def test_can_stabilise_after_some_ticks(self): grid = Grid(example_input) x = grid.tick().tick().tick().tick().tick() y = x.tick() z = y.tick() self.assertEqual(x, y) self.assertEqual(y, z)
def test_can_get_grid_cells_by_coordinate(self): grid = Grid(example_input) self.assertEqual(grid.get(0, 0), 'L') self.assertEqual(grid.get(1, 0), '.') self.assertEqual(grid.get(7, 1), '.') self.assertEqual(grid.get(7, 2), 'L')
def test_can_get_adjacent_cells_by_coordinate_inside_grid(self): grid = Grid(example_input) self.assertEqual(grid.adjacent_to(3, 3), [ 'L', 'L', '.', 'L', '.', '.', 'L', 'L']) self.assertEqual(grid.adjacent_to(6, 7), [ 'L', '.', '.', '.', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L'])
def test_occupied_seats_when_map_stabilises_part_two(self): grid = Grid(example_input, LineOfSightAdjacentSeats, 5) next_grid = grid.tick() while grid != next_grid: grid = next_grid next_grid = next_grid.tick() self.assertEqual(next_grid.occupied_seats(), 26)
def test_occupied_seats_when_map_stabilises(self): grid = Grid(example_input) next_grid = grid.tick() while grid != next_grid: grid = next_grid next_grid = next_grid.tick() self.assertEqual(next_grid.occupied_seats(), 37)
def test_can_find_adjacent_seats_second_example(self): grid = Grid(""" ............. .L.L.#.#.#.#. ............. """) self.assertEqual(grid.get(1, 1), 'L') adjacent_seats = LineOfSightAdjacentSeats.find(grid, 1, 1) self.assertEqual(adjacent_seats, ['L'])
def test_occupied_seats_after_puzzle_input_stabilizes_part_two(self): with open(get_puzzle_input_path(os.path.dirname(__file__))) as content: puzzle_input = grid = Grid(puzzle_input, LineOfSightAdjacentSeats, 5) next_grid = grid.tick() while grid != next_grid: grid = next_grid next_grid = next_grid.tick() self.assertEqual(next_grid.occupied_seats(), 2176)
def test_occupied_seats_after_puzzle_input_stabilizes(self): with open(get_puzzle_input_path(os.path.dirname(__file__))) as content: puzzle_input = grid = Grid(puzzle_input) next_grid = grid.tick() while grid != next_grid: grid = next_grid next_grid = next_grid.tick() self.assertEqual(next_grid.occupied_seats(), 2412)
def test_can_find_adjacent_seats_by_ignoring_space(self): grid = Grid(""" .......#. ...#..... .#....... ......... ..#L....# ....#.... ......... # ........ ...#..... """) self.assertEqual(grid.get(3, 4), 'L') adjacent_seats = LineOfSightAdjacentSeats.find(grid, 3, 4) self.assertEqual(adjacent_seats, [ '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#'])
def test_can_model_a_second_round(self): grid = Grid(example_input) next_grid = grid.tick().tick() # pep 8 putting spaces in the grid defined below # cos it looked like a comment to the linter # autopep8: off expected = Grid(""" #.LL.L#.## #LLLLLL.L# L.L.L..L.. #LLL.LL.L# #.LL.LL.LL #.LLLL#.## ..L.L..... #LLLLLLLL# #.LLLLLL.L #.#LLLL.##""") # autopep8: on self.assertEqual(next_grid, expected)
def test_can_model_one_round(self): grid = Grid(example_input) next_grid = grid.tick() # pep 8 putting spaces in the grid defined below # cos it looked like a comment to the linter # autopep8: off expected = Grid("""#.##.##.## #######.## #.#.#..#.. ####.##.## #.##.##.## #.#####.## ..#.#..... ########## #.######.# #.#####.##""") # autopep8: on actual = next_grid self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_grids_can_be_equal(self): self.assertEqual(Grid(example_input), Grid(example_input))
def test_can_get_adjacent_cells_by_coordinate_at_edge_of_grid(self): grid = Grid(example_input) self.assertEqual(grid.adjacent_to(0, 3), ['L', '.', 'L', '.', 'L']) self.assertEqual(grid.adjacent_to(9, 1), ['L', 'L', 'L', '.', '.'])
def test_can_init_grid_with_string_input(self): grid = Grid(example_input) self.assertEqual(grid.height, 10) self.assertEqual(grid.width, 10)