def doAllAppInstall(method): # get all apks which are linked in the database # will come with [0] package [1] path_to_apk appsList = Apps().getAllApps() for apk in appsList: app = Apps() app.path_to_apk = apk[1] app.package = apk[0] if method is "INSTALL": #install apps installapk(app) elif method is "UNINSTALL": #uninstall apps uninstallapk(app)
def assemble_and_install(context): """ reassemble the apk file and install it to the device :param context: :return: """ app = Apps.getApp(context.package)"%s starting reassembling to apk", app.package) newapk = path + app.package + "/" + app.package + "-new.apk" newalignedapk = path + app.package + "/" + app.package + "-aligned.apk""%s reassembling to apk", context.package) cmd = ["apktool", "b", path + app.package + "/smali/", "-o", newapk] logger.debug(" ".join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if err: logger.error(err) return else: logger.debug(out)"%s signing apk", context.package) cmd = ["jarsigner", "-verbose", "-sigalg", "SHA1withRSA", "-digestalg", "SHA1", "-keystore", "my-release-key.keystore", "--store-pass", "123456", "-keypass", "123456", newapk, "alias_name"] logger.debug(" ".join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if err: logger.error(err) return else: logger.debug(out)"%s aligning apk", context.package) cmd = [zipalign, "-f", "-v", "4", newapk, newalignedapk] logger.debug(" ".join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if err: logger.error(err) return else: logger.debug(out) app = Apps() app.package = context.package app.path_to_apk = newalignedapk deviceHelper.uninstallapk(app) deviceHelper.installapk(app)
def callMallodroid(appsList): existingRecords = Mallodroid.getPackages() for apk in appsList: if apk[0] in existingRecords: continue app = Apps() app.path_to_apk = apk[1] app.package = apk[0] res = runMallodroid(app) # result will be empty if app doesn't require internet permission if res: parseXML(res.strip(), app)
def evicheck(appslist): """ runs the EviCheck tool on a list of apps and stores results as log files and database entries :param appslist: :return: """ p_result = re.compile(".*Policy valid!.*") for apk in appslist: app = Apps() app.path_to_apk = apk[1] app.package = apk[0] certFile = path + app.package + "/EviCheck.cert" logFile = path + app.package + "/EviCheck.log""%s running EviCheck", app.package) malware = Malware() malware.package = app.package malware.logfile = logFile malware.tool = "EviCheck" cmd = ["python", eviscript, "-f", app.path_to_apk, "-g", "-p", evipolicy, "-t", certFile, "-m"] # there are RSA and DSA certificates; cater for both p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if err: logger.error(err) continue else: lines = out.splitlines() log = open(logFile, 'w') log.writelines(lines) log.close() global a # init variable for line in lines: a = p_result.match(line) if a: malware.result = "valid""%s is valid", app.package) break if not a: malware.result = "invalid""%s is not valid", app.package) malware.insert()
def allApksToJar(): """ extracts all apk files to jar :return: """ # get all apks which are linked in the database # will come with [0] package [1] path_to_apk appsList = Apps().getAllApps() for apk in appsList: app = Apps() app.path_to_apk = apk[1] app.package = apk[0] apkTorJar(app)
def explaindroid(appsList): """ running Explain Droid on a list of apps :param appsList: :return: """ p_result = re.compile(".*LABEL: BENIGN.*") for apk in appsList: app = Apps() app.path_to_apk = apk[1] app.package = apk[0] logFile = path + app.package + "/ExplainDroid.log""%s running ExplainDroid", app.package) malware = Malware() malware.package = app.package malware.logfile = logFile malware.tool = "ExplainDroid" cmd = [expdroidscript, "-mod", "linux", "-apk", app.path_to_apk ] # there are RSA and DSA certificates; cater for both p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if err: logger.error(err) continue else: lines = out.splitlines() log = open(logFile, 'w') log.writelines(lines) log.close() global a # init variable for line in lines: a = p_result.match(line) if a: malware.result = "benign""%s is benign", app.package) break if not a: malware.result = "malicious""%s is malicious", app.package) malware.insert()
def allApksToSmali(): """ extracting smali code for all apk files :return: """ # get all apks which are linked in the database # will come with [0] package [1] path_to_apk appsList = Apps().getAllApps() for apk in appsList: app = Apps() app.path_to_apk = apk[1] app.package = apk[0] allApksToSmali()
def downloadApp(pathToStore, package, install, writeToDb): # create app object app = Apps() pripol = Pripol() sreenshotplaystore(package.strip(),pathToStore) downloadapk(package.strip(), pathToStore, app, pripol, writeToDb) if install: deviceHelper.installapk(app)
def do(): app = Apps() app.package = "com.denper.addonsdetector" # this will only work on a Nexus 5 with Android 6 if deviceHelper.checkInstall(app): logger.debug("Addons detector found on device") deviceHelper.startApp(app, "com.denper.addonsdetector.ui.Dashboard") deviceHelper.tapScreem("540", "940") time.sleep(5) deviceHelper.tapScreem("360", "600") deviceHelper.tapScreem("330", "1700") deviceHelper.tapScreem("730", "1200") deviceHelper.tapScreem("550", "1200") deviceHelper.copyFile(data_dir, "/tmp/dummy") deviceHelper.deleteFile(data_dir + "*") parseJson() else: logger.warning("Addons Detector Application not found")
def downloadApps(pathToStore, appListFile, install, writeToDb): with open(appListFile) as f: for appId in f: print(appId.strip()) if appId.startswith('#') <> True: # create app object app = Apps() pripol = Pripol() sreenshotplaystore(appId.strip(),pathToStore) downloadapk(appId.strip(), pathToStore, app, pripol, writeToDb) if install: deviceHelper.installapk(app)
def do(): # get all apks which are linked in the database # will come with [0] package [1] path_to_apk appsList = Apps().getAllApps() threads = [] for list in chunkify(appsList, 4): p = Process(target=callMallodroid, args=(list, ))"starting mallodroid thread %s", p) threads += [p] p.start() for t in threads: t.join()
def apkTorJar(context): """ unpack apk file to jar; can be loaded with JD GUI :param context: :return: """ app = Apps.getApp(context.package)"%s starting dex to jar", app.package) cmd = ["d2j-dex2jar", "-o", path + app.package + "/" + app.package + "-dex2jar.jar", app.path_to_apk, ] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if err: logger.error(err) return else: logger.debug(out)
def openJarInJdGui(context): """ opens Jar in JD GUI :param context: :return: """"%s opening jar in JD Gui", context.package) app = Apps.getApp(context.package) cmd = [jdgui, path + app.package + "/" + app.package + "-dex2jar.jar"] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if err: logger.error(err) return else: logger.debug(out)
def do(): """ splitting the list of apps to analyze and start in multiple threads :return: """ # get all apks which are linked in the database # will come with [0] package [1] path_to_apk appsList = Apps().getAllApps() threads = [] for list in chunkify(appsList, 4): p = Process(target=explaindroid, args=(list, ))"starting mallodroid thread %s", p) threads += [p] p.start() for t in threads: t.join()
def apkToSmali(context): """ extracts smali code form apk file; smali code to be used for further analysis :param context: :return: """ app = Apps.getApp(context.package)"%s starting dissambly to smali", app.package) cmd = ["apktool", "d", app.path_to_apk, "-o", path + app.package + "/smali/"] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if err: logger.error(err) return else: logger.debug(out)
def install(): with open(app_list) as lines: packages = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in lines] packages.insert(0, "ALL") packages.append("quit") package, index = pick(packages, "choose package") if package == "ALL": apps = Apps.getAllApps() for a in apps: app = Apps() app.package = a[0] app.path_to_apk = a[1] deviceHelper.installapk(app) else: app = Apps.getApp(package) deviceHelper.installapk(app)
def parseJson(): apps = Apps.getAllApps() appList = [] for app in apps: appList.append(app[0]) file = glob.glob('/tmp/dummy/*') docs = json.loads(open(file[0]).read()) for i in range(0, len(docs)): ad = Addons() ad.package = docs[i]['appPackageName'] if ad.package not in appList: continue"%s adding addins", ad.package) for addon in docs[i]['addons']: ad.addon_type = addon['addon_type'] = addon['name'] ad.insert() logger.debug("%s adding %s", ad.package, os.remove(file[0])
def choosePackage(): title = 'choose package: ' packages = Apps.getPackages() packages.append("quit") package, index = pick(packages, title) return package
def apkInfo(): # get all apks which are linked in the database # will come with [0] package [1] path_to_apk appsList = Apps().getAllApps() for apk in appsList: app = Apps() app.filesize = os.path.getsize(apk[1]) app.package = apk[0] = apk[2]"%s analyzing manifest", app.package) # run android build tool aapt and write into temp file f = open(RPDIR + "dummy", "w") cmd = ["aapt", "dump", "badging", apk[1]] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() logger.debug("%s, %s, %s", cmd, "", err) f.write(out) f.close() # read information from temp file f = open(RPDIR + "dummy", "r") for line in f: # print line p_versionname = re.compile(".*versionName='(.*?)'.*") p_versioncode = re.compile(".*versionCode='(.*?)'.*") p_icon = re.compile("application.*icon='(.*?)'.*") p_permission = re.compile("uses-permission.*'(.*?)'.*") ## if "debuggable" in line: ## print "DEBUG FLAG set for " + apk + "!!!" ## r["debugging_flag_set_in_manifest"] = 1 ## else: ## r["debugging_flag_set_in_manifest"] = 0 ## if "intent" in line: ## print "INTENT FILTER used in " + apk + "!!!" a = p_versionname.match(line) if a: app.version = #break a = p_versioncode.match(line) if a: app.versioncode = #break a = p_icon.match(line) if a: app.path_to_icon = #break a = p_permission.match(line) if a: perm.id_app = perm.id_perm = perm.insert() #break app.upsert()
def do(): if checkInstall(): forwardPort() #startApp() # get all apks which are linked in the database # will come with [0] package [1] path_to_apk appsList = Apps().getAllApps() for apk in appsList: app = Apps() app.path_to_apk = apk[1] app.package = apk[0]"%s running drozer", app.package) out, err = runDrozerCmd(app, " -a") if err: logger.error(err.strip()) logger.error( "Probably client app is not running or app not installed ..." ) else: if "No exported" in out: pass else: writeToDb("service", out, app) out, err = runDrozerCmd(app, " -a") if err: logger.error(err.strip()) logger.error( "Probably client app is not running or app not installed ..." ) else: if "No matching" in out: pass else: writeToDb("broadcast", out, app) out, err = runDrozerCmd(app, " -a") if err: logger.error(err.strip()) logger.error( "Probably client app is not running or app not installed ..." ) else: if "No matching" in out: pass else: writeToDb("provider", out, app) out, err = runDrozerCmd(app, " -a") if err: logger.error(err.strip()) logger.error( "Probably client app is not running or app not installed ..." ) else: if "No exported" in out: pass else: writeToDb("activity", out, app) out, err = runDrozerCmd(app, "app.package.attacksurface") if err: logger.error(err.strip()) logger.error( "Probably client app is not running or app not installed ..." ) else: cal = CodeAnalysis() cal.package = app.package if "is debuggable" in out: cal.debuggable = 'y' else: cal.debuggable = 'n' cal.insert() else: logger.warning("Install Drozer Client application first")