Esempio n. 1
def _getTestRunSummary(procPath, procName, fullProcPath, request, gm):

   productIds = [] 
   testIds = [] 
   platformIds = []

   #Calling _getIdList() insures that we have only numbers in the 
   #lists, this gaurds against SQL injection
   if 'product_ids' in request.GET:
      productIds = DatazillaModel.getIdList(request.GET['product_ids'])
   if 'test_ids' in request.GET:
      testIds = DatazillaModel.getIdList(request.GET['test_ids'])
   if 'platform_ids' in request.GET:
      platformIds = DatazillaModel.getIdList(request.GET['platform_ids'])

   if not productIds:
      ##Set default productId##
      productIds = [12]

   jsonData = '{}'
   timeKey = 'days_7'
   timeRanges = DatazillaModel.getTimeRanges()

   mc = memcache.Client([settings.DATAZILLA_MEMCACHED], debug=0)

   if productIds and (not testIds) and (not platformIds):

      if len(productIds) > 1:
         extendList = { 'data':[], 'columns':[] } 
         for id in productIds:
            key = DatazillaModel.getCacheKey(str(id), timeKey)
            compressedJsonData = mc.get(key)
            if compressedJsonData:
               jsonData = zlib.decompress( compressedJsonData )
               data = json.loads( jsonData )
               extendList['data'].extend( data['data'] )
               extendList['columns'] = data['columns']

         jsonData = json.dumps(extendList)

         key = DatazillaModel.getCacheKey(str(productIds[0]), timeKey)
         compressedJsonData = mc.get(key)

         if compressedJsonData:
            jsonData = zlib.decompress( compressedJsonData )

      table = gm.getTestRunSummary(timeRanges[timeKey]['start'], 

      jsonData = json.dumps( table )

   return jsonData
Esempio n. 2
def graphs(request, project=""):

    #Load any signals provided in the page
    signals = []
    timeRanges = DatazillaModel.getTimeRanges()

    for s in SIGNALS:
        if s in request.POST:
            signals.append( { 'value':urllib.unquote( request.POST[s] ),
                              'name':s } )
    #Get reference data
    cacheKey = str(project) + '_reference_data'
    jsonData = '{}'
    mc = memcache.Client([settings.DATAZILLA_MEMCACHED], debug=0)
    compressedJsonData = mc.get(cacheKey)

    timeKey = 'days_30'

    ##reference data found in the cache: decompress##
    if compressedJsonData:

        jsonData = zlib.decompress( compressedJsonData )

        #reference data has not been cached:
        #serialize, compress, and cache
        dm = DatazillaModel(project, 'graphs.json')
        refData = dm.getTestReferenceData()

        refData['time_ranges'] = timeRanges

        jsonData = json.dumps(refData)

        mc.set(str(project) + '_reference_data', zlib.compress( jsonData ) )

    data = { 'username':request.user.username,
             'signals':signals }

    #Caller has provided the view parent of the signals, load in page.
    #This occurs when a data view is in its Pane form and is detached
    #to exist on it's own page.
    parentIndexKey = 'dv_parent_dview_index'
    if parentIndexKey in request.POST:
        data[parentIndexKey] = request.POST[parentIndexKey]

    return render_to_response('graphs.views.html', data)
Esempio n. 3
def buildTestSummaries(project):

    gm = DatazillaModel(project, 'graphs.json')

    timeRanges = DatazillaModel.getTimeRanges()

    products = gm.getProducts()

    for productName in products:

        for tr in ['days_7', 'days_30']:

            table = gm.getTestRunSummary(str( timeRanges[tr]['start']),
                                         str( timeRanges[tr]['stop']),
                                         [ products[ productName ] ],

            jsonData = json.dumps( table )

            gm.setSummaryCache( products[ productName ], tr, jsonData )
