming_exceptions_warn_on_bad_starts(self):
        self.assertRaises(StreamSubscriberNotStarted, self.client.subscribe, ("hash"))
        self.client._stream_process_started = True
        func = self.client.subscribe("hash")
        self.assertRaises(DeleteRequired, func, ("hash"))

    def test_live_streaming_client_setup(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.compile)

        with HTTMock(mock):
            def on_delete(interaction):
                print( 'Deleted interaction %s ' % interaction)

            def on_open():
                print( 'Streaming ready, can start subscribing')
                csdl = 'interaction.content contains "music"'
                stream = self.client.compile(csdl)['hash']

                def subscribe_to_hash(msg):

            def on_close(wasClean, code, reason):
                print('Streaming connection closed')

            def on_ds_message(msg):
                print('DS Message %s' % msg)

            self.client._stream_process_started = True
Esempio n. 3
class TestMockedClient(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.client = Client("testuser", "testapikey")

    def test_creation_of_client(self):

    def test_handling_of_authorization_failed(self):
        with HTTMock(authorization_failed):
            self.assertRaises(AuthException, self.client.balance)

    def test_output_of_balance(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.balance)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for expecteditem in expected:
                runs += 1
                results = self.client.balance()
                assert_dict_structure(self, results, expecteditem)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_rate_limit_exception(self):
        with HTTMock(rate_limited):
            self.assertRaises(RateLimitException, self.client.usage)

    def test_ratelimit_headers(self):
        with HTTMock(rate_limit_headers):
            result = self.client.usage()
            ratelimits = result.ratelimits
            self.assertNotEqual(len(ratelimits), 0, "ensure that we got some rate limit headers")
            self.assertEqual(ratelimits["cost"], 25)

    def test_compile_raw_output(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.compile)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for item in expected:
                runs += 1
                assert_dict_structure(self, item, self.client.compile("dummy csdl that is valid").raw)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_compile_python_friendly_output(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.compile)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for item in expected:
                runs += 1
                result = self.client.compile("dummy csdl that is valid")
                assert_dict_structure(self, item, result.raw)
                assert_dict_structure(self, item, result)
                self.assertEqual(result["created_at"], datetime.strptime(result.raw["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_compile_with_valid_output(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.compile)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for item in expected:
                runs += 1
                assert_dict_structure(self, item, self.client.compile("dummy csdl that is valid"))
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_compile_invalid_csdl(self):
        with HTTMock(failed_compilation_of_csdl):
            self.assertRaises(DataSiftApiException, self.client.compile, ("dummy csdl which is bad"))

    def test_is_valid_csdl_with_bad_data(self):
        with HTTMock(failed_compilation_of_csdl):
            self.assertFalse(self.client.is_valid("dummy csdl which is bad"))

    def test_is_valid_csdl_with_good_data(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.validate)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for item in expected:
                r = self.client.is_valid("dummy csdl which is valid")
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_is_valid_csdl_cause_exception(self):
        with HTTMock(internal_server_error_with_json):
            self.assertRaises(DataSiftApiException, self.client.is_valid, ("csdl which turns into a teapot"))

    def test_error_handling_of_internal_server_errors(self):
        with HTTMock(internal_server_error):
            self.assertRaises(DataSiftApiFailure, self.client.balance)

    def test_error_handling_of_weird_errors(self):
        with HTTMock(weird_error):
            self.assertRaises(HTTPError, self.client.validate, ("csdl which turns into a teapot"))

    def test_client_usage(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.usage)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for expected_output in expected:
                runs += 1
                results = self.client.usage()
                self.assertDictEqual(results.headers, {'content-type': 'application/json'})
                assert_dict_structure(self, results, expected_output)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_client_usage_with_parameter(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.usage)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for expected_output in expected:
                runs += 1
                results = self.client.usage(period="day")
                assert_dict_structure(self, results, expected_output)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    def test_client_dpu(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.dpu)
        with HTTMock(mock):
            runs = 0
            for expected_output in expected:
                runs += 1
                results = self.client.dpu("valid stream id")
                assert_dict_structure(self, results, expected_output)
            self.assertNotEqual(runs, 0, "ensure that at least one case was tested")

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info >= (3,0), "Mocking requests does not work correctly on py3")
    def test_client_pull(self):
        mock, expected = normal_pull_output()
        with HTTMock(mock):
            print("expected", expected)
            results = self.client.pull("dummy valid subscription id", size=2048, cursor=512)
            print("got", results)
            self.assertEquals(results.status_code, 200)
            self.assertEqual(len(results), len(expected), msg="get the same number of interactions out")
            self.assertEqual(len(results), len(results.raw), msg="number of messages mangled by conversion")
            self.assertDictEqual(results.headers, {})
            self.assertTrue(results.status_code == 200)
            for output, expected in zip(results, expected):
                assert_dict_structure(self, output, expected)

    def test_live_streaming_exceptions_warn_on_bad_starts(self):
        self.assertRaises(StreamSubscriberNotStarted, self.client.subscribe, ("hash"))
        self.client._stream_process_started = True
        func = self.client.subscribe("hash")
        self.assertRaises(DeleteRequired, func, ("hash"))

    def test_live_streaming_client_setup(self):
        mock, expected = mock_output_of(self.client.compile)

        with HTTMock(mock):
            def on_delete(interaction):
                print( 'Deleted interaction %s ' % interaction)

            def on_open():
                print( 'Streaming ready, can start subscribing')
                csdl = 'interaction.content contains "music"'
                stream = self.client.compile(csdl)['hash']

                def subscribe_to_hash(msg):

            def on_close(wasClean, code, reason):
                print('Streaming connection closed')

            def on_ds_message(msg):
                print('DS Message %s' % msg)

            self.client._stream_process_started = True