Esempio n. 1
 def backfill_returns(ticker_symbol, start, end):
     Looks for investment returns for the ticker between the given start and
     end date. If some are present, checks the last time it was backfilled
     to see if there is a gap. If so, backfills either of these gaps. If none
     are present, backfills starting with the given start date.
     @param [string] ticker_symbol Ticker symbol of the stock
     @param [Date] start Start date of the range (inclusive) of desired data
     @param [Date] end End date of the range (inclusive) of desired data
     @raise [pandas_datareader._utils.RemoteDataError] If Yahoo API response is not 200
     @raise [requests.exceptions.ConnectionError] If unable to connect to the Yahoo API
     session = Session()
     query = session.query(InvestmentReturn).\
         filter(InvestmentReturn.ticker_symbol == ticker_symbol).\
         filter(InvestmentReturn.occurred_at >= start).\
         filter(InvestmentReturn.occurred_at <= end)
     if session.query(query.exists()).scalar():
         max_occurred_at = session.query(func.max(InvestmentReturn.occurred_at)).filter(InvestmentReturn.ticker_symbol == ticker_symbol).scalar()
         if max_occurred_at < end:
             print(f'Ticker price data for ({ticker_symbol}, {max_occurred_at}, {end}) not found in the DB, backfilling it from the Yahoo API')
             new_start = date(max_occurred_at.year, max_occurred_at.month, 1)
             percentage_change_data = InvestmentReturns.get_percentage_change_data(ticker_symbol, new_start, end)
             if percentage_change_data.empty:
                 print(f'WARNING: No new ticker price data found for ({ticker_symbol}, {max_occurred_at}, {end}) in the Yahoo API')
             session.add_all([InvestmentReturn(**row) for _, row in percentage_change_data.iterrows()])
         print(f'Ticker price data for ({ticker_symbol}, {start}, {end}) not found in the DB, backfilling it from the Yahoo API')
         one_month_ago = + pd.offsets.DateOffset(months=-1)
         _, last_day = monthrange(one_month_ago.year, one_month_ago.month)
         end = date(one_month_ago.year, one_month_ago.month, last_day)
         percentage_change_data = InvestmentReturns.get_percentage_change_data(ticker_symbol, start, end)
         session.add_all([InvestmentReturn(**row) for _, row in percentage_change_data.iterrows()])
Esempio n. 2
 def write(market_type_name, data_frame):
     session = Session()
     factor_returns = FactorReturn.query_by_market_type_name(market_type_name)
     if not session.query(factor_returns.exists()).scalar():
         market_type = session.query(MarketType).filter( == market_type_name).one()
         data_frame['market_type_id'] =
         session.add_all([FactorReturn(**row) for _, row in data_frame.iterrows()])
Esempio n. 3
def populate_db():
    session = Session()

    categories = [
    session.add_all([Category(name=name) for name in categories])
