Esempio n. 1
async def test_namespace(Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn):
    k1 = Key('/c/d')
    k2 = Key('/a/b')
    k3 = Key('/a/b/c/d')

    ds = DictDatastore()
    nd = Adapter(k2, ds)

    await ds.put(k1, encode_fn('cd'))
    await ds.put(k3, encode_fn('abcd'))

    assert await ds.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('cd')
    assert not await ds.contains(k2)
    assert await ds.get_all(k3) == encode_fn('abcd')

    assert await nd.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('abcd')
    assert not await nd.contains(k2)
    assert not await nd.contains(k3)

    async def test(key, val):
        await nd.put(key, val)
        assert await nd.get_all(key) == val
        assert not await ds.contains(key)
        assert not await nd.contains(k2.child(key))
        assert await ds.get_all(k2.child(key)) == val

    for i in range(0, 10):
        await test(Key(str(i)), encode_fn(f"val{i}"))
Esempio n. 2
async def test_lowercase_key(Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn):
    ds = DictDatastore()
    lds = Adapter(ds)

    k1 = Key('hello')
    k2 = Key('HELLO')
    k3 = Key('HeLlo')

    await ds.put(k1, encode_fn('world'))
    await ds.put(k2, encode_fn('WORLD'))

    assert await ds.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('world')
    assert await ds.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('WORLD')
    assert not await ds.contains(k3)

    assert await lds.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('world')
    assert await lds.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('world')
    assert await lds.get_all(k3) == encode_fn('world')

    async def test(key, val):
        await lds.put(key, val)
        assert await lds.get_all(k1) == val
        assert await lds.get_all(k2) == val
        assert await lds.get_all(k3) == val

    await test(k1, encode_fn('a'))
    await test(k2, encode_fn('b'))
    await test(k3, encode_fn('c'))
Esempio n. 3
async def test_directory_basic():
    ds = ObjectDirectoryDictDatastore()

    # initialize directory at /foo
    dir_key = Key('/foo')

    # adding directory entries
    bar_key = Key('/foo/bar')
    baz_key = Key('/foo/baz')
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, bar_key)
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, baz_key)
    keys = [key async for key in ds.directory_read(dir_key)]
    assert keys == [bar_key, baz_key]

    # removing directory entries
    await ds.directory_remove(dir_key, bar_key)
    keys = [key async for key in ds.directory_read(dir_key)]
    assert keys == [baz_key]

    await ds.directory_remove(dir_key, baz_key)
    keys = [key async for key in ds.directory_read(dir_key)]
    assert keys == []

    # generator
    with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration):
        gen = ds.directory_read(dir_key).__aiter__()
        await gen.__anext__()
Esempio n. 4
async def test_keytransform_lowercase_transform(Adapter, DictDatastore,
    def transform(key):
        return Key(str(key).lower())

    ds = DictDatastore()
    lds = Adapter(ds, key_transform=transform)

    k1 = Key('hello')
    k2 = Key('HELLO')
    k3 = Key('HeLlo')

    await ds.put(k1, encode_fn('world'))
    await ds.put(k2, encode_fn('WORLD'))

    assert await ds.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('world')
    assert await ds.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('WORLD')
    assert not await ds.contains(k3)

    assert await lds.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('world')
    assert await lds.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('world')
    assert await lds.get_all(k3) == encode_fn('world')

    async def test(key, val):
        await lds.put(key, val)
        assert await lds.get_all(k1) == val
        assert await lds.get_all(k2) == val
        assert await lds.get_all(k3) == val

    await test(k1, encode_fn('a'))
    await test(k2, encode_fn('b'))
    await test(k3, encode_fn('c'))
Esempio n. 5
async def test_namespace_simple(DatastoreTests, Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn):
	s1 = Adapter(Key('a'), DictDatastore())
	s2 = Adapter(Key('b'), DictDatastore())
	s3 = Adapter(Key('c'), DictDatastore())
	stores = [s1, s2, s3]

	await DatastoreTests(stores).subtest_simple()
Esempio n. 6
async def test_nested_path_5_3(Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn):
    opts = {}
    opts['k1'] = Key('/abcdefghijk')
    opts['k2'] = Key('/abcdefghijki')
    opts['k3'] = Key('/abc/def/ghi/jka/bcd/abcdefghijk')
    opts['k4'] = Key('/abc/def/ghi/jki/abc/abcdefghijki')
    opts['depth'] = 5
    opts['length'] = 3

    await subtest_nested_path_ds(Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn, **opts)
Esempio n. 7
async def test_nested_path_3_2(Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn):
    opts = {}
    opts['k1'] = Key('/abcdefghijk')
    opts['k2'] = Key('/abcdefghijki')
    opts['k3'] = Key('/ab/cd/ef/abcdefghijk')
    opts['k4'] = Key('/ab/cd/ef/abcdefghijki')
    opts['depth'] = 3
    opts['length'] = 2

    await subtest_nested_path_ds(Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn, **opts)
Esempio n. 8
async def test_nested_path_keyfn(Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn):
    opts = {}
    opts['k1'] = Key('/abcdefghijk')
    opts['k2'] = Key('/abcdefghijki')
    opts['k3'] = Key('/kj/ih/gf/abcdefghijk')
    opts['k4'] = Key('/ik/ji/hg/abcdefghijki')
    opts['depth'] = 3
    opts['length'] = 2
    opts['key_fn'] = lambda key:[::-1]

    await subtest_nested_path_ds(Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn, **opts)
Esempio n. 9
async def test_directory_init():
    ds = ObjectDirectoryDictDatastore()

    # initialize directory at /foo
    dir_key = Key('/foo')
    assert await ds.get_all(dir_key) == []

    # can add to dir
    bar_key = Key('/foo/bar')
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, bar_key)
    assert await ds.get_all(dir_key) == [str(bar_key)]

    # re-init does not wipe out directory at /foo
    dir_key = Key('/foo')
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        await, exist_ok=False)
    await, exist_ok=True)
    assert await ds.get_all(dir_key) == [str(bar_key)]
Esempio n. 10
async def test_directory_double_add():
    ds = ObjectDirectoryDictDatastore()

    # initialize directory at /foo
    dir_key = Key('/foo')

    # adding directory entries
    bar_key = Key('/foo/bar')
    baz_key = Key('/foo/baz')
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, bar_key)
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, baz_key)
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, bar_key)
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, baz_key)
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, baz_key)
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, bar_key)

    keys = [key async for key in ds.directory_read(dir_key)]
    assert keys == [bar_key, baz_key]
Esempio n. 11
async def test_keytransform_reverse_transform(Adapter, DictDatastore,
    def transform(key):
        return key.reverse

    ds = DictDatastore()
    kt = Adapter(ds, key_transform=transform)

    k1 = Key('/a/b/c')
    k2 = Key('/c/b/a')
    assert not await ds.contains(k1)
    assert not await ds.contains(k2)
    assert not await kt.contains(k1)
    assert not await kt.contains(k2)

    await ds.put(k1, encode_fn('abc'))
    assert await ds.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('abc')
    assert not await ds.contains(k2)
    assert not await kt.contains(k1)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        await (await kt.get(k1)).aclose()
    assert await (await kt.get(k2)).collect() == encode_fn('abc')
    assert await kt.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('abc')

    await kt.put(k1, encode_fn('abc'))
    assert await ds.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('abc')
    assert await ds.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('abc')
    assert await kt.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('abc')
    assert await kt.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('abc')

    await ds.delete(k1)
    assert not await ds.contains(k1)
    assert await ds.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('abc')
    assert await kt.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('abc')
    assert not await kt.contains(k2)

    await kt.delete(k1)
    assert not await ds.contains(k1)
    assert not await ds.contains(k2)
    assert not await kt.contains(k1)
    assert not await kt.contains(k2)
Esempio n. 12
async def test_null(NullDatastore):
    s = NullDatastore()

    for c in range(1, 20):
        if NullDatastore is BinaryNullDatastore:
            v = str(c).encode()
            v = [c]
        k = Key(str(c))
        assert not await s.contains(k)
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            await s.get(k)

        await s.put(k, v)

        assert not await s.contains(k)
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            await s.get(k)

    for item in await s.query(Query(Key('/'))):
        raise Exception('Should not have found anything.')
Esempio n. 13
    def key(cls_or_self):
        '''The key associated with this model/instance.
    This is a classproperty in order to have:

        >>> Model.key
        >>> Model('instance').key

        if isinstance(cls_or_self, type):
            return Key(cls_or_self.key_type)
        return cls_or_self._key
Esempio n. 14
async def test_directory_remove():
    ds = ObjectDirectoryDictDatastore()

    # initialize directory at /foo
    dir_key = Key('/foo')

    # adding directory entries
    bar_key = Key('/foo/bar')
    baz_key = Key('/foo/baz')
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, bar_key)
    await ds.directory_add(dir_key, baz_key)
    keys = [key async for key in ds.directory_read(dir_key)]
    assert keys == [bar_key, baz_key]

    # removing directory entries
    await ds.directory_remove(dir_key, bar_key)
    await ds.directory_remove(dir_key, bar_key, missing_ok=True)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        await ds.directory_remove(dir_key, bar_key, missing_ok=False)
    keys = [key async for key in ds.directory_read(dir_key)]
    assert keys == [baz_key]
Esempio n. 15
 def withData(cls, data):
     '''Constructs a version of this model with given data'''
     key = data[cls.key_attr]
     instance = cls(Key(key))
     return instance
Esempio n. 16
async def test_sharded(DatastoreTests, Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn):
    numelems = 100

    s1 = DictDatastore()
    s2 = DictDatastore()
    s3 = DictDatastore()
    s4 = DictDatastore()
    s5 = DictDatastore()
    stores = [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5]

    def hash(key):
        return int( * len(stores) // numelems

    sharded = Adapter(stores, sharding_fn=hash)

    def sumlens(stores):
        return sum(map(lambda s: len(s), stores))

    async def checkFor(key, value, sharded, shard=None):
        correct_shard = sharded._stores[hash(key) % len(sharded._stores)]

        for s in sharded._stores:
            if shard and s == shard:
                assert await s.contains(key)
                assert await s.get_all(key) == encode_fn(value)
                assert not await s.contains(key)

        if correct_shard == shard:
            assert await sharded.contains(key)
            assert await sharded.get_all(key) == encode_fn(value)
            assert not await sharded.contains(key)

    assert sumlens(stores) == 0
    # test all correct.
    for value in range(0, numelems):
        key = Key(f"/fdasfdfdsafdsafdsa/{value}")
        shard = stores[hash(key) % len(stores)]
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded)
        await shard.put(key, encode_fn(value))
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, shard)
    assert sumlens(stores) == numelems

    # ensure its in the same spots.
    for i in range(0, numelems):
        key = Key(f"/fdasfdfdsafdsafdsa/{value}")
        shard = stores[hash(key) % len(stores)]
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, shard)
        await shard.put(key, encode_fn(value))
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, shard)
    assert sumlens(stores) == numelems

    # ensure its in the same spots.
    for value in range(0, numelems):
        key = Key(f"/fdasfdfdsafdsafdsa/{value}")
        shard = stores[hash(key) % len(stores)]
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, shard)
        await sharded.put(key, encode_fn(value))
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, shard)
    assert sumlens(stores) == numelems

    # ensure its in the same spots.
    for value in range(0, numelems):
        key = Key(f"/fdasfdfdsafdsafdsa/{value}")
        shard = stores[hash(key) % len(stores)]
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, shard)
        if value % 2 == 0:
            await shard.delete(key)
            await sharded.delete(key)
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded)
    assert sumlens(stores) == 0

    # try out adding it to the wrong shards.
    for value in range(0, numelems):
        key = Key(f"/fdasfdfdsafdsafdsa/{value}")
        incorrect_shard = stores[(hash(key) + 1) % len(stores)]
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded)
        await incorrect_shard.put(key, encode_fn(value))
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, incorrect_shard)
    assert sumlens(stores) == numelems

    # ensure its in the same spots.
    for value in range(0, numelems):
        key = Key(f"/fdasfdfdsafdsafdsa/{value}")
        incorrect_shard = stores[(hash(key) + 1) % len(stores)]
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, incorrect_shard)
        await incorrect_shard.put(key, encode_fn(value))
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, incorrect_shard)
    assert sumlens(stores) == numelems

    # this wont do anything
    for value in range(0, numelems):
        key = Key(f"/fdasfdfdsafdsafdsa/{value}")
        incorrect_shard = stores[(hash(key) + 1) % len(stores)]
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, incorrect_shard)
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            await sharded.delete(key)
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, incorrect_shard)
    assert sumlens(stores) == numelems

    # this will place it correctly.
    for value in range(0, numelems):
        key = Key(f"/fdasfdfdsafdsafdsa/{value}")
        incorrect_shard = stores[(hash(key) + 1) % len(stores)]
        correct_shard = stores[(hash(key)) % len(stores)]
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, incorrect_shard)
        await sharded.put(key, encode_fn(value))
        await incorrect_shard.delete(key)
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, correct_shard)
    assert sumlens(stores) == numelems

    # this will place it correctly.
    for value in range(0, numelems):
        key = Key(f"/fdasfdfdsafdsafdsa/{value}")
        correct_shard = stores[(hash(key)) % len(stores)]
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded, correct_shard)
        await sharded.delete(key)
        await checkFor(key, value, sharded)
    assert sumlens(stores) == 0

    await DatastoreTests([sharded]).subtest_simple()
Esempio n. 17
async def test_tiered(DatastoreTests, Adapter, DictDatastore, encode_fn):
    s1 = DictDatastore()
    s2 = DictDatastore()
    s3 = DictDatastore()
    ts = Adapter([s1, s2, s3])

    k1 = Key('1')
    k2 = Key('2')
    k3 = Key('3')

    await s1.put(k1, encode_fn('1'))
    await s2.put(k2, encode_fn('2'))
    await s3.put(k3, encode_fn('3'))

    assert await s1.contains(k1)
    assert not await s2.contains(k1)
    assert not await s3.contains(k1)
    assert await ts.contains(k1)

    assert await ts.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('1')
    assert await s1.get_all(k1) == encode_fn('1')
    assert not await s2.contains(k1)
    assert not await s3.contains(k1)

    assert not await s1.contains(k2)
    assert await s2.contains(k2)
    assert not await s3.contains(k2)
    assert await ts.contains(k2)

    assert await s2.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('2')
    assert not await s1.contains(k2)
    assert not await s3.contains(k2)

    # Read value from TS (where it will be found in T2) and check whether it was
    # copied into T1 because of this
    assert await ts.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('2')
    assert await s1.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('2')
    assert await s2.get_all(k2) == encode_fn('2')
    assert not await s3.contains(k2)

    assert not await s1.contains(k3)
    assert not await s2.contains(k3)
    assert await s3.contains(k3)
    assert await ts.contains(k3)

    assert await s3.get_all(k3) == encode_fn('3')
    assert not await s1.contains(k3)
    assert not await s2.contains(k3)

    assert await ts.get_all(k3) == encode_fn('3')
    assert await s1.get_all(k3) == encode_fn('3')
    assert await s2.get_all(k3) == encode_fn('3')
    assert await s3.get_all(k3) == encode_fn('3')

    await ts.delete(k1)
    await ts.delete(k2)
    await ts.delete(k3)

    assert not await ts.contains(k1)
    assert not await ts.contains(k2)
    assert not await ts.contains(k3)

    await DatastoreTests([ts]).subtest_simple()
Esempio n. 18
 def transform(key):
     return Key(str(key).lower())