def __init__(self, leak): self.dataleaks = MergeMap(DataLeak) self.cfleaks = MergeMap(CFLeak) self.sym = SymbolInfo.lookup(leak.ip) if self.sym is None: img = Image("Unknown", 0, 0, False) self.sym = Symbol(0, 0, "UnknownSym", img, "") self.fentry = self.sym.addr self.append(leak)
def getLocalIp(ip): """Find local ip using SymbolInfo.""" if SymbolInfo.isopen(): sym = SymbolInfo.lookup(ip) # Type: SymbolInfo if sym is not None: if sym.img.dynamic: return ip - sym.img.lower return ip
def export_ip(ip, datafs, imgmap, info_map): if ip is None or ip == 0: return if not ip in info_map: sym = SymbolInfo.lookup(ip) assert (sym is not None) if sym.img.dynamic: addr = ip - sym.img.lower else: addr = ip bin_file_path = asm_file_path = bin_file_path + ".asm" # Add binary (ELF) + ASM objdump to datafs if not bin_file_path in imgmap: try: datafs.add_file(bin_file_path) except: debug(0, "Error: Binary file missing: %s", (bin_file_path)) return asm_dump = "" try: debug(1, "[ASM] objdump %s", (str(bin_file_path))) # asm_dump = subprocess.check_output(["objdump", "-Dj", ".text", bin_file_path], universal_newlines=True) with datafs.create_file(asm_file_path) as f:["objdump", "-dS", bin_file_path], universal_newlines=True, stdout=f) asm_dump ='utf-8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: debug(0, "[ASM] objdump %s failed with error_code: %s", (str(bin_file_path), str(err.returncode))) asm_dump = None imgmap[bin_file_path] = asm_dump if not ip in info_map: # Search for leak in asm dump asm_dump = imgmap[bin_file_path] asm_line_nr = getAsmFileInfo(addr, asm_dump) if asm_line_nr < 0: debug(1, "[ASM] unavailable for %s in %s", (hex(addr), bin_file_path)) # Search for leak in source code src_file_path, src_line_nr = getSourceFileInfo( hex(addr), bin_file_path) if src_file_path is not None and os.path.exists(src_file_path): datafs.add_file(src_file_path) else: if src_file_path is None: debug(1, "[SRC] unavailable for %s in %s", (hex(addr), bin_file_path)) else: debug(1, "[SRC] source file %s missing", (src_file_path)) ip_info = IpInfoShort(asm_file_path, asm_line_nr, src_file_path, src_line_nr) info_map[ip] = ip_info
def doprint(self, text, ip, leak): self.outstream.write(" " * self.depth) if len(text) > 0: self.outstream.write(text + " ") if SymbolInfo.isopen(): sym = SymbolInfo.lookup(ip) if sym is not None: self.outstream.write(sym.strat(ip)) else: self.outstream.write(hex(ip)) else: self.outstream.write(hex(ip)) self.outstream.write("\n") if leak is not None: leak.doprint(self)
def getCtxName(ip): """Find context name of ip. Returns: A string containing the context name, or the hex presentation of the ip of no SymbolInfo is available. """ if SymbolInfo.isopen(): sym = SymbolInfo.lookup(ip) # Type: SymbolInfo if sym is not None: name = "" if sym.img is not None and sym.img.dynamic: name += "(+%x)" % (ip - sym.img.lower) name += " %s(%s)" % (sym.getname(), sym.type) return name else: return hex(ip) else: return hex(ip)
def specific_leakage_test(random, callback): # load callback function try: with open(callback) as fp: code = compile(, callback, "exec") splcb = types.ModuleType("<config>") exec(code, splcb.__dict__) except Exception as e: debug(0, "Unable to load specific leakage test callback function!") debug(0, str(e)) assert (False) assert (splcb.specific_leakage_callback) xtarget = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(callback))[0]) # print test types debug(1, "Test Types:") debug(1, " 2 .... number of accesses per address") debug(1, " 3 .... position of address during access") debug(1, "") # process leaks randomleaks = extract_leakdiff_to_array(random, LeaksOnly=True) debug(0, "Got %d leaks.", (len(randomleaks))) sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(0, len(randomleaks)): rl = randomleaks[i] noleakdetected = True leaktype = "dataleak" if isinstance(rl, DataLeak) else "cfleak" debug(1, "Testing %s@%x...", (leaktype, rl.ip)) cursym = SymbolInfo.lookup(rl.ip) if (cursym is not None) and (len( > 0): cursym =[0] else: cursym = None rl.status.spperformed.add(xtarget) # sanity check if len(rl.evidence) == 0: debug(0, "Testing %s@%x...", (leaktype, rl.ip)) debug(0, " warning: no evidences") continue # gather information -- leaks rdic = {} cnt_t2 = 0 rdic_pos = {} cnt_t3 = 0 keys = [] for e in rl.evidence: if len(e.entries) == 0: continue if e.source != EvidenceSource.Specific.value: continue # all entries selentries = e.entries # gather information -- keys keys.append(e.key) # gather information -- type2 chist = Counter(selentries) rset = set(rdic.keys()) cset = set(chist.keys()) for s in list(cset - rset): rdic[s] = [0] * cnt_t2 for c in rdic.keys(): if c in chist.keys(): rdic[c] += [chist[c]] else: rdic[c] += [0] cnt_t2 += 1 # gather information -- type3 cs = set(selentries) for c in cs: cp = [pos for pos, j in enumerate(selentries) if j == c] if c not in rdic_pos.keys(): rdic_pos[c] = [-1] * cnt_t3 rdic_pos[c] += [int(numpy.round(numpy.median(cp)))] for s in list(set(rdic_pos.keys()) - cs): rdic_pos[s] += [-1] cnt_t3 += 1 # postprocessing -- type2 for c in rdic.keys(): rdic[c] = numpy.asarray(rdic[c], dtype=numpy.uint) # postprocessing -- type3 for c in rdic_pos.keys(): rdic_pos[c] = numpy.array(rdic_pos[c], # convert keys with callback # the callback always returns the matrix X: # # x_{0,0} x_{0,1} ... x_{0,N} # x_{1,0} x_{1,1} ... x_{1,N} # ... # x_{M,0} x_{M,1} ... x_{M,N} # # M ... number of keys (one row per key) # N ... number of properties in X (one column per property) X = splcb.specific_leakage_callback(keys) if X.shape[0] != len(keys): debug(0, "Testing %s@%x...", (leaktype, rl.ip)) debug(0, " warning: callback returned wrong matrix!") continue ###### # Test2: number of accesses per address ###### for j in range(0, X.shape[1]): lfound = False for c in rdic.keys(): (R, L, I) = rdctest.RDC.test(X[:, j], rdic[c], 0.9999) if I == False: lfound = True noleakdetected = False cleak = SPLeak(NSPType.Type2, j, c, None, R, L, I, xtarget, 0.9999) rl.status.spleak.add(cleak) debug(1, " [Test2] -- P%d -- %x -- %s", (j, c, str(cleak))) if not lfound: debug(1, " [Test2] -- P%d -- nothing found", (j)) ###### # Test3: position of address during access ###### for j in range(0, X.shape[1]): lfound = False for c in rdic_pos.keys(): (R, L, I) = rdctest.RDC.test(X[:, j], rdic_pos[c], 0.9999) if I == False: lfound = True noleakdetected = False cleak = SPLeak(NSPType.Type3, j, c, None, R, L, I, xtarget, 0.9999) rl.status.spleak.add(cleak) debug(1, " [Test3] -- P%d -- %x -- %s", (j, c, str(cleak))) if not lfound: debug(1, " [Test3] -- P%d -- nothing found", (j)) # add noleak element to document that no leakage was found if noleakdetected: cnl = SPLeak(NSPType.Noleak, target=xtarget) rl.status.spleak.add(cnl) debug(1, " %s", str(cnl)) # progress if len(randomleaks) > 100: if (i % int(len(randomleaks) / 10)) == 0: debug(0, "[Progress] %6.2f%%", ((i * 100.0) / len(randomleaks))) else: debug(0, "[Progress] Finished %d", (i + 1)) sys.stdout.flush() debug(0, "[Progress] 100.00%%") sys.stdout.flush()
def generic_leakage_test(fixed, random): fixedleaks = extract_leakdiff_to_array(fixed) randomleaks = extract_leakdiff_to_array(random) assert (len(fixedleaks) == len(randomleaks)) # print test types debug(1, "Test Types:") debug(1, " 1a ... number of addresses") debug(1, " 1b ... number of unique addresses") debug(1, " 2 .... number of accesses per address") debug(1, "") # iterate over leaks debug(0, "Got %d trace differences.", (len(fixedleaks))) sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(0, len(fixedleaks)): fl = fixedleaks[i] rl = randomleaks[i] assert (fl.ip == rl.ip) noleakdetected = True msgwarning = "" msgleak = "" cursym = SymbolInfo.lookup(fl.ip) if (cursym is not None) and (len( > 0): cursym =[0] else: cursym = None # always test leaktype = "dataleak" if isinstance(fl, DataLeak) else "cfleak" msgwarning += "Testing %s@%x...\n" % (leaktype, fl.ip) msgleak += "Testing %s@%x...\n" % (leaktype, fl.ip) fl.status.nsperformed = True rl.status.nsperformed = True # sanity check cont = False if len(fl.evidence) == 0: msgwarning += " warning: no evidences for fixed\n" cont = True if len(rl.evidence) == 0: msgwarning += " warning: no evidences for random\n" cont = True if cont: debug(0, msgwarning.rstrip()) continue # init fnum = {} fnum_uniq = {} rnum = {} rnum_uniq = {} fdic = {} rdic = {} # gather information (fixed) for e in fl.evidence: if len(e.entries) == 0: continue if e.source != EvidenceSource.Generic.value: continue # all entries selentries = e.entries # Type1a/b cn = len(selentries) cnu = len(set(selentries)) if cn in fnum.keys(): fnum[cn] += 1 else: fnum[cn] = 1 if cnu in fnum_uniq.keys(): fnum_uniq[cnu] += 1 else: fnum_uniq[cnu] = 1 # Type2 counts = Counter(selentries) for c in counts.keys(): if c in fdic: fdic[c] += counts[c] else: fdic[c] = counts[c] # gather information (random) for e in rl.evidence: if len(e.entries) == 0: continue if e.source != EvidenceSource.Generic.value: continue # all entries selentries = e.entries # Type1a/b cn = len(selentries) cnu = len(set(selentries)) if cn in rnum.keys(): rnum[cn] += 1 else: rnum[cn] = 1 if cnu in rnum_uniq.keys(): rnum_uniq[cnu] += 1 else: rnum_uniq[cnu] = 1 # Type2 counts = Counter(selentries) for c in counts.keys(): if c in rdic: rdic[c] += counts[c] else: rdic[c] = counts[c] # sanity check if len(fnum) == 0 or len(rnum) == 0 or len(fnum_uniq) == 0 or len( rnum_uniq) == 0: continue ###### # Test1a: number of addresses ###### # sanity check cont = False if len(fnum) == 0: cont = True if len(rnum) == 0: cont = True # test if not cont: # solve entry mismatches fset = set(fnum.keys()) rset = set(rnum.keys()) if fset != rset: for s in list(fset - rset): rnum[s] = 0 for s in list(rset - fset): fnum[s] = 0 # compile histograms fhist = numpy.array([fnum[j] for j in sorted(fnum.keys())], dtype=numpy.float32) rhist = numpy.array([rnum[j] for j in sorted(rnum.keys())], dtype=numpy.float32) fhist_len = numpy.int32(numpy.sum(fhist)) rhist_len = numpy.int32(numpy.sum(rhist)) # sanity check cont = False if fhist_len < 30: cont = True if rhist_len < 30: cont = True # stat test if not cont: (D, L) = kuipertest.kp_histogram(fhist, rhist, fhist_len, rhist_len, 0.9999) R = (D > L) if R: noleakdetected = False cfl = NSLeak(NSPType.Type1a, None, D, L, 0.9999, R) crl = NSLeak(NSPType.Type1a, None, D, L, 0.9999, R) fl.status.nsleak.add(cfl) rl.status.nsleak.add(crl) msgleak += " [Test1a] -- %s\n" % str(cfl) ###### # Test1b: number of unique addresses ###### # sanity check cont = False if len(fnum_uniq) == 0: cont = True if len(rnum_uniq) == 0: cont = True # test if not cont: # solve entry mismatches fset = set(fnum_uniq.keys()) rset = set(rnum_uniq.keys()) if fset != rset: for s in list(fset - rset): rnum_uniq[s] = 0 for s in list(rset - fset): fnum_uniq[s] = 0 # compile histograms fhist = numpy.array( [fnum_uniq[j] for j in sorted(fnum_uniq.keys())], dtype=numpy.float32) rhist = numpy.array( [rnum_uniq[j] for j in sorted(rnum_uniq.keys())], dtype=numpy.float32) fhist_len = numpy.int32(numpy.sum(fhist)) rhist_len = numpy.int32(numpy.sum(rhist)) # sanity check cont = False if fhist_len < 30: cont = True if rhist_len < 30: cont = True # stat test if not cont: (D, L) = kuipertest.kp_histogram(fhist, rhist, fhist_len, rhist_len, 0.9999) R = (D > L) if R: noleakdetected = False cfl = NSLeak(NSPType.Type1b, None, D, L, 0.9999, R) crl = NSLeak(NSPType.Type1b, None, D, L, 0.9999, R) fl.status.nsleak.add(cfl) rl.status.nsleak.add(crl) msgleak += " [Test1b] -- %s\n" % str(cfl) ###### # Test2: number of accesses per address ###### # sanity check cont = False if len(fdic.keys()) == 0: cont = True if len(rdic.keys()) == 0: cont = True # test if not cont: # solve entry mismatches fset = set(fdic.keys()) rset = set(rdic.keys()) if fset != rset: for s in list(fset - rset): rdic[s] = 0 for s in list(rset - fset): fdic[s] = 0 # compile histograms fhist = numpy.array([fdic[j] for j in sorted(fdic.keys())], dtype=numpy.float32) rhist = numpy.array([rdic[j] for j in sorted(rdic.keys())], dtype=numpy.float32) fhist_len = numpy.int32(numpy.sum(fhist)) rhist_len = numpy.int32(numpy.sum(rhist)) # sanity check cont = False if fhist_len < 30: cont = True if rhist_len < 30: cont = True # stat test if not cont: (D, L) = kuipertest.kp_histogram(fhist, rhist, fhist_len, rhist_len, 0.9999) R = (D > L) if R: noleakdetected = False cfl = NSLeak(NSPType.Type2, None, D, L, 0.9999, R) crl = NSLeak(NSPType.Type2, None, D, L, 0.9999, R) fl.status.nsleak.add(cfl) rl.status.nsleak.add(crl) msgleak += " [Test2] -- %s\n" % str(cfl) # add noleak element to document that no leakage was found if noleakdetected: cnl = NSLeak(NSPType.Noleak) fl.status.nsleak.add(cnl) rl.status.nsleak.add(cnl) debug(1, "Testing %s@%x...", (leaktype, fl.ip)) debug(1, " %s", (str(cnl))) else: debug(1, msgleak.rstrip()) # progress if len(fixedleaks) > 100: if (i % int(len(fixedleaks) / 10)) == 0: debug(0, "[Progress] %6.2f%%", ((i * 100.0) / len(fixedleaks))) else: debug(0, "[Progress] Finished %d", (i + 1)) sys.stdout.flush() debug(0, "[Progress] 100.00%%") sys.stdout.flush()