Esempio n. 1
class DiceResolver:
    def __init__(self):

        # BEDMAS ==> d()!^/%*+-
        # PEMDAS ==> d()!^*/%+-
        # Precedence weighting reflects rule; higher means priority
        # Close bracket ')' not included; it is a special case (collapses stack to '(')
        self.precedence = {
            "(": 0,
            "+": 3,
            "-": 3,
            "/": 5,
            "*": 5,
            "%": 5,
            "C": 5,
            "c": 5,
            "^": 7,
            "!": 8,
            "d": 9

        # 's' is a stack used for rearranging infix arguments
        self.s = Stack()

        # 'q' is a queue used to store the postfix arguments
        self.q = Queue()
        self.error = False

    # Converts a valid infix expression (mathematical expression)
    # to postfix using Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). Infix exp-
    # ression must be valid; this function can not check validi-
    # ty.  Note that by design, this only supports integer expr-
    # ession (no floating point support). FP support can be add-
    # ed if while building numbers, the '.' character is accepted.

    # Example: Expression="1 + 2 * 3"  --> 7, NOT 9
    # RPN="1 2 3 * +"  --> 7
    # Note that the order of operations is preserved in the RPN.
    def infixToRPN(self, expression):

        # Since a number may be multiple characters, we start with an empty string,
        # and while each character is numeric, we append the number until a non-
        # numeric value is encountered.
        num = ""

        # Tokenize expression character by character
        for c in expression:
            token = str(c)

            # Case: we had accumulated a number but this character is not a
            # numeric value; so save accumulated number, and reset accumulator.
            if (num != "" and not token.isnumeric()):
                num = ""

            # We aren't a number; so handle the token
            # '(' start brackets are simply markers of what point to return to when
            # a ')' close bracket is encountered.
            if (token == "("):

            # Special case; we look for this first -> it means we have to pop all
            # previous values off stack into the RPN queue until we find the '('
            elif (token == ")"):
                # pop up until the bracket
                while (self.s.peek() != "("):

                # pop the bracket / throw it away (it was just a marker, we're done with it)

            # Casee: operator handling
            # we are done handling brackets, check for a valid operator
            elif (token in self.precedence):
                while self.s.size() != 0 and (self.precedence[token] <=

            # Case: character is numeric.
        # Append to accumulator and continue parsing
            elif (token.isnumeric()):
                num += token

        # Did token end on a number? If so store accumulated number in RPN queue
        if (num != ""):

        # Now pop items from stack to the queue to cleanup
        while (self.s.size() != 0):

        # At this point, we have a valid RPN in the 'q' queue
        # (if the infix expression was valid)
        # Let's return a string version:
        q_cp = self.q.copy()

        rpn = ""
        for c in q_cp:
            rpn += c + " "
        return (rpn)

    # Routine to calculate a factorial
    def factorial(self, value):
        if (value < 0):
            return (0)
        elif (value == 0 or value == 1):
            return (1)
        elif (value == 2):
            return (2)

        product = value

        for x in range(2, value):
            product = product * x
        return (product)

    # Routine to calculate "choose" (combinatorics)
    # Formula:
    # nCr (n Choose r) = n! / r!(n-r)!
    def choose(self, n, r):
        numerator = self.factorial(n)
        denominator = self.factorial(r) * self.factorial(n - r)

        # Sanity
        if (denominator == 0):
            return (0)

        # Compute
        # NOTE: Should always be an integer result, but cast
        # it anyways to be safe
        return (int(numerator / denominator))

    # Given left value, right value, and an operator, calculate.
    def calculate(self, left, right, op):
        if (op == "+"):
            return (left + right)

        elif (op == "-"):
            return (left - right)

        elif (op == "*"):
            return (left * right)

        elif (op == "/"):
            return (int(left / right))

        elif (op == "^"):
            return (left**right)

        elif (op == "%"):
            return (left % right)

        elif (op == "!"):
            return (self.factorial(left))

        elif (op == "c" or op == "C"):
            return (self.choose(left, right))

        # dice roll; handled with 'random'
        # NOTE: expressions without 'd' are deterministic;
        # expressions with 'd' are non-deterministic (variable
        # outcomes).
        elif (op == "d"):
            sum = 0

            # Left value is number of rolls; right value is die
            # IE 3d6 = 3 rolls of a 6 sided die, summed.
            for i in range(left):
                sum += random.randint(1, right)
            return (sum)

        # whoops shouldn't have happened try to be graceful
        return (0)

    # Nifty little stack and queue algorithm for evaluating
    # the RPN.  Expects a valid RPN expression.
    def evaluateRPN(self):
        workstack = Stack()

        # As we pull tokens from the queue, we validate them and if neither a number
        # nor an operator, we abort with an error.
        for t in self.q.copy():
            if (t in self.precedence):
                # As we work backwards, right value is first; validate
                right = workstack.pop()
                if (not str(right).isnumeric()
                        and not right in self.precedence):
                    self.error = True

                # Now get left value, validate
                # Special case: ! only takes one argument. Make them identical
                if (t == "!"):
                    left = right
                    left = workstack.pop()
                    if (not str(left).isnumeric()
                            and not left in self.precedence):
                        self.error = True

                # Both valid, so calculate
                workstack.push(self.calculate(left, right, t))

        # answer is now on the stack
        if (not self.error):
            return (workstack.pop())
            return (0)

    # One function to handle it all. How Pythonic.
    def resolve(self, expression, repeat=False):
        if not repeat:
            self.error = False
            return (self.evaluateRPN())
            # Repeat=True
            # This allows repeat dice rolls / calculations, without rebuilding
            # the RPN queue each time.
            return (self.evaluateRPN())

    # Heuristic to calculate expression distribution, ment to be
    # used with dice rolls (ie, 2d6).  This is done by repeating rolls
    # to a cap of n trials, then assessing the results.
    # Returns a histogram report with trial results, mean and mode.
    def getHistogram(self, expression, trials):
        # Validate min/max boundaries
        if (trials < 0):
            trials = 1
        elif (trials > 1000000):
            trials = 1000000

        # Initialize
        sb = ""
        rolls = dict()
        sum = 0
        pct = 1.0
        max = dict()
        result = dict()

        # Build
        for i in range(trials):
            if i == 0:
                roll = self.resolve(expression)
                # We already built the RPN, don't waste cycles
                # reuilding it on every iteration, set repeat=True.
                roll = self.resolve(expression, repeat=True)

            # Track the recurrences of roll values
            if (roll in rolls.keys()):
                rolls[roll] += 1
                rolls[roll] = 1

        # Nifty way to build a key sorted report
        keys = list(rolls.keys())

        # Report
        sb = f"DISTRIBUTION HISTORGRAM ({trials:,} trials):\n"
        max[0] = max[1] = 0
        for key in keys:
            result[key] = rolls[key]
            sum += key * rolls[key]
            pct = float(rolls[key]) / float(trials, ) * 100.0
            if (pct > max[0]):
                max[0] = pct
                max[1] = key

            sb += f"[{key:3}] ==> {rolls[key]:,} ({pct:.2f}%)\n"

            # Stash pct for later
            rolls[key] = pct

        mean = float(sum) / float(trials) + 0.5
        sb += f"Mean: {mean:.2f}\n"
        mode = max[1]
        sb += f"Mode: {mode}\n\n"

        # Scaling calculation uses a lambda function
        scale = lambda x, y: int(float(x / 100) * float(y) + 0.5)

        # Build histogram pictogragh
        pic = "PICTORIAL HISTOGRAM:\n"
        for key in keys:
            pic += f"[{key:3}] "
            for i in range(scale(rolls[key], 160)):
                pic += "*"
            pic += "\n"

        # Send back the report
        return (sb + pic)