Esempio n. 1
    def __create_link(self, if1, if2, vlan1, vlan2, sliver_id):
        Generates the SE link in a proper format:
            Old: <urn_dpid_1>_<port1>_<dpid2>_<port2>_<vlan1>_<vlan2>
            New: <urn_dpid_1>_<port1>?vlan=<vlan1>-<dpid2>_<port2>?vlan=<vlan2>
        i = if1.rindex("_")
        n1, port1 = if1[0:i], if1[i+1:len(if1)]
        i = if2.rindex("_")
        n2, port2 = if2[0:i], if2[i+1:len(if2)]
        dpid2 = n2[n2.rindex("+")+1:]

        # Format of the link
        # urn:publicid:IDN+fms:psnc:serm+link+<dpid1>_<p1>?vlan=X-<dpid2>_<p2>?vlan=Y
#        cid = n1 + "_" + port1 + "-" + dpid2 + "_" + port2
#        cid = "%s_%s-%s_%s" % (n1, port1, dpid2, port2)
        cid = "%s_%s?vlan=%s-%s_%s?vlan=%s" % \
            (n1, port1, vlan1, dpid2, port2, vlan2)

        logger.debug("cid=%s, node-id=%s, vlan1=%s, vlan2=%s, \
                     port-num1=%s, port-num2=%s" %
                     (cid, n1, vlan1, vlan2, port1, port2,))
        typee, cm_name = db_sync_manager.get_se_link_info(n1 + "_" + port1)

        l = SELink(cid, typee, cm_name, sliver=sliver_id)
        return l
Esempio n. 2
    def __create_link(self, if1, if2, vlan1, vlan2, sliver_id):
        Generates the SE link in a proper format:
        i = if1.rindex("_")
        n1, num1 = if1[0:i], if1[i+1:len(if1)]
        i = if2.rindex("_")
        n2, num2 = if2[0:i], if2[i+1:len(if2)]
        dpid2 = n2[n2.rindex("+")+1:]

        cid = n1 + "_" + num1 + "_" + dpid2 + "_" + num2
        logger.debug("cid=%s, node-id=%s, port-num1=%s, port-num2=%s" %
                     (cid, n1, num1, num2,))
        typee, cm_name = db_sync_manager.get_se_link_info(n1 + "_" + num1)

        l = SELink(cid, typee, cm_name, sliver=sliver_id)
        l.add_interface_ref(if1, vlan1)
        l.add_interface_ref(if2, vlan2)
        return l