Esempio n. 1
def results_leasingfinder():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        month_list_entity = ds.get_saved_months('month_list_leasing')
        if month_list_entity != None:
            tmp_months_to_show = month_list_entity.month_list_leasing
        leasingfinder_data_final = []
        one_entry_dict = {}
        f = request.files['file']
        header = f.headers['Content-Type']
        parsed_header = parse_options_header(header)
        blob_key = parsed_header[1]['blob-key']
        blob_info = blobstore.get(blob_key)
        blob_data =
        if blob_info.content_type == 'application/json':
            leasingfinder_data = leasingfinder.parse_csv_or_json(json.load(StringIO.StringIO(blob_data)))
        elif blob_info.content_type == 'text/csv' or blob_info.content_type == 'application/octet-stream':
            leasingfinder_data = leasingfinder.parse_csv_or_json(csv.DictReader(StringIO.StringIO(blob_data)))
        elif blob_info.content_type == 'text/html':
            leasingfinder_data = leasingfinder.parse_html_hertz(blob_data)
            return "Error, not able to parse the file uploaded, file format: %s not supported."%blob_info.content_type

        for i in leasingfinder_data:
            entry_key = str(i['year'])+str(i['brand'])+str(i['name'])+str(i['price_date'])
            if int(i['leasing_months']) != 0:
                i['average leasing'] = (int(i['leasing_months'])*int(i['lease'])+int(i['due_at_signing']))/int(i['leasing_months'])
            if int(i['hwy_mpg']) != 0:
                i['average mpg'] = (int(i['hwy_mpg'])+int(i['city_mpg']))/2
            i['price_date'] = i['price_date'][:6]
            ds.save_general_entity(entry_key, i)

#            leasingfinder_data_final.append(json.dumps(i))
#            one_entry_dict = {}
            #use orderdict!
#            for j,key in enumerate(i.keys()):
#                one_entry_dict['index'+str(j)] = i[key]
#            index_nums = one_entry_dict.keys()
#            leasingfinder_data_final_keys = i.keys()
#            str_to_index_mapping = dict(zip(leasingfinder_data_final_keys, index_nums))

        tmp_month = i['price_date']
        if tmp_month not in tmp_months_to_show:
            for i,m in enumerate(tmp_months_to_show):
                if int(tmp_month) > int(m):
                    tmp_months_to_show.insert(i, tmp_month)
                    ds.save_updated_months('month_list_leasing', tmp_months_to_show)

        #new URL for next upload
#        upload_url = blobstore.create_upload_url('/leasingfinder/results')
#        print leasingfinder_data_final
#        my_title = "Yeah! Totally %d cars found. Check out the lower left corner ones!"%len(leasingfinder_data_final)
#        return render_template('leasing_finder_show.html', uploadurl=upload_url,
#                leasingfinder_data = leasingfinder_data_final, my_title = my_title)
        return redirect('leasingfinder')
Esempio n. 2
def getdata():
    print "Get data done!"
    month_list_entity = ds.get_saved_months('month_list')
    if month_list_entity != None:
        tmp_months_to_show = month_list_entity.month_list
        tmp_months_to_show = ["201512"]
        ds.save_updated_months('month_list', tmp_months_to_show)
    current_month = time.strftime("%Y%m")
    if current_month != tmp_months_to_show[0]:
        print "####current month is not same as latest month from saved month list, insert&save at the list head"
        tmp_months_to_show.insert(0, current_month)
        ds.save_updated_months('month_list', tmp_months_to_show)
    return "Cron task done!"
Esempio n. 3
def get_save_selling_num(url):
    printset = set(string.printable)
    all_rows = []
    ret_dict = {}
    prius_num = 0
    prius_ytd = 0
    tmp_months_to_show = []
    month_list_entity = ds.get_saved_months('month_list')
    if month_list_entity != None:
        tmp_months_to_show = month_list_entity.month_list

    soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(url).read(), "html.parser")
    table = soup.find('table', attrs={'border':'1'})
    if table == None:
        table = soup.find('table', attrs={'border':'3'})
    table_body = table.find('tbody')
    rows = table_body.find_all('tr')
    for row in rows:
        one_row = []
        cols = row.find_all('td')
        for entry in cols:
            one_row.append(entry.text.strip().lower().replace('\n',' '))
#        print one_row

    month_str = all_rows[0][2].split()
    month = month_str[1] + month_dict[month_str[0].replace('.','')]
    if len(tmp_months_to_show) == 0:
        ds.save_updated_months('month_list', tmp_months_to_show)
    elif month not in tmp_months_to_show:
        #tmp_months_to_show is sorted list of months
        for i,m in enumerate(tmp_months_to_show):
            if int(month) > int(m):
                tmp_months_to_show.insert(i, month)
        if i == len(tmp_months_to_show)-1:
        ds.save_updated_months('month_list', tmp_months_to_show)

    for v in all_rows[1:]:
        name_tmp = v[1].replace('*','').strip().split()
        brand = name_tmp[0].strip()
        if 'prius' in name_tmp:
            brand = 'toyota'
            if name_tmp[0] == 'prius':
                model = 'prius x'
                model = ' '.join(name_tmp[1:])
        elif 'ram' in name_tmp:
            brand = 'ram'
            model = 'p/u'
            if not set(name_tmp[-1]).issubset(printset):
                del name_tmp[-1]
            model = ' '.join(name_tmp[1:])
        if brand == 'bmw':
            model = "3&4 series"
#        print brand,model
        ret_dict['brand'] = brand
        ret_dict['model'] = model
        ret_dict['month'] = month
        selling_no = int(v[2].replace(',',''))
        if len(v) < 5:
            if month_dict[month_str[0]] == '01':
                selling_no_ytd = selling_no
                selling_no_ytd = 0
            if int(month) < 201310:
                if v[4] == 'n/a':
                    selling_no_ytd = 0
                    selling_no_ytd = int(v[4].replace(',',''))
                selling_no_ytd = int(v[5].replace(',',''))
        if model == 'prius':
            prius_num = selling_no
            prius_ytd = selling_no_ytd
            selling_no = prius_num
            selling_no_ytd = prius_ytd
        elif 'prius' in model:
            prius_num += selling_no
            prius_ytd += selling_no_ytd
            selling_no = prius_num
            selling_no_ytd = prius_ytd
            model = 'prius'
            ret_dict['model'] = 'prius'
        elif model == 'corolla/matrix':
            model = 'corolla'
            ret_dict['model'] = 'corolla'
        elif model in ['ram p/u','ram','p/u']:
            model = 'p/u'
            ret_dict['model'] = 'p/u'

        if model in TOP_30_TRUCKS:
            ret_dict['car_type'] = 'truck'
        elif model in TOP_30_CARS:
            ret_dict['car_type'] = 'car'
        elif model in TOP_30_SUVS:
            ret_dict['car_type'] = 'suv'
        elif model in TOP_VANS:
            ret_dict['car_type'] = 'van'
            ret_dict['car_type'] = 'car'
            print "##########model type not found for %s"%model
        ret_dict['selling_no'] = selling_no
        ret_dict['selling_no_ytd'] = selling_no_ytd
        entry_key = str(brand)+str(model)+str(month)
        ds.save_entity(entry_key, ret_dict)

    monthly_total_perbrand = {}
    monthly_total_perbrand['month'] = month
    data_entities = ds.get_all_entities_bymonth(month)
    for b in TREND_TOP_V_BRAND:
        monthly_total_perbrand['brand'] = b
        monthly_total_perbrand['monthly_total_no'] = 0
        for i in data_entities:
            if b == i.brand:
                monthly_total_perbrand['monthly_total_no'] += i.selling_no
#        print monthly_total_perbrand
        ds.save_monthly_total_perbrand(b+month, monthly_total_perbrand)
    monthly_total_pertype = {}
    monthly_total_pertype['month'] = month
    for t in TREND_TOP_V_TYPE:
        monthly_total_pertype['car_type'] = t
        monthly_total_pertype['monthly_total_no'] = 0
        for i in data_entities:
            if t == "all":
                monthly_total_pertype['monthly_total_no'] += i.selling_no
            elif t == i.car_type:
                monthly_total_pertype['monthly_total_no'] += i.selling_no
#        print monthly_total_pertype
        ds.save_monthly_total_pertype(t+month, monthly_total_pertype)