def test_invalid_instr(self): """ Tests for invalid op code """ e = ElfCPU() e.load_string('123456789') with self.assertRaises(InvalidInstructionError): e.execute()
def test_gpf(self): """ Tests for a general protection fault by allowing the program counter to go past the end of the memory """ e = ElfCPU() e.load_string('1,0,0,0') with self.assertRaises(ProtectionFaultError): e.execute()
def test_op_input(self): """ Tests input op code Use unittest.mock.patch to fake the input value """ e = ElfCPU() e.load_string('3,3,99,-1') with patch('builtins.input', return_value='1234'): e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(3), 1234)
def test_op_cmp_lessthan(self): """ Tests compare less than op code """ e = ElfCPU() """ Tests if value of address 5 (5) is less than value of address 6 (10). Since this is true write 1 to address 7. """ e.load_string('7,5,6,7,99,5,10,-1') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(7), 1) """ Tests if value of address 5 (10) is less than value of address 6 (5). Since this is false write 0 to address 7. """ e.load_string('7,5,6,7,99,10,5,-1') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(7), 0) """ Tests if immediate value of 5 is less than immediate value of 10. Since this is true write 1 to address 7. """ e.load_string('1107,5,10,7,99,0,0,-1') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(7), 1) """ Tests if immediate value of 10 is less than immediate value of 5. Since this is false write 0 to address 7. """ e.load_string('1107,10,5,7,99,0,0,-1') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(7), 0)
def test_op_jmp_true(self): """ Tests jump if true op code """ e = ElfCPU() """ Tests address 8 (which is 1) if it is non-zero. Since this is true, it jumps to the value of address 9 (which is 7). This terminates the program. """ e.load_string('5,8,9,1101,1,1,8,99,1,7') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(8), 1) """ Tests immediate value 8 if it is non-zero. Since it is true, jump to immediate address 7 which terminates. """ e.load_string('1105,8,7,1101,1,1,8,99,1,7') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(8), 1) """ Tests address 8 (which is 0) if it is non-zero. Since this is false it does not jump and instead adds 1+1 to address 8. """ e.load_string('5,8,9999,1101,1,1,8,99,0,7') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(8), 2) """ Tests immediate value 0 if it is non-zero. Since it is false it does not jump and instead adds 1+1 to address 8. """ e.load_string('1105,0,9999,1101,1,1,8,99,0,7') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(8), 2)
def test_reset(self): """ Tests for CPU reset """ e = ElfCPU() e.load_string('1,0,0,0,99') e.execute() e.reset() # Halted gets cleared self.assertFalse(e.is_halted) # Program counter goes to 0 self.assertEqual(e.pc, 0) # Memory gets wiped so address 1 becomes invalid with self.assertRaises(ValueError): e.peek(1)
def test_op_output(self): """ Tests output op code Use io.StringIO() to capture the output """ e = ElfCPU() e.load_string('4,5,104,66,99,55') result = None with patch('sys.stdout', new=io.StringIO()) as output: e.execute() result = output.getvalue() result = result.splitlines() # First is a reference to memory address 5 self.assertEqual(result[0].strip(), '55') # Second is an immediate value self.assertEqual(result[1].strip(), '66')
def test_op_eq(self): """ Tests equals op code """ e = ElfCPU() """ Tests if value of address 5 (10) is equal to value of address 6 (10). Since this is true, write 1 to address 7. """ e.load_string('8,5,6,7,99,10,10,-1') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(7), 1) """ Tests if value of address 5 (10) is equal to value of address 6 (0). Since this is false, write 0 to address 7. """ e.load_string('8,5,6,7,99,10,0,-1') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(7), 0) """ Tests if immediate value 10 is equal to immediate value 10. Since this is true, write 1 to address 7. """ e.load_string('1108,10,10,7,99,2,3,-1') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(7), 1) """ Tests if immediate value of 0 is equal to immediate value 10. Since this is false, write 0 to address 7. """ e.load_string('1108,0,10,7,99,2,3,-1') e.execute() self.assertEqual(e.peek(7), 0)