Esempio n. 1
    def test_should_get_header_information_for_submission_excel(self):
        fields = [{
            "name": "first name",
            "code": 'q1',
            "label": 'What is your name',
            "type": "text"
        }, {
            "name": "age",
            "code": 'q2',
            "label": 'What is your age',
            "type": "integer",
            "constraints": [["range", {
                "max": "15",
                "min": "12"
        }, {
            "name": "reporting date",
            "code": 'q3',
            "label": 'What is the reporting date',
            "date_format": "",
            "type": "date"
        }, {
            "name": "choices",
            "code": 'q5',
            "label": 'Your choices',
            "type": "select"
        form_model_fields = [
            TextField("first_name", "q1", "What is your name"),
            IntegerField("age", "q2", "What is your age"),
            DateField("reporting date", "q3", "What is the reporting date",
        form_model = FormModel(Mock(spec=DatabaseManager),

        headers = get_submission_headers(fields, form_model)

        headers_text = self._get_header_component(headers, 0)
            "What is your name", "What is your age",
            "What is the reporting date", "Your choices"
        ], headers_text)

        header_instructions = self._get_header_component(headers, 1)
            "\n\nAnswer must be a word", "\n\nEnter a number between 12-15.",
            "\n\nAnswer must be a date in the following format: day.month.year",
            "\n\nEnter 1 or more answers from the list."
        ], header_instructions)

        header_examples = self._get_header_component(headers, 2)
            "\n\n", "\n\n", "\n\nExample: 25.12.2011", "\n\nExample: a or ab"
        ], header_examples)
def import_template(request, form_code):
    manager = get_database_manager(request.user)
    form_model = get_form_model_by_code(manager, form_code)
    if form_model.is_entity_registration_form():
        form_fields = form_model.form_fields
        headers = get_subject_headers(form_fields)
        field_codes = _field_codes(form_fields)
        sheet_name = request.GET["filename"]
        form_fields = get_submission_form_fields_for_user(form_model, request)
        field_codes = _field_codes(form_fields)
        headers = get_submission_headers(form_fields, form_model)
        sheet_name = "Import_Submissions"

    filename = unquote(request.GET["filename"])
    workbook_response_factory = WorkBookResponseFactory(form_code, filename, sheet_name)
    return workbook_response_factory.create_workbook_response([headers], field_codes)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_should_get_header_information_for_submission_excel_with_multiple_unique_id_questions(self):
        fields = [{"name": "first name", "code": 'q1', "label": 'What is your name',
                   "type": "text"},
                  {"name": "age", "code": 'q2', "label": 'What is your age', "type": "integer", "constraints": [
                              "max": "15",
                              "min": "12"
                  {"name": "reporting date", "code": 'q3', "label": 'What is the reporting date',
                   "date_format": "", "type": "date"},
                  {"name": "choices", "code": 'q5', "label": 'Your choices', "type": "select"},
                  {"name": "What game are you reporting on?", "code": 'q6', "label": 'What game are you reporting on?',
                    "unique_id_type": "game", "type": "unique_id"},
                  {"name": "What waterpoint are you reporting on?", "code": 'q7', "label": 'What waterpoint are you reporting on?',
                    "unique_id_type": "waterpoint", "type": "unique_id"}]
        form_model_fields = [TextField("first_name","q1","What is your name"),
                             IntegerField("age","q2","What is your age"),
                             DateField("reporting date","q3","What is the reporting date",""),
                             UniqueIdField("game","What game are you reporting on?","q6","What game are you reporting on?"),
                             UniqueIdField("waterpoint","What waterpoint are you reporting on?","q7","What waterpoint are you reporting on?")]
        form_model = FormModel(Mock(spec=DatabaseManager), name="some_name", form_code="cli00_mp", fields=form_model_fields)

        headers = get_submission_headers(fields, form_model)

        headers_text = self._get_header_component(headers, 0)
            ["What is your name", "What is your age", "What is the reporting date",
             "Your choices", "What game are you reporting on?", "What waterpoint are you reporting on?"], headers_text)

        header_instructions = self._get_header_component(headers, 1)
            ["\n\nAnswer must be a word", "\n\nEnter a number between 12-15.",
             "\n\nAnswer must be a date in the following format: day.month.year",
             "\n\nEnter 1 or more answers from the list.", '\n\nEnter the unique ID for each game.\nYou can find the game List on the My Identification Numbers page.',
             '\n\nEnter the unique ID for each waterpoint.\nYou can find the waterpoint List on the My Identification Numbers page.'], header_instructions)

        header_examples = self._get_header_component(headers, 2)
            ["\n\n", "\n\n", "\n\nExample: 25.12.2011",
             "\n\nExample: a or ab", "\n\nExample: cli01", "\n\nExample: cli01"], header_examples)
    def test_should_get_header_information_for_submission_excel(self):
        fields = [{
            "name": "first name",
            "code": 'q1',
            "label": 'What is your name',
            "entity_question_flag": False,
            "type": "text"
        }, {
            "name": "age",
            "code": 'q2',
            "label": 'What is your age',
            "type": "integer",
            "constraints": [["range", {
                "max": "15",
                "min": "12"
        }, {
            "name": "reporting date",
            "code": 'q3',
            "label": 'What is the reporting date',
            "date_format": "",
            "type": "date"
        }, {
            "name": "eid",
            "code": 'eid',
            "label": 'What is the subject id',
            "entity_question_flag": True,
            "type": "text"
        }, {
            "name": "choices",
            "code": 'q5',
            "label": 'Your choices',
            "type": "select"
        form_model = FormModel(self.manager,

        headers = get_submission_headers(fields, form_model)

        headers_text = self._get_header_component(headers, 0)
            "What is your name", "What is your age",
            "What is the reporting date", "What is the subject id",
            "Your choices"
        ], headers_text)

        header_instructions = self._get_header_component(headers, 1)
            "\n\nAnswer must be a word", "\n\nEnter a number between 12-15.",
            "\n\nAnswer must be a date in the following format: day.month.year",
            "\n\nEnter the unique ID for each test.\nYou can find the test List on the My Subjects page.",
            "\n\nEnter 1 or more answers from the list."
        ], header_instructions)

        header_examples = self._get_header_component(headers, 2)
            "\n\n", "\n\n", "\n\nExample: 25.12.2011", "\n\nExample: cli01",
            "\n\nExample: a or ab"
        ], header_examples)