Esempio n. 1
    def get(self):
        """Renders a page where the user can classify MRS data."""
        # Get list of saved classifiers.
        conn = ds.create_sqlite_connection()
        classifiers = ds.fetch_all_classifiers(conn)

        # Render the web page.
        template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('classifydata.html')
Esempio n. 2
    def get(self):
        """Shows all MRS data on download page."""
        # Query for all MRS data entries in the database.
        conn = ds.create_sqlite_connection()
        LOGGER.debug('Querying for all MRS data in database...')
        db_entries = ds.fetch_all_mrs_data(conn)
        LOGGER.debug('Found %d MRS data entries in database.', len(db_entries))

        # Render download page.
        template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('downloaddata.html')
Esempio n. 3
    def get(self):
        """Renders a page where the user can configure classifier training."""
        # Get list of saved classifiers.
        conn = ds.create_sqlite_connection()
        classifiers = ds.fetch_all_classifiers(conn)
        # Get list of available MRS data.
        mrs_data = ds.fetch_all_mrs_data(conn)

        # Render the web page.
        template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('trainclassifier.html')
            classifiers=classifiers, mrs_data=mrs_data))
Esempio n. 4
    def post(self):
        """Serves requested file to the client."""
        # Retrieve specified MRS data from the database.
        mrs_data_id = self.request.get('mrs_data_id')
        db_entry = ds.fetch_mrs_data(ds.create_sqlite_connection(), mrs_data_id)

        # Set response headers.
        self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        self.response.headers['Content-Description'] = 'File Transfer'
        self.response.headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary'
        self.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=\"%s\"' % db_entry[1]
        self.response.headers['Content-Length'] = sys.getsizeof(db_entry[2])
        # Set response content.
Esempio n. 5
 def post(self):
     """Classifies given data using specified classifier."""
     # Retrieve specified classifier from database.
     classifier_id = self.request.POST['classifier_id']
     conn = ds.create_sqlite_connection()
     db_entry = ds.fetch_classifier(conn, classifier_id)
     classifier = db_entry[3]
     # Transform given MRS data for classifier input.
     file_name = self.request.POST['myfile'].filename
     raw_data = self.request.POST['myfile']
     d = dataparser.get_xy_data(raw_data)
     fftd = fourier_transformer.get_fft(d)
     # Classify the transformed MRS data.
     test_input = np.array([fftd])
     classification = classifier.predict(test_input)
     # Show classification results.
     template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('classificationresults.html')
         classification=classification, file_name=file_name))
Esempio n. 6
    def post(self):
        """Saves user-uploaded MRS data to the database."""
        # Get raw file contents from request.
        file_name = self.request.POST['myfile'].filename
        file_contents = buffer(self.request.POST['myfile']
        # Label for this data's therapy group (e.g. "groupA", "groupB").
        group_label = self.request.POST['grouplabel']
        # Generate a random UUID for the file.
        database_id = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)

        # Save MRS data to the database.
        conn = ds.create_sqlite_connection()
        LOGGER.debug('Saving MRS data to database...')
        ds.store_mrs_data(conn, database_id, file_name, file_contents, group_label)
        LOGGER.debug('MRS data saved to database.')
        # Signal upload success to the user.
        template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('uploadcomplete.html')
Esempio n. 7
    def load_specified_classifier(self):
        """Loads the user-specified classifier.

            Tuple containing (classifier, classifier_name, classifier_type).
            If the user did not specify a classifier, then classifier and
            classifier_name will be None.
        classifier = None
        classifier_name = None
        classifier_type = self.request.POST['classifier_type']
        # Load a saved classifier if specified by the user.
        if self.request.POST['load_classifier'] == 'true':
            # Query database for classifier with specified ID.
            classifier_id = self.request.POST['classifier_id']
            db_entry = ds.fetch_classifier(
                ds.create_sqlite_connection(), classifier_id)
            classifier = db_entry[3]
            classifier_type = db_entry[2]
            classifier_name = db_entry[1]
        return (classifier, classifier_name, classifier_type)
Esempio n. 8
    def prepare_mrs_data_set(self):
        """Retrieves all specified MRS data entries and processes each entry.

        Each MRS file is parsed and FFT is applied if specified.

            Tuple containing (list of sample inputs, list of sample outputs).
        training_data_ids = self.request.get_all("training_data_ids")
        apply_fft = 'apply_fft' in self.request.POST
        LOGGER.debug('Processing MRS data: apply_fft=%s', apply_fft)
        # Retrieve specified training data from the database.
        conn = ds.create_sqlite_connection()
        db_entries = [ds.fetch_mrs_data(conn, data_id) for data_id in training_data_ids]
        # Separate each database entry into input and output.
        sample_inputs = []
        sample_outputs = []
        for entry in db_entries:
            # Parse data points from the file contents.
            mrs_data = dataparser.get_xy_data(str(entry[2]))
            # Apply FFT to the data points if specified by user.
            if apply_fft:
                mrs_data = fourier_transformer.get_fft(mrs_data)
            # Add input, output pair to separate lists.

        # Format the data for classifier input.
        n_samples = len(sample_inputs)
        n_features = len(sample_inputs[0])
        sample_inputs = np.array(sample_inputs)  # convert before using as buffer
        sample_inputs = np.ndarray(
            shape=(n_samples, n_features), dtype=float, buffer=sample_inputs)
        # Labels for training.
        sample_outputs = np.array(sample_outputs)

        # Return processed MRS data.
        return (sample_inputs, sample_outputs)
Esempio n. 9
    def post(self):
        """Stores specified classifier in the database."""
        # Get request parameters.
        classifier_id = self.request.POST['classifier_id']
        classifier_name = self.request.POST['classifier_name']
        classifier_type = self.request.POST['classifier_type']
            'Got save classifier request: %s, %s, %s',
            classifier_id, classifier_name, classifier_type)

        # Retrieve classifier from the "cache".
        classifier = CACHE[classifier_id]
        if classifier is None:
            self.response.out.write('No classifier with ID %s' % classifier_id)

        # Save the classifier in the database.
        conn = ds.create_sqlite_connection()
            conn, classifier_id, classifier_name, classifier_type, classifier)

        # Signal save success to user.
        template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('classifiersaved.html')
Esempio n. 10
 def test_create_sqlite_connection(self):
     """A SQLite Connection object is created."""
     conn = ds.create_sqlite_connection(':memory:')
     # Make sure a Connection object is returned.
Esempio n. 11
 def setUp(self):
     """Create a new in-memory database for each test case."""
     self.conn = ds.create_sqlite_connection(':memory:')